One Sword to Immortality

788. 28 sacred mountains in the wilderness

"Xumi, Penglai, Buzhou, Kunlun, Dafang, Qingqiu, Qianyuan, Jiugong, Jinting, Kongtong, Taiyue... Aren't these the twenty-eight sacred mountains in ancient legends?"

Xu Zuo did a little calculation and knew the origin of the eleven points of starlight in his palm.

This information has been circulated among the Ten Thousand Demons Association.

In ancient times, there were a total of twenty-eight sacred mountains. They were either ruled by celestial demons or occupied by real immortals. Each sacred mountain was elusive and unpredictable. It was impossible to climb it without the owner's permission. Even if one possesses supreme supernatural powers and various magical powers, , I can only look forward and sigh, unable to find a way out.

It's just that most of these twenty-eight sacred mountains have been recorded, and they have been destroyed by people with great supernatural powers, or collapsed due to disasters. Even the sacred mountains that have not been destroyed have disappeared without a trace.

Although Xu Lao had read the records about the twenty-eight sacred mountains in Taihuang, he didn't take it seriously because at that time, he didn't have the time to pay attention to this unexplained legend. Even if they are destroyed, it has nothing to do with him. Even if these sacred mountains are still there, what good will they do to him? Is it still possible to travel?

But when these eleven sacred mountains rise and fall in the palm of his hand, they are ethereal, shimmering with rays of light and mist. There are also all kinds of exotic flowers and plants on the mountains, as well as... countless - Yuan Fei Lingshi!

Xu Liao found that these eleven holy mountains were filled with Yuan Fei Lingshi that had not yet given birth to the ancient stone demon, so he almost threw these eleven hills away.

Except for the discovery of the one-dimensional fetus spirit stone under Jiang Shang's guidance, he has never discovered this object again. He has never discovered any ancient stone demon in the ancient land that can be detected with his magic power. Although Xu Lio knew that the ancient stone demon would definitely not become extinct because of this, he never thought about how it could have anything to do with him.

It can be seen that his mood is extremely complicated when he sees these eleven sacred mountains in his hands.

He even wondered whether Emperor Fantian, Emperor Haotian, even his teacher Jiang Shang, Heavenly Court Chief Panxiang, and even his other teacher Yuding were in his hands...

This is definitely not a hand full of "descendants", but a hand full of bosses and teachers, and there is another kind of wonder.

"I don't know what the sacred mountain in Jie Yin's hands looks like, or whether it contains the powerful role of the ancient stone demon." Xu sighed deeply, and his mind was racing with thoughts.

His awakening was due to his natural bloodline, and his learning of various spells was a coincidence. Even becoming the Lord of the East Emperor Heaven was the result of the encouragement of his teacher Jiang Shang and even several bosses of the Ten Thousand Demons Association. For thousands of years, 90% of his abilities were involuntarily host.

Later, he also began to try to be a chess player, breaking away from the identity of a chess piece, but he was still trembling, as if surrounded by countless calculations, and he did not have the courage to break through the sky.

Until he suddenly made a decision to leave a fighting clone in the wilderness, the world suddenly changed.

First of all, he gained the favor of Heaven and became one of the three human beings.

Then he received the gift of Heaven, obtained three inexplicable objects, and refined three heavenly treasures.

Then, due to the guidance, this guy who stirred up the great cause and effect of the ancient world got three ancient treasures. All the luck and destiny were like wild horses that escaped the reins and began to gallop at will.

But the biggest change is the eleven Taihuang Sacred Mountains at hand!

There is also the Yuan Fei Lingshi on the Taihuang Mountain.

Back then, Yue Peng even took action himself and shattered all the Yuan Fei Lingshi. This shows the determination of the Ten Thousand Demons Society, which will never allow Haotian and Fantian Emperors to exist again in the world!

Taihuangtian's attitude is ambiguous, and he is expected to be hesitant. After all...both Jiang Shang and Pan Xiang must know their origins, and they must have protected their unborn selves long ago, but they are not afraid of being smashed into pieces. Spiritual stone.

All in all, this shows that everything has gotten out of control, Xu has become a real chess player, and some people have lost their pieces.

Jie Yin is the biggest variable in the world under the law of heaven!

"Let's go back to Daofeng first!"

Xu thought about it again and again, but still couldn't make up his mind. He kept all the Yuan Fei Lingshi, and he might have to face the Ten Thousand Demons Association in the future.

But if you don't stay... then we have to see what the benefits will be in the end.

After Xu used his magic power a little, he realized that these eleven sacred mountains only have five levels of restrictions. Of course, there is actually a sixth level, but it is not among these eleven sacred mountains. Only twenty-eight sacred mountains can be gathered together. This matter Only then will the treasure evolve into the sixth level of restrictions.

Xu Zuo had not yet thought about how to treat this treasure. Of course, there was no way he could reveal it, so he turned back to Daofeng. He retreated in Xuanjing Palace and began to practice the three items he obtained this time. The most precious treasure from ancient times.

Following the lead, he also came back to Daodao Peak. He came to visit Xu, but happened to meet this uncle who was retreating, so he also found another cave on Daodao Peak and devoted himself to cultivation. Like Xu, he There was also a need to sacrifice and refine ancient treasures, so the humane countries became quiet for a while.

When Yuxu and Qingxu saw Xu and Jie Yin retreating, they also began to practice hard in seclusion. They had broken through the Taoist realm for a long time, but they encountered powerful enemies one after another, and they encountered people like Jie Yin who had achieved the Taoist realm. "Master's Nephew" all feel that their Tao power is still insufficient and want to cultivate to the perfection of the seventy-two Tao meridians earlier.

Xu Ruo has been in seclusion for decades, and the Nine-Nine Scattered Plague Gourd has been refined to the fourth level of prohibition. The seventy-two Dao veins contained in this ancient treasure are not inferior to polishing his own Dao, so Xu Ruo He only briefly sacrificed three Dao meridians, and then gave up continuing to practice. According to his idea, it would be the most efficient way to wait until he breaks through the real person, or the demon god, and then practice the fourth level of restriction in the future.

He also sacrificed the other eleven sacred mountains to the third level of prohibition. It was too time-consuming to sacrifice each sacred mountain one by one, so he did not go further and devoured these eleven sacred mountains. The belly phase was swallowed into the belly and deeply hidden so that no one would know.

As for the ancient treasure he got, this treasure is quite strange. It looks like a golden ball, but it is densely covered with countless holes. It is empty inside. But whenever Xu reaches into it with his spiritual mind, he will find that it is inside. Countless virtual worlds and caves are connected in a chain, birth and death, and are millions of times more complicated than a maze. Every virtual world and cave will disappear in an instant. At every moment, countless virtual worlds and caves are born, and inside There is a world of its own, but it changes every moment, and there is no way out. As long as you fall into it, no matter how deep your cultivation is, you can only force your way out and cannot find a path.

This is not a formation, but it is better than all formations. It is not a world, but it is better than countless worlds!

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