One Sword to Immortality

741. Senior Agent

Xu Ruo became the Lord of Donghuangtian. Most of the old people in the police department naturally settled in Donghuangtian. Even the headquarters of the police department was moved to Ember Mountain. 【Read full text】

Xu Luo didn't have any intention of avoiding suspicion, he just thought it would be more convenient. Anyway, he spent more time in Donghuangtian, and it was convenient for him to handle official duties. However, the officers of the police department under him are all thoughtful and understand deeply that it is impossible for the Great Demon Heaven to leave such an important unit as the police department to someone from another realm.

Therefore, the police department has already formed internal divisions. This division is not dominated by Xu, but a choice made by the old and new members of the police department.

Therefore, the police department of Da Yaotian is actually under the jurisdiction of Xu Liao in name only. In fact, the police department of Donghuangtian is no longer involved in Da Yaotian's affairs. The deputy minister in charge of affairs of Da Yaotian has been He is no longer considered a promised person.

Long Qi'er resigned from the Ten Thousand Demons Association for this reason. Originally, the police department took great care of her, but after changing the person in charge, there were more and more petty difficulties and indifference. It was better to start her own company. of refreshing.

Only Long Qi'er knew about the internal affairs of the police department, and the outside world didn't know much about it.

The rules set by the Police Department have never been changed, so the reputation of the Police Department has always been good in Da Yao Tian. Even if there are any internal bad things, they have been covered up. Ordinary The monster has no way of knowing.

Long Qi'er didn't want to get involved with the police department, so he sent several waves of communications with the battle beast, hoping to cancel the alarm.

Although Zhou Shengyu suppressed the demon handsome son of Tu Xing Monkey King, they were the ones who called the police after all, and... there was no big damage. As long as he could suppress it for a few days, Long Qi'er would be sure to find someone to tell the truth and deal with it properly. The beginning and end of this matter.

Long Qi'er didn't know yet that the monsters that Zhou Shengyu had suppressed had turned into chaos... He thought that these people were not dead yet and just needed to be released.

The Five Elements Chaotic Hole Great Grasping Technique is to first create a chaotic hole. All living things will be swallowed into it, and they will turn into the power of chaos. It is like an extra engine or Dantian, which can provide the host with powerful and abundant chaotic demonic power.

Any creature that is swallowed up... will be turned into chaotic demonic power.

Otherwise, if these guys are still alive, won't they be rebelling sooner or later? Back then, Gu Shentong extracted the Dao veins from several demons and trained them into Thousand Falcon Pans. It was made using this method. Of course, these demons who were trained into Thousand Falcon Pans would no longer be alive.

Long Qier made several calls, but was rejected continuously. She was stunned for a moment.

I seem to understand something.

Long Qi'er failed to suppress the matter and withdrew the alarm, so not long after, ten monster motorcycles dropped down outside the shop. The leading detective looked businesslike and shouted: "One suspect , come out immediately, squat on the ground, and accept inspection. If there is any disobedience, immediately kill on the spot."

Long Qi'er's face changed slightly, with this attitude of speaking, and the fact that the person who came forward was a stranger, not an agent she was familiar with, it was obvious that someone had done it secretly, but she didn't understand why such a small matter, To be able to be secretly manipulated.

She straightened her clothes, slowly walked out of the shop, and then squatted down according to the rules.

At this time, it was very unwise for those who resisted the police department. Only by asking someone to consult afterwards to find out what happened and who took action can they find a way to escape unscathed.

When a detective saw Long Qi'er squatting down, he laughed ferociously and grabbed her hair with his hand. Judging from the posture, he actually wanted to drag her back. This is to completely lose face and use the method of arresting the ferocious monster Zong Law to deal with Long Qi'er, who has not been convicted at all.

Zhou Shengyu also followed him out of the shop. He was slightly surprised when he saw this scene. Without thinking, he flipped his palm and found a small cauldron. This was a change from the Yuan Xiang cauldron that he had learned from Xu Liao when he first learned Taoism.

The Yuanxiang Cauldron is the first of the thirty-six transformations of the Jade Cauldron lineage of spiritual treasures. It is one of the six transformations of the real state. It turns into a treasure cauldron that can swallow innate spirits and has the most infinite power to defend against enemies.

Zhou Shengyu had mastered the transformation of the Yuan Xiang Cauldron back then and had become very good at it. Although the technique was abolished, he could still gain some foundation with a little practice. Although the Yuan Xiang Cauldron transformation he used at this time was not one ten thousandth as powerful as when he was at his peak, it was enough...

Block everything!

The detective who caught Long Qi'er swayed and was taken into the Yuan Xiang Cauldron.

This is what Zhou Shengyu remembered. The police department was his master's subordinates, and if they were not suitable for killing, he would just use the Five Elements Hungry Big Capture technique.

If you are hit by the Five Elements Hung Hole Great Grasping Technique, you will be dead or alive. The Yuan Xiang Cauldron can at least save one life, but of course it won't last long. If it takes a little longer, it will be transformed by the Yuan Xiang Cauldron.

Zhou Shengyu stretched out his hand to help Long Qier up. The nine detectives riding the monster motorcycle had cruel looks in their eyes, and no one even stopped Zhou Shengyu.

Long Qi'er felt a chill in her heart. She knew the rules. She was caught and humiliated, but as long as she didn't resist, she could get away with it. After all, she had not violated any laws of the Ten Thousand Demons Association. But it was different when Zhou Shengyu started fighting with people from the police department.

"What a pity! Zhao Yanqin and Qu Lei recently went on a trip. Otherwise, with their connections, they should be able to settle this matter. Now... I can only ask Granny Huai."

The cadres of the police department, such as Cui Ying, had already gone to Donghuangtian, so the only person Long Qi'er could think of to ask for help at this moment was Granny Huai, and even Zhao Yanqin and Qu Lei couldn't find them for the time being.

The leading agent leaned up and pulled out a shotgun from his back. This was the latest equipment of the Ten Thousand Demons Association. An ordinary monster can exert at most one percent of its demonic power with one blow, and it will take more than a hundred hits to exhaust its demonic power. But this shotgun can continuously inject demonic power, and can seal the demonic power of a casual blow at the demon general level into a piece of ammunition.

A monster using this shotgun can use ten or even twenty days to compress the monster's power and turn it into a piece of ammunition. Although it takes a long time, it is also extremely powerful during battle.

If it can be held for a long time, the magazine of such a shotgun can hold hundreds of pills, which can theoretically give any ordinary monster a hundred-hit monster-level lethality. Of course, in reality, level seven demon warriors and below cannot use this kind of shotgun, because they may not be able to compress a single ammunition in a year or two.

The leading agent drew his weapon, and his men followed suit and pulled out shotguns of the same style, all with sinister smiles on their faces.

Long Qier's heart suddenly sank to the bottom...

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