After passing through a long and winding corridor, Lu Sheng finally arrived at his uncle's ward.

This was originally an ordinary four-person room, but because all the other dead patients had passed away, and the new patients were unwilling to share a room with a strange patient like his uncle.

This gradually became a single room where my uncle lived alone.

Uncle's bed is near the door.

Although now human blood stem cells are used to extend his life every day.

But having to go through the process of death and rebirth of cells throughout his body every day still caused his uncle to lose a lot of weight.

Lu Sheng opened the door and walked into the ward, calling him uncle softly.

The uncle who was resting on the pillow suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Lu Sheng, who had changed greatly. There was a rare rosy look on his gloomy face:

"Little deer, you are here."

Lu Sheng smiled and nodded, then casually placed the boy's urine egg on his uncle's bedside.

While uncle looked at Lu Sheng, he smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed into crescent moons:

"That's great, that's great. I'm starting to look more and more like your dad."

Then he patted Lu Sheng's arm proudly and proudly:

"You can play a dungeon with Yang Yuyan and save her life, you brat!"

Lu Sheng knew that his uncle would definitely mention Xiaoyan when he opened his mouth.

So he quickly took out Yang Yuyan's Qingxin Pendant from the equipment column and handed it over:

"Here, this is for you."

The uncle took the pendant with a puzzled look on his face:

"What is this?"

Suddenly he saw Yang Yuyan's autograph on the pendant, and he was so excited that he couldn't speak:

"This, this is Yang Yuyan's...?"

Lu Sheng smiled and nodded:

"This is her prop. I specially asked her to give it to you. How do you like it? Do you like it?"

My uncle, a man who was almost fifty years old, suddenly had red eyes and nodded repeatedly:

"I like it, I like it. With this pendant, your uncle can live for at least five more years."

Seeing his uncle who was as happy as a child, Lu Sheng was not surprised at all.

For her uncle, who was a die-hard fan of Yang Yuyan, it was like a sacred object.

Lu Sheng smiled and shook his head, then peeled off a boy's urine egg and handed it over:

"Uncle, this egg can give you a few more years of life. Try it quickly."

The uncle took the egg doubtfully, put it in front of his nose, smelled it, and then stuffed it into his mouth:

"Can this egg cure my disease?"

Lu Sheng nodded slightly:

"It's very possible. How does it taste?"

"Well, it's quite delicious, but it has an indescribable taste. Anyway, it's not quite the same as the tea eggs I've had before."

Lu Sheng nodded silently, staring at his uncle's body nervously.

At this time, I saw that my uncle's skin, which was already dark and dry, suddenly became moisturized.

His face turned slightly red, and his eyes seemed to be full of energy.

The uncle raised his hands in surprise and gently clenched his fists.

He said in disbelief:

"Little Deer, I seem to feel all the strength in my body coming back."

Lu Sheng was also overjoyed at this moment and blurted out:

"Sure enough, I guessed right. It turns out that baby urine is really useful!"

The smile on the uncle's face suddenly stopped:

"What did you just say about piss?"

Lu Sheng's eyelids twitched slightly and he quickly said haha:

"Children's medicine, I'm talking about children's medicine."

"Oh, it's children's medicine."

The uncle was obviously relieved:

"I thought you were talking about child urine, and I was wondering how you could eat that kind of thing."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The uncle laughed twice to himself:

"Hey, Xiaolu, what is this child's medicine?"

"Hey uncle, don't ask too much."

"Oh, no more questions, no more questions. Do you have to finish all these eggs?"

"Yes, you have to eat them all to have any effect."

"Okay, don't tell me. As soon as you mentioned it was made with children's medicine, the more I ate it, the better it tasted."

Three black lines quietly crawled up Lu Sheng's mind.

In order to prevent his uncle from asking further questions, he quickly changed the subject and asked:

"By the way, uncle, you called me back this time because you had something to tell me?"

"Oh, right."

Suddenly the radiant uncle sat up straight and put away the smile on his face.

He looked at Lu Sheng very seriously and asked:

"Little Lu, have you ever met a particularly good brother in the dungeon?"

"He will relieve your boredom when you are unhappy, help you block knives when you are in danger, and he will always appear when you least expect him."

Lu Sheng thought of Zhu Jiuzhou inexplicably, remembering the test of life and death they had experienced together, and nodded deeply:

"Yes, although he looks naive and silly most of the time, he is indeed very reliable. Uncle, do you also have a brother like this?"

"I am your father's brother."


Lu Sheng was about to apologize for what he just said, but saw his uncle wave his hand indifferently:

"It's okay, it turns out your dad always says that about me too."

As the uncle spoke, he moved his body back vigorously so that he could sit more upright:

"Xiaolu, you may not believe it, but more than 20 years ago, my uncle's points have exceeded 1,000 points."

Lu Sheng was indeed surprised.

1,000 points more than twenty years ago was the same as 10 million points twenty years ago. That was a very impressive number.

Because points not only represent wealth, but also immeasurable social status.

This made Lu Sheng completely unable to connect with his uncle who he remembered working hard in the pharmaceutical factory every day.

The uncle understood Lu Sheng's confusion and continued:

"That's all thanks to your dad."

"You have to know that there were no dungeons in the world more than twenty years ago, only weekly tasks. Under that situation, your dad was able to lead a small team of five of us and get 1,000 points, which shows that he has How awesome."

"It's just a pity that his goal at the time was too crazy."

When the uncle said this, a trace of loneliness that could not be concealed flashed across his face:

"He wants to change the rules of this world, but the rules of this world are so easy to fight against."

"Soon we received a series of system warnings. For everyone's safety, your father insisted on asking others to leave him and go back to live their own lives."

"I was the only one who refused to leave and chose to stay with him. Of course, in the end, we failed and I received a devastating punishment."

When Lu Sheng heard the words "destructive punishment", his heart suddenly tightened and he blurted out:

"What devastating punishment?"

The uncle raised his head, stared at the bright overhead light in the ward, sighed softly, and expressed what he had been hiding in his heart for many years:

"My points are permanently capped at 100 points."

The ladder points are permanently capped at 100 points. At first glance, compared with those rules that can lead to death at every turn, it does not seem to be a level of destruction.

However, once combined with the points rules of this world, you will find that this is actually a very cruel thing.

It means that no matter how hard you work in this life, you will always be able to live in a corner of this world, doing the lowest level of work, and you will never be able to turn over.

Although the system did not take away his uncle's life, it completely destroyed his hope.

Especially for the uncle who once had 1,000 points, it is tantamount to a devastating blow.

Lu Sheng finally understood at this moment why in his memory, his uncle always got him drunk every day.

Because in the rest of his life, there is no possibility of getting better.

The uncle smiled bitterly and shook his head and continued:

"So later on, I got married hastily, had children, and lived a life without hope until one day, your father suddenly appeared again."

"He gave me three things, one of which is you."

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