One Sword to Immortality

753. The Spirit of Yellow Turban

King Ying himself carried the body of a Yellow Turban Warrior. After all, Xu Liao was also proficient in the method of worshiping gods in Zhoutian and knew how to make a Yellow Turban Warrior.

King Ying released the Tianzhou outside the Yellow Turban City as usual, and then he got a ray of thought and activated the body of the Yellow Turban Warrior that he carried with him. He himself was sitting on the sky boat, and the yellow turban warrior's body jumped down, and swaggered into the yellow turban city.

Although there are countless yellow turban warriors in the Yellow Turban City, King Ying's body of a yellow turban warrior is at the level of a demon commander, and Xu Jiayi has been training for many years, and he has already reached the peak of the demon commander. If not for King Ying's request, he would have been a demon commander. He kept what he used for himself.

King Ying was naked except for a circle of decoration around his waist. His feet were made of gold straw shoes with all ten toes exposed. There was a ribbon on his shoulder and back, and he held a double-edged spear. He had a handsome face and a handsome figure. Strong and tall.

The old man walked into the Yellow Turban City and immediately sensed the presence of the Golden Mother.

The Yellow Turban warriors have quite a lot of telepathy among them, but this telepathy is very rough. As their strength increases, this telepathy will become stronger. King Ying is at the peak level of the Demon Commander, so the Golden Mother will also be sensitive to him. King Ying sent a thought to him, and without turning around, the Golden Mother called him to worship.

King Ying's journey was unobstructed. Even if other Yellow Turban warriors noticed him, they did not dare to stop him. After all, the body of the Yellow Turban Warrior used by King Ying at this time was extremely high in cultivation. There were not many Yellow Turban warriors in the Yellow Turban City who could. Can hold it down.

Although the Yellow Turban Warriors resemble living beings, they are ultimately different from living beings.

Humans will be suspicious, but the Yellow Turban Warriors will not. As long as the rules are followed, they will abide by them unconditionally, no matter how ridiculous it is.

So even though no Yellow Turban warrior had ever seen King Ying, no one stopped him, allowing him to reach the core of the Yellow Turban City and see the sleeping Golden Mother.

The Golden Mother was still sleeping in the egg of light, with only a ray of thought awakening, calling in a low voice: "My child! Who are you? Why did you come to me?"

King Ying suppressed a golden silk book. When the golden silk book fell on the light egg, it immediately turned into nothing and merged into the light egg.

Not long after, Golden Mother suddenly opened her eyes, with a divine light in her eyes, looking at King Ying, and said calmly: "I know who you are, and I also know why you are here. I don't know. I will give up the Yellow Turban City, but I will not give up my children. If you want to destroy this place, please destroy me first!"

King Ying had no idea how things would change. He took a deep breath and said nonchalantly: "May I know the content of that letter?"

King Ying was also very curious.

Why did Xu have such a strange reaction after sending two letters in a row? The Queen of Heaven actually wanted Donghuangtian to help her become a Heavenly Demon, and the Mother of Gold actually thought that she wanted to destroy the Yellow Turban City and all the Yellow Turban warriors.

The Golden Mother said calmly: "Don't you want to adjust the core of all the Yellow Turban Warriors and transform them into Yellow Turban Spirits? They will die and will no longer be their original children. I will not agree to this."

King Ying couldn't help but ask: "What is the spirit of the Yellow Turban?"

King Ying really didn't know what the yellow scarf spirit that Xu Luo had created was, so he asked this question.

The Golden Mother looked at him deeply, the light in her eyes became brighter and brighter. Finally, the succubus goddess said lightly: "You want to know?"

King Ying nodded, and Golden Mother said: "Okay! I will let you know what the Yellow Turban Spirit is."

With a gentle touch of the golden mother's jade hand, she grabbed King Ying and dragged him into the light egg. Then he clasped his hands together and held King Ying in his arms. As a yellow scarf warrior, King Ying was tall, seven or eight meters tall, but when he was held in the arms of the Golden Mother, who was more than 20 meters tall, he became like a suckling child, especially when the Golden Mother hugged him to her chest. The position was very awkward, and he couldn't even open his mouth, nor could he even open his mouth.

The Golden Mother said softly: "I will turn you into the spirit of the Yellow Turban. I believe that if you become the spirit of the Yellow Turban, you will know what this is."

King Ying wanted to refuse, but before he could say anything, there was a sudden roar in his mind and he fell into a strange world.

King Ying had also been in and out of the East Palace several times and knew the world in the Green Dragon Seal. Therefore, this sense of familiarity made him know that he had fallen into the inheritance seal of the Yellow Turban Hercules, which is the gold that gave birth to the Golden Mother. The egg, the transformed world.

King Ying stretched his body and suddenly stood up. He saw from a distance that a battle was taking place not far away. The two sides fighting were both extremely fierce. One of them was covered in gold and had a tall body, while the other was just an ordinary person. But his body is extremely strong, and he doesn't seem to be an ordinary human being.

King Ying looked at it for a long time, and suddenly his heart moved slightly, and he thought to himself: "The two warring parties seem to be the divine humans from Taiqing Heaven and the golden race from Taihuang Heaven."

King Ying used secret methods to observe, and he felt more and more that the two warring parties were very similar to these two spiritual species, but they were completely different in subtle ways.

It seems that the god-human side exudes the power of chaos. It is neither demonic power, nor spiritual power, nor magic power, but mixed with the power of the Holy Spirit and demons. It is not divided into five elements. In fact, it is more similar to the ancestor of human beings.

It's just that they are more ferocious than the ancestors of humans. They can only fight with their strong bodies. They have almost no martial arts skills and are just naturally powerful.

It seems that the golden race obviously uses spiritual power, but they do not have the flexibility of intelligent creatures. They are more like magic warriors controlled by artificial spiritual consciousness and programmed combat programs.

This aspect is very similar to the Yellow Turban Warriors!

King Ying secretly thought: "Could this be a battlefield experiment done by Thirty-Three Heavens before building the Yellow Turban Hercules?"

King Ying watched for a while, only to find that the tall golden giants were retreating steadily. When the battle collapsed, the ancestor humans began a bloody massacre. These beheaded golden giants were not like the Yellow Turban Warriors, who only had rune cores in their bodies, but had golden blood and were living creatures.

King Ying watched the battle for a long time and finally decided to join the battle. He drank lightly and floated into the air. He found that his strength had not dropped at all and he was still at the peak of the demon commander. He immediately waved from a distance and sent out a black gold air blade, killing ten people. The rest of the ancestor humans were beheaded.

With King Ying joining the battle, the situation of the battle was reversed in an instant. King Ying also knew that the world of inheritance talismans was between reality and reality. It had the imprint of the long history and would not be destroyed. It could fight unscrupulously. , all did not hold back at all, and quickly killed all the ancestors of mankind.

When he killed the last ancestor human, the golden giant suddenly lifted him up and shouted leader. He obviously regarded him as the savior and naturally regarded him as the leader.

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