One Task Per Week, Starting From The Goddess Of Flash Marriage

Chapter 172 You Two Also Know Each Other, He Is Xiaolu!

After Lu Sheng came out of his uncle's ward, he didn't go far when he met his aunt, Jiang Yue and the lawyer in suits and ties who were rushing over.

Lu Sheng didn't pause, and deliberately passed between his aunt and Jiang Yue.

The moment he passed by the two of them, Lu Sheng touched their bodies intentionally or unintentionally, and said softly:

"Sorry, let me borrow it."

Auntie and Jiang Yue didn't notice any difference at all. Instead, they stared at his side face with surprised expressions, and little stars suddenly appeared in their eyes.

Jiang Yue quickly replied with a raised voice:

"no problem, no problem."

But Lu Sheng was seen walking towards the toilet without looking back.

Jiang Yue, who was slightly disappointed, stamped her feet:

You are dressed up so beautifully today, why don't you even look at yourself?

Auntie saw the dissatisfaction on Jiang Yue's face and quickly put her arm in her arms to comfort her:

"Oh, my dear Yue'er, some men are like this. They have secretly watched it several times in private, but they have to pretend not to care when they are in front of them."

"Do you think if he didn't notice you, why would he go out of his way to pass between us?"

"Let's finish the business first. Maybe we can meet him when we come out."

Jiang Yue pouted and was dragged reluctantly towards the ward by her aunt.

In the empty four-person ward, the uncle was still sleeping on the pillow.

At this time, I heard a rush of footsteps and saw the three aunts walking in from the door.

Seeing his aunt dressed up in all kinds of colors, my uncle felt a little unhappy.

But he still pretended to be fine and asked:

"It's you. Why did you come here so late today?"

The moment her aunt opened the door and saw her uncle, she was stunned for a moment.

Because today's uncle is very different from the previous few days.

Not only was his face rosy and full of energy, but even his voice was full of energy.

What happened to this damn guy today?

Is the light coming back?

But why my uncle suddenly became so radiant, my aunt didn't care at all.

I came here this evening just to divorce the marriage.

After all, Lao Wang next door also gave me gifts, so it’s not good to keep dragging him down.

So the aunt coughed deliberately, and the lawyer standing next to her immediately understood and took out two documents from the briefcase and handed them to her uncle:

"Mr. Jiang, I am Ms. Chen's divorce attorney. I have been specifically entrusted to handle the divorce between you and me."

"There are two documents here, one is the power of attorney for divorce, and the other is the divorce agreement. Please take a look at it first."

The uncle pretended to be surprised and looked at his aunt:

"You want to divorce me? Why?"

Auntie immediately put on a confident look:

"You are also aware of your own situation. I have taken care of you for so long, and I have fulfilled my responsibility as a wife."

"But I have to have my own life, and my weekly tasks must be completed on time."

"You can't satisfy me now. I can only choose to divorce you. You should understand."

What does your uncle say that nothing can satisfy you?

Aren’t you doing your weekly tasks well?

But now that the matter had come to an end, he didn’t want to dwell on it anymore, so he asked:

"After divorcing me, who are you going to marry? After all, you still have to complete your weekly tasks."

Maybe it was because Lao Wang next door really couldn't talk about it, so my aunt said hesitantly:

"Anyway, I will figure it out myself. All you need to do is sign it today."

The uncle then turned to look at Jiang Yue:

"Yue'er, do you also support your parents' divorce?"

Jiang Yue moved his eyes to one side, avoiding his uncle's gaze:

"I am also an adult. No matter what the decision between you two, I will support it."

The uncle sighed.

"It seems that you have already discussed this with your mother."

After this serious illness, he finally saw the real situation in his family.

Husband and wife are like birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes.

Chen Ajuan is determined to fly high.

Thinking about it from his perspective, it was understandable, so his uncle stopped insisting, took the divorce agreement, and looked up.

Auntie quickly said:

"By the way, don't worry about the house in our Hehe Community. After all, we spent a lot of money to cure your disease. This house should be left to me. As for the other things, they can all be yours. .”

The uncle was suddenly surprised:

"You want to take away the whole house?"

Auntie said plausibly:

"Didn't I just tell you that because all the family's savings were spent on you for medical treatment, this house must be left to me."

"Besides, with your current situation, you probably won't be able to leave the hospital in the future. There's no point in asking for that house."

The uncle felt very unhappy after hearing what his aunt said:

What do you mean you can't leave the hospital anymore? Is there no use for that house?

Feeling dissatisfied, I held the pen in my hand but didn't put it down.

Seeing that her uncle was hesitant and refused to sign, the aunt felt a little anxious.

So he gritted his teeth and said with rare generosity:

"In this way, as long as you sign this, I still have 100,000 savings, which will all be transferred to you."

Jiang Yue said in surprise:

"Mom, where did you get 100,000 yuan?"

Auntie whispered in Jiang Yue's ear:

"Lao Wang secretly gave it to me yesterday, saying it was a gift."

After saying that, without waiting for his uncle to agree, he directly transferred it to his account:

"Okay, you've accepted the money, hurry up and sign it. Let's live well in the future. If we can't be husband and wife, we can still be friends. Don't make it too ugly and let the children see the joke."

Auntie has taken advantage and wants to take advantage of her.

The little calculation in my heart was making a beeping sound.

At this time Jiang Yue also spoke to persuade:

"Dad, you'd better sign it. Mom is already very sincere."

Jiang Yue's words made his uncle completely disheartened.

I had already thought clearly about divorce, but I didn't expect that it would turn out to be such a chilling scene.

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly came from outside the door:

"Uncle, since this is the case, let's sign."

The uncle raised his head in surprise and found that the speaker was Lu Sheng who had returned from the toilet.

He saw Lu Sheng walking towards him under the extremely surprised eyes of his aunt and Jiang Yue.

He leaned down and tapped the Lord of Time ring on his hand, and then said in his uncle's ear:

"Uncle, hurry up and sign, trust me."

The uncle was stunned for a moment, then realized, could it be that Lu Sheng checked the picture three minutes later?

At this moment, the uncle had great trust in Lu Sheng. Since he asked him to sign, let's sign it.

So he no longer hesitated and signed the divorce agreement.

The aunts and others finally breathed a sigh of relief. The lawyer in a suit and leather jacket quickly stepped forward, picked up the divorce agreement and the power of attorney, said, "I will handle it for you two tomorrow," and left in a hurry. Ward.

Auntie and Jiang Yue originally didn't want to stay any longer, but when they saw Lu Sheng suddenly appeared, they suddenly didn't want to leave.

Asked in surprise:

"Jiang Shan, you know this young man."

The uncle was stunned for a moment, then laughed:

"What do you mean I know this guy and you two know each other too?"

"We also know each other?"

Jiang Yue thought so hard that she couldn't remember when she had met such a good-looking and handsome boy.

Just listen to my uncle say:

"He is the little deer, Lu Sheng."

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