One Sword to Immortality

800. Poseidon Holy Light

Of course Xu Liao also knew that he still had a way out, which was to fuse Yuan Fei Lingshi.

Every creature born from a piece of Yuan Tai Ling Stone has a perfect template, but the natural principles contained in each piece of Yuan Ti Ling Stone are different, and each has its own shortcomings. If one can find a Yuan Ti Ling Stone that contains the same natural principles, slowly If you supplement it, you can give birth to a perfect creature.

Xu Lio also deduced it back then. At that time, he only had more than 10,000 yuantai spirit stones on hand, so in the end he only deduced five perfect creatures: Xuanjin Emperor Monkey, Moving Heavenly Dragon Elephant, Ten Giants, Strange Snakes and Ancestor Humans!

However, the Yuan Fei Spirit Stones contained in the eleven sacred mountains are simply countless. The Yuan Fei Spirit Stones on each sacred mountain are at least in the millions. If further deduction is made, there may not be more perfect beings.

It's just that the golden ring that can deduce Yuantai Lingshi is no longer in the hands of Xu De's combat clone. Secondly, how stupid is Xu De to do such a thing that involves raising tigers? What's more, this matter will offend countless big bosses, and he will become a public enemy in the six realms of heaven.

Therefore, I promised not to think about how to fuse the Yuan Fei Lingshi.

Now that I have promised, I have in my hands the four Forbidden Qi Towers of Xuandu Zhizhen, the Nine-Nine Plague Scattering Gourd, the Taixu Yuan weapon, eleven sacred mountains, and the Ten Thousand Ques Spiritual Tower. I am considered a unique person.

Now that things have changed again in the ancient world, Xu Luo vaguely felt that in a short period of time, there would be no crisis in the humane countries. As long as the Pantao Conference was held to help Qingxu establish the religion, the humane countries would prosper.

On the contrary, there is a vague idea overseas, but Xu Xu only has two fighting clones now. All he can estimate is the cultivation level of the Taoist realm. The calculation is not perfect, so it is impossible to know what will happen overseas.

After promising two fighting avatars, they each climbed up and looked into the distance. They also saw this ancient continent. Countless fortunes of heaven and fate were entangled in the ancient world. After hundreds of years, the six realms of the heavens returned, and the fate of heaven and the fate of the ancient world would inevitably be entangled. As one body, the human kingdoms and the demons of the prehistoric times are no longer part of each other, and they want to fight with the six realms of the heavens.

The combat clone who practices the Ten-Phase God-Devil-Splitting Heaven Technique is already a human being and cannot escape, but the combat clone formed by the Taixu Yuan weapon can temporarily escape and avoid being stained by the world of mortals, which will bring many conveniences in the future.

Therefore, the two combat clones nodded slightly, deciding their actions for the next hundreds of years. The combat clone who practiced the Ten Phases of Gods and Demons Splitting the Heavens still suppressed the human nations, looking for a chance. The battle clone transformed from the Taixu Yuan weapon , but decided to go to sea to avoid the rolling world where fate and destiny were entangled, and to open up a new world.

The two combat clones made their own decisions, and the battle clone transformed from the Taixu Yuan weapon ran straight towards the East China Sea.

It is not a coincidence that he chose the direction in which the Western Monastic Sect went to sea. After all, this direction has no vitality and is completely different from the prehistoric times.

This fighting avatar has infinite mana and is of the Great Demon God level. Therefore, it can move ten times faster than the Western hermits back then. It took more than ten years to cross the endless sea and conquered many seas along the way. Clan monsters, help them open up their spiritual consciousness and teach them Taoism.

Just to avoid the entanglement of the ancient world, I promised to teach the sea monsters the authentic monster spirit.

The demon scrolls for several days, and it becomes a demon in six transformations!

The authentic demon nerve has endless mysteries. Although it is promised that he will not teach the general nine-mysterious true method, if the sea monsters who follow him are willing to practice with concentration, there is no way to advance to the level of heavenly demon.

After crossing the vast ocean, I was slightly startled when I saw countless plants dividing the land into a checkerboard-like shape.

Of course Xu Zuo, the master of Donghuang Heaven, knew all this, but because it was too difficult to convey the news, this fighting clone didn't know much about the Taiqing Order.

Xu Lio looked at this continent from a distance and felt that it was not inferior to the ancient times in terms of vastness. However, there were not many demons. Instead, there was a faint aura of fairy spirits, as if there were sacred beasts lurking there.

Xu Liao was watching, and suddenly a round of pure holy light rose up.

Shine in the void!

This ball of holy light was extremely dazzling. A big man with a beard was standing in the wheel of holy light. He stared and shouted. The holy light was entangled with each other, and strange runes suddenly appeared behind him. Suddenly there was something as thin as a grain of rice, but with wings. Smooth creatures appeared, and these little creatures kept singing praises. Each little creature made the bearded man slightly stronger.

On the continent below, there were suddenly countless hymns singing, and there was a stronger holy light, emitting curling white light, covering hundreds of thousands of kilometers of land, giving protection to all living things.

Xu Liao was also quite surprised, because this was the first time he saw someone break through the Holy Spirit.

Jason practiced for four lives, and each time he would understand the Holy Light Qi more deeply. When he was enveloped in the Holy Light Qi, he burst into tears and shouted suddenly, finally breaking through the last layer of obstacles and breaking through from the Saint to the Holy God. .

Jason looked up to the sky and roared, yelling: "Now, I have ascended to the throne of God again! Mr. Xu Fuyuan, you destroyed my foundation and destroyed my religious group back then. I will definitely avenge you!"

After thinking about it for a while, I suddenly remembered that I had heard about this guy who had ascended to the Holy God a long time ago.

When he first met Mr. Xu Fuyuan, he boldly went to say hello, but was taught a lesson by Zhao Yanqin. He also told Mr. Xu Fuyuan about his achievements in suppressing the great monster Poseidon in Western Europe, which scared Xu Liao quite a bit.

Later, Xu Luo actually checked the information. This big monster called Poseidon, because his foundation was destroyed and his cultivation level dropped, he actually washed away all his monster power and converted to Holy Light Qi. No one thought that he would have a chance to cultivate again. Demon God level, so no one remembers this guy anymore, and he was once a strong Demon God.

He later followed the Hermit Order, entered the Great Demon Heaven, and followed Saint William to the sea. Along the way, he finally suffered an injury. Even with the monster's physique, he could not withstand the old troubles of the Heavenly Demon's Killing Immortal Technique. Die.

But it happened that William broke through the Holy Spirit and had the ability to reincarnate people above saints. Jason got help from William and rebuilt the fourth life. He finally died and followed William. Entered the realm of the Holy Spirit.

Jason roared up to the sky, as if he wanted to discover his hundreds of years of depression, but Xu Ruo couldn't help but secretly complained: "With your newly broken Holy God, it is almost impossible to defeat Lord Xu Fuyuan. Even if it’s me, you may not be able to fight.”

Xu Liao has no ill feelings towards the hermits. Although he looks down on Jason a little because he is familiar with Mr. Xu Fuyuan, he has no ill intentions. Although Jason protected the enemies of the Ten Thousand Demons Society back then, that was back then, and now Now, now Jason is not even a monster anymore.

Xu Lei waited until William took off to congratulate Jason on his breakthrough, and then found a place to stay in the sea.

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