Practicing Holy Light Qi will either damage the human body and reduce lifespan, or it will transform into Holy Light. Although Holy Light transformation can extend life span, no one has ever known how to complete it completely. Many members of the Western hermit sect have At the beginning of the Holy Light Transformation, the lifespan can be extended, but as the Holy Light Transformation is completely completed, it will turn into a ball of Holy Light, without any consciousness, leaving only the purest power, which is often used for inheritance. To the juniors.

Therefore, many people who practice Holy Light Qi suppress their cultivation at the beginning of Holy Light Transformation and desperately delay the complete completion of Holy Light Transformation in order to preserve their own sanity.

It wasn't until William cultivated the Holy Spirit that it was proved that it is possible to completely transform into the Holy Light. As long as one can break through the realm of the Saint and step into the threshold of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Light transformation can not only retain consciousness, but is also reversible and can transform life forms at any time. , reincarnated into human flesh, but into the state of physical body, and the strength will fall back to that of a saint.

The most important thing is that after transforming into the state of a saint, the physical body ages extremely slowly, almost comparable to that of a handsome demon at the same level.

William is the beacon for this fleet, the Taiqing Order, and all Western hermits!

So when he floated into the air, the entire fleet cheered. They had been sailing for hundreds of years and almost turned into fish. Then they finally saw land. What could not be happy? Especially when William floated into the air, he declared loudly: "Ahead! This is the land where we are destined to build a kingdom. Everyone can get enough land to build their own family and become a free and unruly people!"

The reason why the Western hermit sect has this name is because almost all hermit sects prefer to avoid the world and return to an idyllic life. Most of them live in inaccessible places or in small towns, or even in almost A village without people is peaceful and tranquil.

Even these people don't care much about the continuation of life. Otherwise, they would have changed to practice demon magic that can extend their lifespan.

The life William talked about was exactly the life they had been striving for and dreamed of.

After William announced that he had arrived at his destination, he turned into a pure white light and flew to the continent before everyone else. Although he didn't know how huge this continent was, it was at least dozens of miles wider than the American continent. A hundred times, the land and mineral deposits are unimaginably rich.

Especially since William's divine will swept tens of thousands of miles away and still found no prehistoric monster that could rival him, he couldn't help but let go of his worries.

As long as there are no powerful prehistoric demons, this is fertile ground for peace and security.

William withdrew his will and looked at the land below. With a wave of his hand, vertical and horizontal light like a chessboard fell down. Wherever his holy light swept, the trees automatically arranged neatly, dividing the land into small grids. A single square of land contains about a thousand acres, which is equivalent to more than 6,000 acres of land in the city.

This land area is enough for a family to be self-sufficient. It can be fully cultivated. It belongs to the family's rations and can even have surplus products to exchange with other families.

This kind of shrubs and trees are arranged neatly, forming the dividing line of each house. Only with the holy power of the demon god level can such incredible miracles be completed. If it were a demon commander level demon, no matter what spells he practiced, Can't do this.

William divided hundreds of thousands of miles of land, and people kept rushing onto the land. They hurriedly picked the place they liked, planted a flag, and occupied the residence that belonged to their family.

The land occupied by William is hundreds of times more than the needs of the Taiqing Order with a population of hundreds of thousands. Therefore, there is no shortage of land. Most families prefer land close to the sea, so those on the seaside The place was occupied first.

Fortunately, William himself is also a well-educated scholar and has planned the road in advance. Every family will have no problem traveling. In coastal areas, there is a winding coastal avenue along the coastline, which will not cause any problems. certain issues.

Across the far eastern sea, the Taiqing Order found land and settled down,

In fact, there are still people who know about this kind of thing, such as Xu Dao who is cultivating in Donghuang Heaven.

His fighting avatar of the Ten-Phase God-Devil Splitting Heaven Technique sent the inexplicable object passed down from heaven to the Donghuang Tianyi Group. After promising to be in seclusion for hundreds of years, he already vaguely understood the origin of the object.

After repeated calculations, he put this inexplicable object into the Golden Ring of Transcendence and set about refining this treasure.

Xu Ruo has now not only reached the ninth chapter of the Nine Element Calculation Sutra, but also the Chaos Calculation has broken through to the highest level. Therefore, when refining the Tribulation-Transcending Golden Ring, he used the two major calculation methods to combine and sacrifice. This Tribulation-Transcending Golden Ring The golden ring received an inexplicable gift from heaven, and after being sacrificed and refined for hundreds of years, it finally underwent transformation.

On the day when the golden ring of overcoming the tribulation was forged, the East Emperor Heaven shone brightly, and the void suddenly shook. The East Emperor Heaven, which had been rising, finally reached a certain heavenly realm, and was placed down by the power of heaven and earth, and could no longer be shaken.

After Donghuangtian was stabilized, it was disintegrated by the power of heaven and earth, and became the only one with this side of the sky!

From thirty-six caves and seventy-two virtual realms, they transformed into thirty-six realms and seventy-two caves. The seventy-two caves are seventy-two portals. As long as there are powerful monsters and advanced monks to suppress them, It can protect the safety of the Thirty-Six Worlds from being invaded by any force.

Xu Lio was still a little confused at first, but it happened that the golden ring of transcending tribulation was re-refined at this time. The re-refined golden ring of transcending tribulation broke through the level of a divine weapon. Originally, this treasure was a demon-god level with eighty-one true veins. The most precious treasure, the inexplicable thing that obtained the way of heaven at this time, and at the right time, Donghuangtian and Tianyu merged and turned into Taitian! Therefore, the Golden Ring of Transcendence broke through the limitations of divine weapons and turned into an immortal weapon!

With the help of this second immortal weapon from ancient times, Xu Luo immediately knew many things, understood countless mysteries, and had a deep understanding of the world that almost no one could compare to except those old guys.

When the world turns into Taitian, it can replace the Dao of Heaven, control the authority of the Dao of Heaven, and suppress all living things in the world. All things with spiritual consciousness in the eight voids and nine orifices are under the control of the Dao of Heaven, and they are also under the control of Taitian. Within control.

At that time, Yang Shuhua once said: The ancient prehistoric era is about to begin. Not long after, it will be the era of heavenly demons and immortals. Haojitian and Thirty-Three Heavens are destined not to appear, but other Taitians will definitely be born. Who will Everyone should strive to be the protagonist for a while. Whoever can be promoted to a heavenly demon or become an immortal is qualified to do so.

Xu Luo knew at this time that the other five world heavens must have become Taitian, which had eroded the authority of Heavenly Dao. The next step was the battle between Sixth Heavenly Heaven and Heavenly Dao, and the Great Desolate World!

Whoever wins will become the protagonist of this era! (Tianjin Novel Network)

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