One Sword to Immortality

792. Demon-Conquering Front

Xu Luo pinched a seed. The seed took root out of thin air and sprouted immediately. In two or three hours, it grew into a peach tree, full of fruits, which looked very juicy and beautiful.

Xu extended his hand and said, "This is a flat peach. It is a spiritual seed that I accidentally found. Eating one can increase your life span by sixteen thousand years."

This flat peach is actually one of the eleven sacred mountains in Xu Zuo's hands, the spiritual seed produced by Kunlun Mountain!

When he was at the Longhua Society, he obtained countless treasures, including many fairy grass spiritual fruits, but none of them could extend a person's life to the level of a flat peach.

If one had already had immortal roots of this level, it would be possible for relatives and friends who were ordinary people to live for thousands of years.

When Yuxu and Qingxu saw this flat peach, they held their palms together and laughed. They both shouted, "It's really a treasure. With this thing, humanity will flourish!"

In all human countries, the biggest problem in cultivating spiritual skills is that before the Tao is achieved, life will end first!

Xu Liao created the reincarnation of blood and was able to reincarnate people, which is already a great merit. However, reincarnation will eventually make all the previous efforts wasted and he can only start over again, which is quite difficult! If Pan Tao is still there to assist, those who practice spiritual skills can practice hard even if their life span is about to end, and there will inevitably be countless more advanced people in the human realm.

Yuxu and Qingxu were overjoyed when Xu planned to hold a peach party, but Qingyin didn't know...

Jie Yin was still refining the treasure that was curved like a mallet. This treasure only had the fourth level of prohibition. After all, he was at the peak of the Taoist realm, so it didn't take half a month to refine it to the fourth level of prohibition. It's just that Jie Yin disliked this treasure, so after cultivating a path, he never wasted any more effort.

Treasures born in the ancient times, below the fourth level of prohibition, are not considered good at all. Only little monsters and devils with insufficient cultivation will find one, polish it to a few points, and use it to fight.

Only those with four levels of prohibition and above are called treasures. If you get this one, it is a Taoist treasure! If there are more than five levels of prohibition, it is called a true embrace. When the six levels of prohibition are completed, it is changed to the treasure of the ancient world. According to the fate of heaven and earth, there are only eighteen pieces of the treasure of the ancient world, and there are no more.

This kind of Taoist treasure was not even considered by Jieyin. However, after this treasure was sacrificed and refined, its true identity was revealed. It turned out to be a crescent-shaped boat.

Although Jieyin does not lack the ability to cross the void and fly to the sky and escape from the earth, it is somewhat more impressive with the addition of this thing.

He released the Crescent Moon Boat and meditated on it for several days. He came to see Xu again and made the same request as last time. This time, he did not give a sacred mountain as a gift. After all, sacred mountains are also rare things. Not willing to give it away randomly, he explained that if he got a treasure this time, he would be willing to share it with Xu, Yuxu and Qingxu.

Xu was still very curious and asked: "If there is only one treasure, how can I share it?"

Jie Yin smiled and said: "This time, I know the details. They are a set of treasures. If they are gathered together, they can be turned into twenty-four caves. If divided, each piece can be turned into a palace. This The name of the treasure is Wanque Lingtai! Although it does not have much power, it is the most magnificent treasure in the ancient world."

Xu Liao couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this, because he himself had one of these treasures.

The palace transformed from the Wanque Spiritual Platform was widely circulated in the era of Haojitian and Thirty-Three Heavens. His East Palace was transformed from the Wanque Lingtai. He was still searching for the East Palace in the database of the Ten Thousand Demons Association. Only then did I find out about this. It's just that the Ten Thousand Ques Spiritual Tower is not a powerful treasure, it's just a real treasure. Moreover, twenty-four Ten Thousand Ques Spiritual Towers must be combined into one to be a real treasure. One piece alone cannot reach the level of Taoist treasures, so it was destroyed. Countless, only one or two have survived.

Not to mention the Wanque Lingtai, even the twenty-eight sacred mountains were destroyed and nothing was left. These twenty-eight sacred mountains combined are still the most precious treasures in the world.

Xu Ruo just thought about it for a moment before agreeing. In fact, he didn't need to fight at Wanque Lingtai, but... this treasure was a rare treasure for enjoyment among the prehistoric treasures. Although he was just a combat clone, it was also I'm tired of living a life that's not much better than that of primitive humans.

This time, as promised, Yuxu and Qingxu, together with Jie Yin, drove a purple cloud mightily and headed straight for their chosen target.

Yuxu was above Ziyun, constantly explaining to Xu Liao and Qingxu the Taoism he had recently learned, and he wished he could pass on all the Taoism he had recently learned.

Qingxu just paid it off, but he was a little bit dumbfounded when he promised. Yuxu triggered the grace of heaven and listened to the sound of the avenue. He also eavesdropped on the side and understood many wonderful methods. It really didn't need Yuxu to explain it again.

However, when Jie Yin heard it, he suddenly smiled and a green lotus appeared above his head. The green lotus changed slightly, one turned into two, two turned into four, and in a moment it turned into thousands of flowers.

Jieyin was also accustomed to using refining to protect his body. Yuxu and Qingxu didn't take it seriously, but Xu Luo was slightly surprised because he knew clearly that Jieyin's Qi Qi Transformation into Green Lotus was a brand new spell, different from his original body-protecting lotus. , but it is a completely different approach.

Xu Liao asked casually: "What Taoist teachings has Master Jieyin's nephew mastered?"

Jie Yin said with a smile: "This method is called Demon Subduing Front!"

Xu Luo sensed it for a moment and said, "It is indeed the Demon-Conquering Edge! It is quite effective against demonic energy, almost as good as the holy light energy."

The speed of Holy Light Qi cultivation is not inferior to that of Spiritual Qi, and is even slightly better. It can slightly restrain demonic power, but it has miraculous effects on demonic energy. Even those who practice Holy Light Qi can almost completely defeat demonic energy in the same realm, even if they have a certain level of cultivation. The difference is several times the same.

What he cultivates is spiritual intelligence, and he has no ability to restrain the demonic energy. However, his spell has another magical effect. The Duoqinglian is also a spiritual resource, but it can burst out in an instant. The energy frequency vibrates and changes. The inspiration is holy light, and this method is the most effective at killing demons.

There are many demons in the ancient world, and many demons have both demonic aura and demonic aura in their bodies. They practice both, so leading this demon-subduing front is really a sharp weapon for killing demons.

Jie Yin immediately told the spell of Subduing Demonic Front. Neither Yuxu nor Qingxu had been exposed to the Holy Light Qi. When they suddenly came into contact with it, they suddenly had a different understanding. They also admired Jie Yin for being able to create such a powerful massacre. Magical magic.

Qingxu squeezed his hand casually, and a green lotus condensed on his fingertips. He said with a smile: "With this spell, we can be more sure of killing demons and subduing them this time. Master Jieyin's nephew is indeed Not bad, he can actually create such a powerful spell."

Jie Yin smiled slightly and said: "It's just a change of inspiration. The practice of Holy Light Qi will damage longevity, so the wise will not take it..." He originally wanted to say that there were only a few people on the earth at that time, such as Western hermits. After practicing this method intensively, he immediately thought of Yuxu and Qingxu. It was not because he, like Xu Liao, had returned to the prehistoric generation, so...

I won’t say any more.

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