Ancestor Guiling thought that his cultivation was not enough, so he suddenly had other thoughts and said: "You are just a demon king who has mixed in the human world and practiced spiritual skills. Do you think you can get through it? If you make a fuss, you It’s not going to get better!”

The hybrid demon ancestor smiled and said: "You also know that I have cultivated spiritual skills, and the human world has recognized me as a kindred spirit. Naturally, I am not afraid of being discovered by human beings. If you are willing to practice spiritual skills with me, I can also teach you the secret method."

Ancestor Guiling immediately thought about it. The humane countries have been developing very fast recently, and they even killed nearly twenty ancestor-level demons. Although the humane countries did not follow the trend to expand, it was because of the promises made back then. The formation laid out only covers a narrow strip of land, so there is no way to expand it, but it is still enough to make all the prehistoric monsters feel palpitated.

Patriarch Gui Ling also didn’t understand what the humane countries and the three venerables were thinking.

But if you can blend into the human realm and prevent yourself from becoming the target of the humane countries, it would be a great thing to think about. Ancestor Guiling immediately said: "If you are willing to teach me magic, I can give you a treasure."

The Hun Mo Ancestor was immediately overjoyed, and took the Turtle Ling Ancestor back to the small sect he had joined. Now this sect has been mastered by the Hun Mo Ancestor and has become the senior brother of this family called the Guhun Sect. The Demon Ancestor devoured the original master, and the Guhun Sect took the senior brother as its leader.

This is also the time when the hybrid demon ancestor is learning from the three human beings. After all, there are no teachers among the three human beings. The main one is Xu Liao, who is the senior brother.

After the ancestor of the mixed demons deceived the ancestor of the turtle spirit back, he taught him the method of refining the demonic energy and cultivating spiritual skills.

Xu Zuo's Jiu Xuan True Law can transform demon power and spiritual power at will. Even if he wants to, he can transform holy light energy without any problem. It is even easier to become a demon. However, this is the unique secret of Jiu Xuan True Law. Xu Zuo will not teach it to anyone. Others.

Therefore, apart from the fact that demons in the prehistoric times are born with chaos and do not distinguish between the pure and turbid yin and yang and the five elements, they can cultivate both the demonic and demonic qi. As long as they want to practice spiritual skills, they must transform the demonic and demonic qi.

The ancestor of the hybrid demon didn't have any good intentions. He instructed the ancestor of the turtle spirit to wash away the second energy of the demons. After all, the ancestor of the turtle spirit was simple. Before he realized that something was wrong, he had already washed three of his true veins that he had cultivated so hard. , the cultivation level dropped by one level.

These cultivations are the result of the painstaking cultivation of the Turtle Spirit Ancestor. A True Chaos Demon takes thousands of years of hard work and is even more time-consuming than a monster. It makes him feel extremely distressed.

Seeing that the Turtle Spirit Ancestor was distressed, the Demonic Ancestor continued to lie and said: "You have already purified part of your skill. If you give up halfway, the lost skill will never be recovered. You can only work hard to remove the demonic energy from your body." , can I recover all my skills. I am an example. Look, I have transformed the demon's energy, and now my skills are pretty good, right?"

Ancestor Gui Ling failed to see through the tricks of Ancestor Hun-Demon, so he was so ruthless that he destroyed all his skills. Then he was taught the skills of Jade Cauldron Sect by Ancestor Hun-Demon, and as expected, within a few days, his skill level exceeded the ninth level. The spiritual warrior had not encountered many obstacles before reaching the Tiangang realm. After all, he had become the great demon god of the climate, and his qualifications were beyond doubt.

After breaking through the Tiangang Realm, the Turtle Spirit Patriarch finally found out that he had been fooled, because when the Hound Demon Patriarch saw that he had lost all his skills, he told the other party his true strength without hesitation, and made it clear that if If you don't practice spiritual skills with him, you will beat the ancestor Guiling to death.

Ancestor Guiling choked up and burst into tears on the spot.

This ancestor is also a somewhat wise person, but he did not expect that when he met an old guy like the hybrid demon ancestor, he deceived himself into losing his demon-god-level skills, and he had to work hard to re-cultivate his spiritual skills. .

However, at this time, his skills were exhausted and he could not defeat the hybrid demon ancestor. He could only start practicing humane skills under the coercion and inducement of the hybrid demon ancestor.

Fortunately, the three thousand volumes promised to be disseminated can be collected by monks from various humane countries as long as they are willing to put in the effort. Every few years, Xu will reprint them and add some techniques. Now there are actually five of the three thousand volumes. More than a thousand kinds of exercises,

Enough for Ancestor Guiling to practice.

However, the ancestor of the hybrid demon was thinking about the treasure of the ancestor of the turtle spirit, but the ancestor of the turtle spirit refused to give it to him. He insisted that he was just making a wish casually, and actually did not have any treasure with him, so he was just lying. The hybrid demon ancestor beat him to death, and the turtle spirit ancestor would rather die than let go, so he had no choice but to think that the turtle spirit ancestor really didn't have any treasures and was just lying to himself.

Of course, Jieyin didn't expect that the two ancestors were so naughty, and he was still searching the wilderness.

On the contrary, Xu promised to check the human kingdoms frequently and accidentally discovered the two ancestors. In fact, it was not accidental. Those who practiced Three Thousand Volumes would naturally have some contact with him. When the magic lamp created this method, there was such a thing. A layer of secret techniques, Xu revised the version, of course it was all related to him, and the original core of the magic lamp was removed.

When he discovered the two ancestors, he was quite shocked. For a moment, he couldn't figure out why the two ancestors suddenly lost their cultivation and turned into two Tiangang warriors. They were still studying their own three complete volumes every day. Law.

Xu Liu deliberately made some calculations, but when it came to the level of the Great Demon God, he was not very clear about it either.

Xu Luo observed it for several days, but couldn't stand it any longer, so he sent a yellow scarf warrior from his subordinates to spy on the two ancestors. This yellow scarf warrior had a level of cultivation at the Dayan level and could transform five kinds of magic weapons. He made an excuse to get into a fight on the street with a grocery-buying disciple of the small sect where the ancestor of the hybrid demon was hiding. Then he used that as an excuse to pick a fight and hit the door.

Poor two ancestors, they are both at the level of the Great Demon God. The ancestor of the hybrid demon was even expected to attack the demon. Not to mention the yellow scarf warriors of this level, even the president's golden mother of the yellow scarf warriors may not be the two opponents. But now the two of them are just Tiangang warriors with poor cultivation. They were severely beaten by this yellow scarf warrior, and they actually found twenty-four Ten Thousand Que Spirit Towers in the body of the Turtle Spirit Ancestor.

The ancestor of Turtle Spirit gave up the turtle shell that he had carried with him for hundreds of thousands of years, and now he has also lost all his cultivation. In the end, even the treasures he carried with him were snatched away, but he still openly came to the door to rob him. He was so aggrieved that he cried. Howling.

As soon as the yellow scarf warrior sent by Xu left, the hybrid demon ancestor remembered that this old bastard actually deceived himself and said that there was no treasure! There is no treasure. What was just taken away? So he deliberately waited for Patriarch Guiling to cry to his heart's content and feel somewhat calm before taking action and beating Patriarch Guiling again.

While beating him, he scolded: "You turtle, how dare you lie to your ancestor and say there is no treasure? You are not looking for death. There is something hidden on you. If you don't give it out quickly, your body will be broken." "

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