One Sword to Immortality

772. Soaring to great heights

Ancestor Beiming wants to grab the golden flower, how can the other five demon gods tolerate it?

Even Patriarch Ji Hao and Patriarch Hongyun gave up their fight and breathed flaming yellow smoke together, turning into fierce fire clouds to stop Patriarch Beiming.

The ancestor of Beiming was happy and not afraid. He practiced Beiming True Water, and his whole body was made of Beiming True Water. Most of all, he was not afraid of the flames. When he was swayed by the wind, he turned into a thousand-foot black mountain, and fiercely bounced away the two ancestors. But he was stopped by the other three ancestors.

These three ancestors were all beasts, and their bodies were extremely huge. They actually forcibly broke the body of the ancestor Beiming. Although the ancestor Beiming hurriedly repaired the monster body, he could only watch the ancestor Ji Yan recover again. Soar high into the sky and reach out to grab the golden flower.

Among the several demon gods, only Ancestor Hongyun was able to slow down. The other ancestors were entangled together and could not take action. He also roared wildly, and the demon body no longer condensed, but turned into a ball of thousands of miles of fire cloud, and directly hit it. Go up.

Ancestor Hongyun's monster body was so huge that it almost burned half of the sky. It was even a hundred times wider than the calamity cloud transformed by the thousands of golden swords seduced by Taixu Golden Flower.

With his current poor moral practice, even if he could evolve into a catastrophe, he would not be able to hurt the great demon god who has developed more than twenty true veins. It can be said that these demon gods are the ones with the strongest cultivation among the demons in the ancient world. If not, Xu Zuo would not have used scheming to give up leading Yuxu and Qingxu, and mobilized the Great Ahan Reincarnation Blood Sea Formation to attack.

It's not that he is willing but not willing, it's that his strength is insufficient, so he can win with wisdom.

Ancestor Hongyun wrapped up both Ancestor Ji Yan and Taixu Golden Flower in his body. He let out a huge roar and wanted to escape, but the other demons and gods refused. Ancestor Beiming relied on his huge body to escape. , jumped up and smashed the fire cloud.

These great ancient monsters started fighting fiercely, the sky collapsed and the earth split, and the sun and moon lost all light.

Under Xu Leo's secret guidance, the six demon gods no longer moved towards the Ten Thousand Demon Pond. The six ancestors just pushed them all the way. Not to mention the loss of life, one of them blocked the way of the six demon gods to seize the golden flower. Above, the demon god who set up the mountain farm also saw it from a distance. He didn't dare to provoke him lightly, abandoned the mountain farm, took a group of domestic demons with him, and walked away.

Little did he know that the six demon gods had already fought out the evil fire. They no longer cared about anything else. They just wanted to kill the other opponents and seize the golden flower. The battle became more and more fierce.

This battle lasted for several years. The six demon gods rolled over and fought until they reached a peak. This peak can be regarded as a wonder in the ancient times. It is **kilometers high and reaches straight into the clouds. However, the top and bottom are of the same thickness and are only ordinary. Thousands of years old trees.

If you look at it from a distance, it is like a black needle stuck in the earth, unmoved by the wind and rugged.

There are many such wonders in the ancient land, so I didn't care about it. No one paid attention to other monsters. However, this time the six monsters and gods fought fiercely and unknowingly arrived at the side of this lonely peak.

A big demon god spread his arms, covering the sky and the sun. With a wave of his hand, he touched this lonely peak.

The demon god didn't take it seriously. He just thought that with a casual touch, this needle-like solitary peak would break into countless pieces. However, he didn't expect that this solitary peak suddenly burst into black light and was only deflected by the smash. Still standing.

This big demon god also reacted quickly. He grabbed the solitary peak with his backhand. The solitary peak itself was already out of reach, but he did not expect that when he pulled out, the solitary peak would be buried underground. The part is longer than the exposed part.

The solitary peak was pulled out of the ground by the big demon god. With a slight shake, it turned into a large tasselless spear. It was as thick as a pen barrel but extremely long. With a slight shake from the big demon, it turned into a large spear. It gave birth to a dull clang, which seemed to have been buried for millions of years. Finally, it came out, and I couldn't help but feel proud.

The big demon god was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed and shouted: "It turns out there is such a treasure in the world, thanks to my good luck!"

The name of this great demon god is Feihuang Patriarch. Its original form is a Pegasus, with eight legs and six wings. It is handsome in its original form and is born with the divine seed. Therefore, it can practice quickly and break through to realms that other monsters cannot hope for.

Ancestor Feihuang held a magic spear in his hand, and his demonic power suddenly increased steadily. This was because his own demonic power resonated with this magic spear, just like some kind of martial arts that can cultivate both yin and yang. When they join forces, they can transfer their internal power to each other. , enhance the overall combat effectiveness.

Ancestor Feihuang looked at the demon gods who were still fighting for the Taixu Golden Flower. He suddenly laughed, jumped into the void with all his strength, and actually walked away on his own, no longer paying attention to the remaining demon gods.

Xu looked at it from a distance and couldn't help but feel a little inexplicable emotion.

Back on Earth, although there was no shortage of spiritual weapons, divine weapons, and various fighting beasts, there were very few treasures that could be used to overturn high-level monsters with one in hand. All treasures depended on the cultivation of the operator. Only in order to be able to exert its power.

Therefore, even if you have magic weapons in hand, it will be difficult to defeat the demon gods and celestial demons.

Because of this shortcoming of the divine weapon, Xu Liu always thought that the prehistoric era would not breed any powerful treasures. Even if he was favored by heaven, he was given the Taixu Golden Flower, the Jade Void Purple Qiong, and the Jade Void Eight Light Tower. Qingxu Xuantian Qingxu was given many swords, and he didn't think too much about it.

However, Ancestor Feihuang accidentally obtained a magic spear, which made him vaguely feel that something was wrong, and he quickly made calculations. After he calculated for several days, Xu Zuo suddenly realized that in fact, the world was opened and the chaos was not divided. There should be countless treasures scattered in the ancient wilderness. It was just that the wisdom of the demons in the ancient wilderness was too low to know the use of these treasures, so the treasures would Gradually it became dusty and covered itself up.

These natural treasures were actually supposed to be powerful demons, but they failed to breed spiritual consciousness, only tyrannical power.

Xu sighed slightly and said to himself: "What happened to the two generations of heaven in the past? Even the treasures conceived in the ancient times and the treasures given by heaven have disappeared together?"

Xu Luo calculated that he had learned some of the mysteries of the ancient times, and he wanted to find treasures in the ancient times, but he knew that these ancient treasures and the treasures of heaven must have a chance. If he went to search for it by himself, he would only be able to find some spiritual soldiers at most. , it doesn’t help you much.

Ancestor Feihuang got the magic gun and escaped, Ancestor Beiming, Ancestor Hongyun, Ancestor Ji Yan, and the other two great demon gods. Their interest in fighting suddenly weakened a bit, but they still rolled around and continued to fight. Everyone They wanted to snatch the Taixu Golden Flower, but everyone secretly regretted it. Why didn't they notice the lonely peak just now?

Ancestor Beiming was condensing his demon body. After all, he was a great demon from ancient times and did not know the subtle magic. When fighting, he was used to bumping into monsters with his huge body. Suddenly he saw Ancestor Hongyun suddenly falling down and restraining the thousands of miles of fire clouds. ...(Tianjin Novel Network)

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