One Sword to Immortality

804. Hengwu God (2)

Xu Lao also wondered why there were golden races in the Taihuang Heaven, golden demon races in the Great Demon Heaven, and divine humans in the Taiqing Heaven, but there was no Realm Heaven to let these races enter the wild world? Later, when the six realms of the heavens ascended, they directly abandoned the human realms, which greatly increased Xu Li's doubts.

It wasn't until he promised himself to become one of the three human beings that he understood that it turned out that the human kingdoms were protected by heaven, but the six realms of heaven were destined to break with heaven.

Therefore, the six realms of the heavens simply walked freely, and even in their hearts, they wished that the humane countries that they had arranged casually would be destroyed.

However, several big bosses in the Six Realms of the Heavens should also know that the way of heaven will inevitably give birth to the way of humanity, and the three gods of humanity will inevitably be born to protect the way of humanity. They have arranged so many things in advance, but in fact they are just to keep suppressing the way of humanity.

According to the calculations of the big guys in the Six Realms of the Heavens, when the Six Realms of the Heavens return, humanity will definitely still be extremely weak and can be subverted easily. Even if they are kept in captivity, it will be just a matter of convenience and will never cause them any trouble again.

But no one expected that Xu Luo actually left a fighting clone in the prehistoric world. This fighting clone even became one of the three human beings, and the head of the three human beings - Taixu!

Today's three human beings are indeed as calculated by several big men in the six realms of the heavens. Their cultivation is still weak and they are all in the Taoist realm. They are still far away from breaking through to the real person. There is no way to hinder them at all. However, No one expected that Xu Luo could reverse this situation with his magical powers.

Just the Great Ahan Blood Sea Formation and the three human beings Yuxu and Qingxu established their religion in advance, which attracted the favor of Heavenly Dao. Each of them refined a Heavenly Dao treasure, which far exceeded the calculations of the six realms of the heavens. .

God Hengwu did not expect that the Great Ahan Samsara Blood Sea Formation would be so powerful, but he could recognize the blood gods in the blood samsara. Each blood god was at the level of a demon god.

After all, God Hengwu stayed in the Ten Thousand Demons Association for a long time. Not only did he learn countless secret techniques, but he was also influenced by the fighting style of the Ten Thousand Demons Association. He was many times stronger than the demons of the ancient times. Not only are the mysteries of magic he has cultivated, his combat experience and skills abundant, but his IQ is as strong as a universe.

After God Hengwu realized that he was outmatched, he immediately pressed his hand and pushed out the Xuanwu Rahu divine light. With a twist of his body, he caught up with his team. With a single sleeve of his robe, he enveloped thousands of monsters and turned them into monsters. The stream of light goes straight to the wilderness.

The demon god of Hengwu God has actually practiced hard and has no shortage of various skills. Unlike the ancient demons who only have talent, if they want to escape at this time, they can escape immediately. Walk.

Qingxu didn't expect that this person would immediately leave without a trace even if he was slightly defeated. He had never seen this kind of enemy before. In his previous battles with the enemy, Xu Xu used the Great Ahan Reincarnation Blood Sea Formation to cover the enemy, making it impossible for them to escape. But when he faced Hengwu God, Hengwu God did not give him this chance at all. He attacked first and allowed Qing to escape. Xu could only resist and gained a slight upper hand. Hengwu Shen immediately ran away, and he had no time to envelope his opponent.

Although Yuxu sacrificed the Purple Qiong Yuxu Eight Light Tower, the distance was too far. Although Xu Luo had a way to move the void, how could he take the initiative to enmity with the Ten Thousand Demons Association?

Xu just said hello, and Yuxu merged the escape light into one, and faced Qingxu. The three of them looked at each other, and finally Xu said: "This enemy is different from before. He is more cunning and more proficient in the secrets of Xuan Gong. He is very They are comparable to demons from the wild, so we must be more careful in the future. The two Taoist brothers must be protected by the sacred mountain in the future, so that they will be worry-free."

Although the Blood Reincarnation Formation is very powerful, it is not a defensive method, and it is not impossible to break it. It's just that the previous prehistoric monsters didn't understand it.

Therefore, this great formation can run rampant and kill countless demons from ancient times.

However, God Hengwu was born in the Longhua Society and had been in the Ten Thousand Demons Society for many years. He might be able to figure out a way to crack it and threaten Yuxu and Qingxu. However, the twenty-eight sacred mountains are defensive treasures, although one alone is only a true treasure level. Count, but God Hengwu will never be able to sneak in.

Yuxu and Qingxu agreed together,

The two also saw the magic power of Hengwu God. Although it was not as good as that of the prehistoric monster, it was very changeable, especially the ability to adapt very quickly. Moreover, during the fight, they did not give any chance to them. Even though they were sitting in the Great Ahan Reincarnation Blood Sea Formation, Qingxu only had a slight upper hand and had no chance to completely suppress this enemy. God Hengwu always took the initiative.

Xu Liao and Yuxu, Qingxu returned to the human kingdoms. Yuxu and Qingxu both invited him to temporarily live in their sacred mountains. Xu Liao refused with a smile and still returned to his Daofeng.

God Hengwu didn't expect that just a few powerful enemies in the Taoist realm would force him to retreat. After he landed in Honghuang, he thought for a moment and released all the monsters, shouting: "You guys, wait. Searching around, there are countless secret treasures in the ancient world, and there are countless good things. Whoever finds it is an opportunity. However, no one can travel far away for the sake of opportunity, otherwise no one can save you. The ancient world... is dangerous now. countless."

God Hengwu also knew that although he had a high status and high cultivation level, he just couldn't suppress these low-level monsters in the police department. He was also curious about why he could manage the police department in an orderly manner even after leaving Wan Wan. After the demon meeting, he took all his old troops to Donghuangtian, leaving behind only useless people.

Since he cannot effectively control them, Hengwu God will not make any demands and let these monsters do their own thing, as long as some of them follow him.

Anyway, he has the cultivation of a demon god. If these monsters want to survive, they must follow him.

After Hengwu God landed in the ancient world, the monsters immediately brought out various "technological" and "modern" tools, including various flying instruments and various supplies for enjoying life.

These monsters from the Ten Thousand Monsters Association are not just idlers. They are all monsters who have lived in the Ten Thousand Monsters Association for many years and have enjoyed monster technology. Soon they built a base on the spot, with thousands of buildings of various colors rising from the ground. There were even monsters setting up a hypermarket, and they didn't know how they were going to sell their things with just a few thousand people.

Many monsters built their own residences and began to explore the outside world, but some also practiced retreat first, hoping to adapt to the wild environment first. Nowadays, many monsters have not returned to the ancient world for nearly a thousand years. The demonic power in their bodies is too pure and they are not suitable for this environment. Especially the separation of pure and dirty from the ancient world is different from the original.

God Hengwu didn't go anywhere. He just relied on his spiritual thoughts to sweep in all directions, trying to check the situation thousands of miles away.

This advance team from the six realms of the heavens has temporarily settled down, tens of thousands of miles away from the human countries.

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