One Sword to Immortality

803. 12 3 virtual preachers

At that time, Jieyin was also one of the twelve Taoists, alongside Jiang Shang, Yuding, Panxiang and others.

What he has learned is earth-shattering. Not to mention the magic of the Jade Cauldron lineage, his own Taoism is also the most top-notch, and he has the inheritance of the True Immortal level.

If those powerful people like Ji Jie Ying hadn't been thrown into the Demon Prison after being possessed by demons, and then refining their demonic energy and practicing again, their level at this time would definitely not be inferior to that of Yuding, Jiang Shang, Panxiang and the like. Now if he has to accumulate strength and surpass the real person, he can condense a few more true veins, and the real person state can be broken at any time.

Although Jie Yin will not teach the true teachings, Xu Liao will benefit a lot from just giving some casual advice. Jie Yin originally looked down on the Three Thousand Volumes, but Xu Liao became more interested in it. When discussing with him, he also browsed through the Three Thousand Volumes and made criticisms. For Xu Liao, it was also a huge gain. It's not even inferior to an inexplicable thing given by heaven.

Zhenjun Wanding and Jie Yin, who have been promised incarnations, as well as the twelve Taoist disciples of Yuxu Sect, are the strongest descendants of the three human beings. Although Zhenjun Wanding and Jie Yin have some origins, It’s debatable, but the identity is fixed.

It's just that Qingxu is the master and is holding the Peach Conference. Yuxu's disciples are not suitable to be the master, so everything falls on Zhenjun Wanding. It is not until Yinxu joins the party that half of the pressure is relieved.

Jie Yin is also an ancestor who is used to being an ancestor. Although due to various reasons, he failed to become one of the ten great masters of the Thirty-three Heavens, his vision and knowledge are not weak at all.

Doing all kinds of mundane things is easier than Xu, and Xu also has some free time.

After enough time, Taoist Qingxu stepped forward and cast Kunlun into the sky. This sacred mountain was half clouded and half mist, suspended in the void, and glowed with rays of light. There were countless fairy music faintly lingering, and there were also spiritual birds and beasts. Faintly appearing in the mountains, these are the boys that Qingxu recently took in. They have all refined their demon bodies, and their spiritual skills have transformed into their original forms, wandering around in the mountains, adding to the scenery.

Xu Zuo also threw it away and replanted the flat peaches in the Kunlun Mountains. These flat peaches had already grown and matured. Xu Zuo took them away, reversed them with magic power, and turned them into seeds. Therefore, they could grow as soon as they fell to the ground, and they turned into seeds in a moment. Eight thousand ancient peach trees bloom brilliantly and bear fruit in a short time. Every peach is surrounded by spiritual energy and purple light.

Qingxu was so happy that he set out a peach orchard in the Kunlun Mountains, protected eight thousand flat peaches, and arranged sweepers and sweepers. Then he released the Xuanji Palace and placed it half way up the Kunlun Mountains. Mountainside.

This Xuanji Palace is the carapace of the great demon god-level turtle spirit ancestor that has been refined for hundreds of thousands of years. It has also been taught the Xuanjing Transformation Sacrifice for a long time. It is also a majestic place with a vast area of ​​hundreds of miles and twenty-eight floors. The pavilion is enough for millions of monks to listen to Qingxu's sermons.

After Qingxu had settled the Xuanjing Palace, he called Wanding Zhenjun over and shouted: "As my eldest disciple, you will be the general manager of Xuanji Palace from now on, and you will be responsible for taking care of Pantaoyuan. Don't let I'm disappointed."

Zhenjun Wanding agreed, and then Qingxu shouted, opening up Yunxia and letting disciples who were willing to become disciples and have passed the test come forward.

Zhenjun Wanding, who promised to incarnate, is the great disciple of Qingxu. Therefore, he is responsible for these junior brothers, junior sisters, and nephews. Therefore, he is quite dignified towards these underachievers. He immediately commanded eight hundred disciples. Come and become a disciple.

Among them, there are eight disciples in the Taoist realm, including Zhenjun Wanding. There are hundreds of disciples in the Dayan realm. The rest have some Taoism, but those with outstanding talents can only be regarded as registered.

Just when the Qingxu disciples were about to become their disciples, Jie Yin suddenly stepped forward, raised his hands and said, "Jie Yin also wants to become his disciples. I wonder if Master Qingxu would like to take him in?"

Qingxu couldn't help but hesitate a little, Jie Yin's Taoism was still above him. If we were to talk about credit, Yuxu's Chicheng Sacred Mountain was dedicated by Jie Yin, which was enough. It's just that Jie Yin has a close relationship with Xu Liao, and Qingxu didn't want to offend Xu Liao. While he was hesitating, he suddenly heard Xu Liao's message saying: "Brother Qingxu, just accept Jie Yin, it won't hurt."

Qingxu then stretched out his hand a little,

Said: "Since Taoist Brother Taixu has said so, I will accept you as my disciple. Your cultivation is profound and you are my second largest disciple after Wanding."

Jie Yin's Taoism was so profound that the other disciples did not dare to dissent. Jie Yin had no grudge against him for being subordinate to True Lord Wanding, and just smiled and worshiped his master.

At this time, the Heavenly Dao also roared, and countless green rainbows fell down. Qingxu also suddenly felt that his cultivation level had greatly increased, and an inexplicable object fell. He did not hesitate, just like Yuxu, he also used Xuantian Qingxu's multi-sword in his hand. , this heavenly treasure received the second group of inexplicable objects, and it suddenly rang softly and shed mysterious light. It first broke into twenty-four spiritual treasures, and then reassembled. The atmosphere was indeed different from before.

After Qingxu established the teaching, he immediately let his disciples go down to receive the guests. The nine major disciples filed out one after another and led the group of immortals under his disciples to hold a peach conference at a col in the Kunlun Mountains.

Under the protection of the three deities, all the human kingdoms are prosperous, and Xu Liao and others have also collected countless treasures. Therefore, in this flat peach convention, not only everyone is blessed to enjoy a flat peach, but there are also countless fresh fruits, fairy nectar, Xu Liao and even He also set aside a batch of the treasured embers and grass sticks, and let the humane monks and some of the monsters who admired humanity who were attending the meeting spit clouds and smoke.

According to Xu's plan, this peach conference will be held for more than a month, so after the banquet on the first day, Qingxu began to preach. He was favored by heaven and did not trigger the sound of the great road, but triggered another kind of spiritual phenomenon. , the words and Dharma are produced, and the power comes with them.

Every time he preaches, the listeners can briefly realize a higher level of realm, and it will be easier to achieve breakthroughs in future cultivation.

Neither Xu Liao nor Yuxu needed such benefits, so they left separately after the first day. Only their disciples stayed in Kunlun Mountain to listen to the wonderful teachings.

Xu Luo returned to his family's Taoist Peak, and suddenly something strange happened. He knew it...

Twelve Sanxu preachers!

Theoretically, among Yuxu, Qingxu, and his disciples, there will be twelve people who will step into the position of true immortal, which will be the twelve Taoists later.

It's just that with Xu's level of cultivation, of course he can't figure out who among the twelve disciples of the Yuxu sect and the nine major disciples of the Qingxu sect is one of the twelve Taoists.

"It's natural to take the lead...I'm not familiar with the rest of them, and I can't see through their past and future. Logically speaking, Teacher Yuding, Teacher Jiang Shang, and the ancestor of Panxiang, should all be among them...or Become my disciple in the future. I just don’t know how their past and future bodies will conflict."

Xu made careful calculations, but this matter was the biggest secret in the world. Based on his cultivation, he had no way of knowing, so he could only be deeply curious.

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