"What did you say? It's a good thing that Xiaolu can complete the task on his own. Besides, this kid can't even take care of himself. If you find him a child with Down syndrome, how will he take care of him."

In this family, the only one who is willing to say a few kind words for Lu Sheng is his uncle.

However, my uncle is usually very busy at work. He leaves early and comes home late. He likes to drink and get himself drunk every day when he comes home.

I don’t usually discipline myself much.

Today is Sunday, and it is afternoon. It is one of the few waking hours that my uncle has.

Perhaps because she felt it was a little ridiculous, her aunt snorted from the crack of her nose and looked at Lu Sheng with a complaining look on her face:

"Why didn't you tell me earlier when you got the certificate? All my efforts were in vain. You really can't raise a child well no matter how hard you raise it."

After saying that, he threw away the rag and went to the back room wearing slippers, probably to call his good sister.

Lu Sheng stood quietly, without complaining or speaking.

Firstly, it's because he has always been cautious in character and will not easily break the status quo before he fully understands the rules of survival in this world.

Secondly, no matter what the purpose, aunt always wanted to save her life.

It's just that he looks down on himself.

After waiting until his aunt closed the bedroom door, Lu Sheng said to his uncle lying on the sofa:

"Uncle, I'm going back to the house first."

The uncle waved his hand, his eyes never leaving the TV screen.

The TV is playing the final sprint strategy for this week's mission, as well as a special plan for what next week's mission will be.

The invited guests are two special researchers from the [Research Association].

"Hmph, how have these bullshit researchers ever made accurate predictions?"

The uncle lying on the sofa complained dissatisfiedly:

"The current mission is really getting more and more weird. I don't know what it will be like next week."

Lu Sheng didn't stay in the living room for long, turned around and opened the door of his bedroom.

His bedroom is a small room of less than six square meters.

There was only a simple bed, a low cabinet and a desk in the room.

On the desk are an old-fashioned virtual imaging computer and a black Yin-Yang fish.

That was the only thing my father left to the original owner.

Lu Sheng opened the Yin Yang Fish and found half a photo inside.

It is a photo of the young original owner and his father.

The pixels of the photo are very low, but you can still vaguely see that the original owner was pretty and cute when he was a child.

My father is also very handsome and should be a handsome man.

Lu Sheng held the Yin Yang Fish in his hand and looked through it:

Yin and yang fish are usually a pair of black and white. Now that the black one is in my hand, where has the white one gone?

Is there half a photo hidden inside? Could it be the mother of the original owner?

Is there anyone else?

However, I am afraid that even the original owner cannot answer these questions, and Lu Sheng has no way of knowing.

He still obediently took out the time-space treadmill from the inventory and focused on fitness.

Because the room was too small, Lu Sheng could only put the treadmill on the bed.

The length is just right. The only problem is that running on it will make the bed board creak.

Wouldn't this be a good idea?

Forget it, I can’t worry about that much anymore, losing weight is the most important thing.

Lu Sheng climbed onto the treadmill and took the first step.

Suddenly, time and space flowed in front of my eyes, and when I opened my eyes again, I came to a pink room.

The room has gauze curtains, fragrance, and a very large love-shaped double bed.

The bed was covered with flowers and family planning supplies were placed.

Lu Sheng looked at the room with interest while running on the treadmill.

It can be seen that the previous owner of the treadmill carefully decorated this otherworldly space.

But this outfit looks too damn like a love hotel.

What also confused Lu Sheng was that as long as he stopped running, he would return to the real world.

What is the use of this room full of big beds, flowers and family planning supplies?

But soon the deer discovered another benefit of the treadmill.

It is a network that can connect to the real world and be projected on the veil in front of you.

Lu Sheng can take advantage of the exercise time to learn more about the world.

To understand the world, you cannot do without a website.

【Global Gamer Forum】

It is the world's largest player sharing community founded by the [Global Game Research Association] for sharing game experience, clearance strategies and item trading.

After Lu Sheng logged into the forum skillfully, he clicked into the game experience sharing section.

What he urgently needs to know at this moment is, besides the weekly tasks, what other ways can he get points.

After all, if you want to move out on your own, having a certain number of points is essential.

He quickly found a post called [(Top) Complete Guide to Earning Ladder Points].

It introduces in detail the three ways to obtain points:

①Complete weekly tasks and obtain ladder points through bonus points rules.

②Complete the dungeon and receive points rewards

③ Spend money to redeem in the game lobby, but you can only buy but not sell. The price of points will fluctuate over time. The current price is 1 million for 1 point.

Lu Sheng looked at the redemption price of points and couldn't help but secretly sighed.

Only 1 million can be exchanged for one point. This is obviously a game that only rich people can afford.

Sure enough, I saw a lot of comments below, writing:

: Ordinary people shouldn’t think about buying points, that’s for wealthy families.

: Yes, a friend of the original poster is from a wealthy area. He said that people there will spend a lot of money to buy hundreds or even thousands of points on the first day of the birth of a newborn. Change the qualifications for a newborn to live in the urban area.

: Darling, one thousand points is one billion. If you quit, quit.

: Ordinary people really envy the lives of those big guys, so they can only rely on dungeons.

Lu Sheng noticed that there were 999+ replies following this comment in the copy below.

So I reached out and clicked on this comment.

: Download a copy, are you kidding me? Do you know how high the mortality rate is for ordinary people who download the dungeon?

:How high is it? I really can't live this miserable life anymore. I've been watching the live broadcasts of other people's copies in the past few days, and I also want to try another copy.

: Brothers in front of you, please calm down. I remember that the institute has published relevant statistics before. If you read this for an amateur, it seems that 2-3 people out of 100 people can survive.

: Damn, the mortality rate is so high? Then I’ll just finish the weekly tasks honestly.

: Same as above, thank God if I can survive the weekly tasks.

Regarding the subsequent comments, Lu Sheng did not continue reading.

No wonder so many ordinary people remain ordinary people throughout their lives.

It turns out that the ladder to climb up is so difficult.

But for Lu Sheng, being willing to be mediocre is the only thing he is unwilling to do.

After all, before traveling through time, he once stood on the top of that world, overlooking the people below.

Once most people have seen the scenery at the top of the mountain, they never want to go back to the well at the bottom of the mountain.

Of course the same is true for Lu Sheng.

Building up his body is only the first step. Winning points and climbing to the top again are his longer-term goals.

It's just that he has always been cautious and will not try easily before he is sure.

"You still need to know more about this world before you consider dungeons."

Before he knew it, Lu Sheng had been running on the treadmill for an hour and a half.

For him, who weighs 230 pounds at this moment, it is already the limit of limits.

Lu Sheng had no choice but to stop and sit down on the treadmill.

With a "boom", the bed board broke.

The uncle who was watching TV and the aunt who was preparing dinner appeared outside the door with frightened faces.

They frowned as they looked at Lu Sheng, who was sweating profusely and sitting on the broken bed board.

"I just kept hearing something wrong inside. What on earth are you doing?"

Auntie's tone was very unkind:

"I'm telling you, I don't have the money to buy you a new bed."

Lu Sheng had just put the chrono-space treadmill back into the inventory, and he didn't know how to explain it at this moment.

So he simply said nothing.

The uncle sighed:

"Xiaolu, it's time to lose weight. Uncle Bed can buy it for you, but you can't continue like this."

When my aunt heard this, she immediately looked at her uncle with raised eyebrows:

"Tell me, where did you get the money to buy him a bed? Could it be that you hid your private money behind my back?"

"No, no, I mean next month's salary, next month."

"Next month's salary will be given to Jiang Yue to pay the tuition of the competitive university. You forgot, how can you still have money after paying it? If you ask me, I might as well just sleep on the floor to avoid collapsing another bed."

The aunt left Lu Sheng's room cursing.

The uncle waited for his aunt to walk away before winking at Lu Sheng.

It looks like he is saying:

Uncle, think of a way.

Lu Sheng nodded gratefully to his uncle, but after thinking about it, sleeping on the ground might be the best way.

Not only can you free up space on the treadmill, but you can also avoid making noise, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

So he got up and started to clean up the room, throwing the broken boards and bed frame downstairs.

I rested and rested until I finished it all at night.

Lu Sheng fell on the floor of the room and gasped for air. At this moment, he heard the door of the living room being pushed open with a "bang", and a pleasant female voice came:

"Mom, do you know who I got the certificate from today?"

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