One Sword to Immortality

764. Heaven’s way brings good reincarnation

Yuxu sacrificed the Purple Qiong Yuxu Eight Lights Tower, and thousands of purple qi fell down. Whenever a chaotic demon touched it, it would be rolled up by the purple energy and sent into the Purple Qiong Yuxu Eight Lights Tower.

This treasure given by heaven has infinite power. Even if I stood aside to watch it, I was secretly amazed.

The three of them joined forces to subdue the demon lord entrenched here again. This time, it was Yuxu who stepped forward to capture the demon lord's subordinates. These chaotic demons followed their masters differently, and naturally followed different paths. The demon lord's subordinates cultivated demonic energy. There are many people like him. Fortunately, this monster has no brain or memory. Even if his brain is wiped out, it will not affect anything.

Yuxu relied on the treasure of heaven to sweep away all the demons for a day, and then returned to the Great Ahan Reincarnation Blood Sea Formation and threw all the demons into it.

The blood god transformed by King Lingsi was firmly suppressing the demon king who was newly thrown into the blood sea of ​​samsara. The two big monsters were fighting fiercely in the blood sea of ​​samsara.

Originally there was not much difference in strength between the two great demons, but the blood god transformed by King Lingsi was backed by the sea of ​​​​blood of reincarnation and was not afraid of losses. No matter how much the demon power was lost, it could be replenished from the sea of ​​​​blood of reincarnation. The newly suppressed demon king naturally Instead of being treated well like this, he was constantly being swallowed up by the blood sea of ​​reincarnation, his essence, blood and mana. After fighting fiercely for a long time, he gradually became unable to support himself.

When Yuxu returned, Xu You and Qingxu respectfully invited him to take action together, knocking this demon king down to the deepest part of reincarnation. In just over ten days, this demon king reborn from the blood sea of ​​reincarnation and was born again. Killed a blood god.

Qingxu raised his palms and laughed, shouting: "We originally wanted to persuade the ancient monsters to fight against the hybrid ancestors together. If these monsters are so easy to surrender, why do we need to spend so much time talking? Just push them all the way. "

Yuxu was a little worried, and said: "This formation is quite powerful. If it can be used, it can indeed suppress the ancestor of the hybrid demon. But if this formation gets out of control in the future, wouldn't it also bring trouble to the world? Compared with the ancestor of the hybrid demon, I’m afraid it will be even harder to subdue.”

Qingxu defended: "This formation is under our control, how could it get out of control?"

Yuxu did not defend himself, but just looked at Xu Liao. Xu Liao knew it well, smiled slightly, and said: "If this formation can be completely refined, it can be included in the way of heaven and become a part of the way of heaven. It will be governed by the way of heaven." Jurisdiction, naturally there is no time and space."

Yuxu was a little puzzled when he heard this, and asked: "How can this formation be included in the way of heaven?"

Xu Li immediately talked about the wonders of reincarnation. In fact, there was no reincarnation in ancient times. Death is death. Unless there is a residual soul that escapes and is reborn by secret methods, there is no theory of reincarnation.

He promised, but he had received many blessings from Heaven, and after some calculations, he vaguely realized that Heaven's Law was lacking, so he came up with this idea.

He was talking to Yuxu and Qingxu about how to create the method of reincarnation. Suddenly, the heavens shook, and strips of auspicious energy came down again, covering the three of them. In just a moment, the three people's magic power increased by one level.

After Xu had cultivated more than 20 Dao meridians, he had already cultivated thirty-nine Dao meridians including his original cultivation level. His cultivation level had leapt thousands of miles, saving at least hundreds of years of hard work.

Yuxu and Qingxu are similar. The two of them were originally favored by heaven. Unlike Xu, who still has Zhou Zhang, this time they have received the favor of heaven, and their strength has soared all the way. Their skills even faintly exceeded Xu by one or two points, and they each refined it. There are more than fifty channels.

Xu Lio was secretly surprised and thought to himself: "I didn't expect that the theory of reincarnation would be favored by heaven! But why is it that I proposed this method, but the two of them benefited more?"

Xu Luo felt a little unsatisfied when the heaven suddenly dropped another inexplicable object, which landed in Xu Luo's Niwan Palace and turned into a ball of gleaming light!

Xu Nuo was overjoyed, but he knew that if he kept this thing in his hand, it would not be as useful as sending it to the deity. However, at this time, the six realms of the heavens had drifted to the highest point in the void. Even if he did not hesitate to spend Nuo's magic power, he would not be able to do it. Can't connect. At this time, Xu's combat clone was unable to teleport this inexplicable thing to Donghuang Heaven.

His heart moved slightly. Just before this inexplicable mass was about to be transformed into a treasure of heaven,

Suppress it firmly so that it cannot change.

Yuxu and Qingxu were also quite happy at this time, especially Yuxu, who had some doubts about Xu, but at this time, God favored him, and he no longer hesitated at all. He gave Xu a long salute and said: " It’s wrong for the younger brother to doubt the elder brother!”

Xu laughed and said: "This should be the case. You and I were born in the ancient times, and were favored by heaven. We want to protect all people and fight against the demons in the ancient times. In the future, we may have to fight against the six realms of the heavens. If not How can we reach the end of heaven step by step by supporting each other with unparalleled sincerity? If we can't explain some small things clearly, how can we not have grudges in our hearts? That's how it should be, be honest and honest, and be honest with each other. This is the virtue of seeking the truth!"

Yuxu nodded and saluted, and his heart suddenly felt relaxed. Qingxu also laughed and said: "Senior Brother Taixu is generous! Although we have attained enlightenment together, it is obvious to Senior Brother Taixu that you and I have deeper insights and further ideas. We are the right ones." You should trust Senior Brother Taixu, if you have anything to say, just say it to Wuji."

After this incident, the three of them felt a sudden surge of light in their hearts, and their bond became deeper.

The three of them practiced hard on their own, and did not go back to Daofeng Xuanjing Palace. They digested the harvest of this trip first, and then after a brief discussion, they selected another demon god.

The prehistoric land is vast, and even Xu can't know it all. When he used the power of Donghuangtian, he couldn't detect the limit of the prehistoric land. Within the scope of his knowledge, there were about fifty-four big demons who were promoted to demon gods and demon kings. Cultivation levels are different. The most profound six heads have also cultivated to the limit of demon gods, and may break through to a higher level at any time. Only the hybrid demon ancestor has cultivated to become a demon king.

After becoming a demon, your thoughts are confused and your wisdom weakens. Although you can practice faster, it is more difficult to break through. Therefore, it is not as easy as becoming a demon to become a demon god.

Xu Liao, Yuxu, Qingxu, of course would not provoke those demons, gods and demons with profound cultivation. After all, even if the three of them had the help of formations, they would not be able to defeat those powerful demons and giants.

The demon god they chose this time is slightly better than King Lingsi and the demon lord they just suppressed, but it is not much stronger. It has only been two or three thousand years since they have been a demon god. However, they have always been harmless to humans and animals, and rarely violated human nature. country, so the three of them were full of confidence and quite hopeful that they could persuade this demon god.

Xu Le, Yuxu, and Qingxu activated the Great Ahan Reincarnation Blood Sea Formation, turning it into a surging sea of ​​blood. Within a few days, they arrived at a mountainous area. None of the three of them had been here before. See When I arrived at this mountain farm, I couldn't help but feel slightly stunned.

According to the human kingdom, this place is divided into dozens of cities. Each city has a temple. Each temple worships a beauty with the body of a dragon and the tail of a dragon. This beauty has a beaded crown on her head and is quite majestic, like a human empress.

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