One Sword to Immortality

893. The family history of the Xuanjin Emperor Monkey Clan

Xu Xu sighed slightly. Although he ascended to the position of immortal and became a celestial demon again. In terms of magic power, he was at the forefront among the supreme ones, but after all, he could not be compared with the demon emperors such as Fan Tiandi. X

The Emperor Fantian spanned ancient times and the present, and in terms of tyranny, he was still superior to Emperor Haotian. The two generations of Emperors of the Demon Clan were the most powerful people in the world from the beginning to the end. In the following thirty-three days, there was no Taoist who could. Comparable to the two heavenly emperors.

It's just that there is no hatred or conflict between Xu and Emperor Fantian. Instead, they have quite a friendship. At this time, he still has a vague feeling that the relationship between Emperor Fantian and him is not just this, and there should be more ties.

He hesitated for a moment and then asked, "I wonder if the Emperor of Heaven has anything to discuss with you?"

Emperor Fantian laughed and said, "I want Yingqiang to be promoted to an immortal!"

He made a big mouthful and felt it in his throat. He really wanted to vomit but couldn't. He smiled bitterly and said, "Senior brother Wang Chao, are you joking?" Emperor Fan Tian laughed and said, "You are not joking, this is serious."

Xu Luo put his hand to his chin and asked, "How does senior brother plan to convince the other heavens?"

Emperor Fantian chuckled and said: "Where is the need for persuasion? The Great Demon Heaven will follow my lead, and I can naturally operate the Taiqing Heaven, as long as you are willing to agree. Taihuang Heaven and Yuding Heaven are not a worry, as for Zu Tingtian... If I become happy, it will be destroyed if it dies, and it won’t be a big deal.”

Xu sighed and asked: "Isn't it the only obstacle to this plan?"

Emperor Fantian smiled and said: "After all, I am your senior sister, how can I not sell my favor? Next time, it will be your wife, and we will be harmonious. Wouldn't it be beautiful?"

Yang Shuhua's face turned black with anger. After all, he was also a Taoist figure. He heard that the Emperor of Heaven sealed the world and the final outcome of this calamity. He talked about it as a family matter and only thought about buying the horse. I know it’s inappropriate to talk about it.

Who is Emperor Fantian?

That was one of the two great Heavenly Emperors of the Monster Clan. Even when he was in his prime, it wouldn't be a waste for Emperor Fantian to kill him. Even if he agreed, he would come forward. It's not like he didn't have a guard of honor, but Yang Shuhua still didn't dare to argue with Emperor Fantian. .

Two generations of demon clan emperors, powerful and powerful, are well-known throughout the world.

Unless the thirty-three days return to the past, and the ten great masters come together, and use the more to defeat the less, only then can they be able to compete with the two generations of emperors. It's just that the ten Taoist masters of the thirty-three days have long since divided up. Xu has three subordinates, Taoist Xiangdi, Xuandu, Yang Shuhua, and Taoist masters other than the ten Taoist masters who are here to guide them.

Jiang Shang is now mixed up with Emperor Haotian,

The Original Heavenly King, the Supreme Being, and the two Demon Ancestors joined together. The other Taoist Masters also had different sects, and there were no more ten Taoist Masters joining forces.

If the ten great masters had really worked together as one, the thirty-three days would not have been broken, allowing heaven and earth to start another era.

Yang Shuhua felt depressed, bowed slightly to Xu, and walked away. He knew that Emperor Fantian was powerful, but he also knew that this calamity of heaven and earth was not given or received privately. Must be able to control everything. As long as I refuse to give up, I don't have no chance at all. I might as well stop holding my breath here and go back to do my own thing, so that I can cultivate Bai Sheng.

As soon as Yang Shuhua left, Xuandu no longer stayed here. Emperor Fantian was his lord, and he was considered his master even though he was also a revered immortal, but he could never be compared with these two. He had nothing to do with this matter. The stakes are high. Although he had a hand in Yang Shuhua's affairs, he just did it casually and didn't take it to heart even if it didn't work out.

It was impossible for him to stop Emperor Fan Tian, ​​nor would he go against Xu Liao, so he left quietly without saying anything.

Xu Liao was naturally aware of the appearance of Emperor Fantian, and his identity could no longer be concealed. However, when they reached the level of Xu Lie and Emperor Fantian, they would not pay too much attention to such things.

Yang Shuhua and Xuandu left one after another, and Emperor Fantian said leisurely: "Isn't my East Palace pretty good?"

Xu gave a wry smile and said, "Do you want to take it back? I won't give it to you."

Emperor Fantian laughed and said: "How could you think so? If I wanted it, I wouldn't have abandoned it back then. The five heavenly trees of the Wood clan were so majestic back then that I just felt that they were the masters of heaven and earth, and they had obtained the way of heaven. Favored, the strength is tyrannical again. He doesn't take any living beings seriously, and interferes in all the affairs of the demon clan. He just wants the demon clan to stay in their ways, unchanged for thousands of years, and always live the same life. The Wood clan can bear it, this I really can't bear to live a life that remains unchanged for thousands of years."

He looked at the two big trees and said leisurely: "At that time, the world was like a big prison. All life was in it and was tightly controlled by the Wood Clan. They could never make a wrong step. But no one dared to resist. Among the Wood Clan, only Emperor Haotian could inspire courage. At that time, I had not yet become a Heavenly Demon. I watched him plan every day, win over monsters from all tribes, and practice hard in seclusion, hoping to create magical powers that could suppress the five Heavenly Trees. At that time, , Emperor Haotian is my idol, although I know that I am not his descendant, I still regard him as my father."

Xu Lio didn't know why Emperor Fantian mentioned this matter, but he became an excellent listener. He listened to Emperor Fantian tell how the Xuanjin Emperor Monkey Clan, in fact, he and Emperor Haotian, resisted Mu. The five heavenly trees of the tribe were killed, and they were killed one by one and surrendered.

Xu Luo suddenly remembered that the heavenly demon incarnated by the big red thunderwood he saw in the fragments of heaven was the ancient red emperor! I couldn't help but ask: "Where have the big red thunderwood and the big shatang wood gone now?"

Emperor Fantian laughed and said: "Red Emperor is also under my command. As for Dashatangmu... I can't tell you for the time being!"

Emperor Fantian had a cryptic expression on his face, and he didn't dare to ask again. Although he was curious, he was not so curious that he insisted on knowing. It was just a casual question. Since Emperor Fantian refused to say anything, he didn't bother to ask further.

Emperor Fantian told anecdotes about how the Xuanjin Monkey Clan suppressed the Five Heavenly Trees back then. Many of the stories were promised but never heard. After all, he was a rising star and had not experienced what happened back then. Even though he already knew about it There are countless secrets, and there are still many things that have not been heard about the ancient times.

Xu Liao knew that Emperor Fantian must have something interesting when he talked about these things, so he did not interrupt, and waited for Emperor Fantian to tell him about ancient times. He continued for more than ten days, and then he told the family history of the Xuanjin Emperor Monkey Clan back then. Tells a beginning.

Suppressing the five heavenly trees was the beginning of the Xuanjin Emperor Monkey Clan stepping into the position of the Demon Celestial Emperor and creating the foundation of Haojitian.

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