One Task Per Week, Starting From The Goddess Of Flash Marriage

Chapter 72 If You Can Afford 700,000, I Will Lie On The Floor And Call You Grandpa

Ten minutes later, Jiang Chaoxing hurried back:

"Mom, my wife promised to pay for our father's medical treatment."

Auntie immediately glanced at Aunt Li with an expression of "What did I say?"

He asked hurriedly:

"It's better for my daughter-in-law. How much money does she plan to spend?"

"She plans to take 50,000."

As soon as Jiang Chao finished speaking, Aunt Li couldn't help but laugh.

The aunt immediately lost her composure, pointed at Jiang Chao's nose and cursed:

"Your father is short of 500,000 yuan in treatment, so she is willing to pay 50,000 yuan?"

"If her father died, would she only be able to provide this little money?"

Jiang Chao's face turned ugly at this time:

"Mom, why are you talking?"

"We just recently bought a house, a car, and our children need to go to school. We really can't afford that much money in a short while. You can't let us borrow loan sharks."

Auntie's eyes twitched:

"Then you can just sell the car, right? The car is more important than your dad?"

The two quarreled in the corridor in front of the emergency room.

At this time, Jiang Yue came back with a proud look on his face, glanced at Jiang Chao, looked at his aunt and said:

"Mom, please stop arguing. Xuhao promised to pay for dad's medical treatment."

Auntie took a deep breath:

"Isn't he also planning to get 50,000?"

Jiang Yue smiled disdainfully:

"How could Xuhao do such a thing? He promised 500,000 and paid the rest."

Auntie immediately beamed with joy, glanced at Auntie Li with a proud expression, and then said:

"Xu Hao is still filial, but the members of his guild are just different."

Jiang Chao wasn't angry either. Hearing that Li Xuhao was willing to pay 500,000, he breathed a sigh of relief:

"Mom, if Li Xuhao pays for all the rest of dad's medicine, I won't have to take the 50,000 yuan."

Auntie immediately slapped Jiang Chao on the scalp:

"You're so heartless, doesn't your dad spend money when he's hospitalized? Doesn't your mother spend money?"

"You just got 50,000 yuan, and you still want to take it back?"

Jiang Chao was unhappy, but considering that he was indeed in the wrong, he didn't say anything.

Auntie said quickly:

"Well Yueyue, if the money arrives, let's hurry up and pay for dad's medicine, so as not to delay the treatment time."

Jiang Yue said "hmm" and then said:

"But Mom, I have to tell you something clearly in advance. Li Xuhao said that the 500,000 yuan cannot be borrowed in vain, and the house we live in must be used as a mortgage."

Auntie suddenly opened her eyes:

"He, he, didn't he give your father money for medical treatment?"

Jiang Chao on the side suddenly stood up from his chair:

"I disagree!"

"I wonder how that Li Xuhao can be so kind."

"The house we live in now is worth at least 2 or 3 million. If he wants to get 500,000, he can just mortgage it and leave. No way!"

Jiang Yue glared at Jiang Chao:

"The house will be mortgaged to you, and you will pay 500,000 for dad's medical treatment?"

Jiang Chao replied angrily:

"Sooner or later this house will be mine, why should I pay 500,000?"


Auntie shouted:

"Mortgage is mortgage, save your father's life first."

After speaking, he glared at Jiang Chao:

"What does it mean that the house will be yours sooner or later? Do you believe it or not? I will do a notarization and transfer the house to someone else."

Jiang Chao stopped talking and sat down on the bench glumly.

Auntie and Jiang Yue went to the payment center and paid 700,000 yuan.

Lu Sheng looked at the family of three quarreling in front of the emergency room and secretly shook his head:

The kind of mother you really are, the kind of children you raise.

Considering the aunt's usually powerful and mean demeanor, it is not surprising at all to have children like Jiang Chao and Jiang Yue.

Perhaps noticing the disdain on Lu Sheng's face, Jiang Chao spoke to Lu Sheng for the first time tonight:

"Why are you mlgb watching the fun? Are you paying for it? You are a loser."

Lu Sheng frowned slightly:

“What if I pay for it?”

Jiang Chao was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that the useless otaku would dare to reply, so he sighed:

"If you can pay me, I will kneel down and call you grandpa."

Lu Sheng chuckled:

"Then you better remember what you said."

Different from the past when Lu Sheng was forgotten after scolding him, Jiang Chao felt an inexplicable chill this time. This was the first time in his life that he felt that what that good-for-nothing said was a bit worrying.

But then he shook his head.

A dog can't change its habit of eating shit, so what can a loser do?

After a while, aunt and Jiang Yue came back.

In the emergency room, my uncle was also given an injection of human blood stem cells.

Since all the cells in my uncle's body were reborn, his symptoms of darkened skin and withered muscles were immediately improved.

Half an hour later, the uncle was pushed out of the emergency room and transferred to the ordinary ward for observation.

Early the next morning, my uncle woke up from his sleep.

Looking at his aunt and Jiang Chao, Jiang Yue, and Lu Sheng who were accompanying him, he lamented that raising these children was not in vain.

Jiang Chao and Jiang Yue's faces suddenly turned red.

At this time, the attending physician came in, completed a routine check of uncle's various indicators, and then said:

"The current indicator situation is still good and will get better soon."

"Family members, come to my office. I have several inspection reports that I need to give you."

After hearing this, the uncle immediately understood the meaning of the doctor's words and called out to the doctor:

"Doctor, if you have anything to say, just say it here. I also want to know more about my disease."

The attending doctor glanced at his uncle and then returned to the bedside:

"I originally said this to my family, but if you want to know more, I won't hide it from you."

"This disease is very strange. Cells all over the body will gradually die inexplicably, just like a flower withering, so it is temporarily named blight disease."

"Currently existing diagnosis and treatment can only replenish dead cells by injecting human blood stem cells and regenerating cells throughout the body."

"But there is a problem. We found that newly generated cells will also die quickly within a day, which means..."

When the attending doctor said this, he subconsciously stopped.

"What does it mean?"

The attending doctor sighed:

"It means that before we find a complete cure, if you want to survive, you have to take an injection of human blood stem cells every day, which is almost 700,000 a day."

After the attending doctor finished speaking, the uncle's family was stunned.

700,000 per day, and we don’t know how long it will take to cure the disease.

This is undoubtedly a bottomless black hole, what should we do?

The uncle's face turned pale for a moment, staring at the ceiling of the ward in despair.

Lu Sheng suddenly thought of the random recovery peach in his item list, so he asked:

"Doctor, can uncle eat peaches in this condition?"

Before the doctor could speak, my aunt had already scolded:

"You little bastard has no other skills, but a lot of blind ideas. With your uncle like this, eating peaches is of no use. Do you want to kill him?"

Lu Sheng was originally not sure whether there were any peaches that could be restored to health among the peaches he had left.

After hearing what my aunt said, I gave up.

Lest you fail to be a good person and end up with a bad name.

The uncle patted Lu Sheng's arm weakly:

"Xiaolu also means well, why are you scolding him?"

Then he seemed to have figured it out and said to everyone:

"I just thought about it. Spending so much money just to extend my life for a few days is really not worth it."

"I have decided that I will not be cured, let nature take its course, and your burden will be lighter."

The uncle's words made the aunt and others feel relieved.

Yesterday's 700,000 almost made everyone tear up.

If it were 700,000 a day, it’s hard to imagine what this family might become like.

The uncle reluctantly sat up, looked at Jiang Chao and the others and said:

"Dad just has one last request. I don't know if you can do it."

Jiang Chao said hurriedly:

"Dad, just say it, we will find a way."

The uncle nodded happily:

"Dad still has some things to explain, and I haven't seen my precious grandson yet. Can you give me another injection, so that I can live one more day, and I can take care of all these things, and I won't worry about it anymore."

When Jiang Chao heard his father's request for another injection, his face immediately became a little embarrassed:

"Dad, your precious grandson is already on his way to see you. Do you want another injection..."

Jiang Chao quickly looked at Jiang Yue:

"Our house is worth at least 2 or 3 million. You only borrowed 500,000 as a mortgage to Li Xuhao. You asked him to provide another 700,000..."

Seeing his uncle's expression change slightly, Lu Sheng finally couldn't help but interrupt:

"Okay, stop talking!"

He really didn't want his uncle to hear such terrible things again.

When Jiang Chao saw that it was Lu Sheng who yelled at him, he suddenly became furious:

"You useless loser who doesn't pay a penny, why are you pretending to be enthusiastic here?"

The aunt also helped her son and scolded:

"As an outsider, don't interfere in our family affairs."

Lu Sheng ignored his aunt, but looked at Jiang Chao and said:

"I'll provide the money, but you have to do what you just said."

Jiang Chao felt regretful in his heart, but he could not give in at this moment, so he straightened his back and sneered:

"I, Jiang Chao, keep my word. If you, bastard, can pay 700,000, I will get down on the ground and call you grandpa."

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