Lu Sheng slowly opened his eyes.

What comes into view is a desolate abandoned city.

Traces of postmodern industry remain everywhere.

Fragments of neon lights and mecha body parts were scattered everywhere.

Behind him is the vast sea of ​​clouds. This is an abandoned city between the Sky City and Wujie Mountain.

As the copy officially started, more and more people appeared around him.

Some were wearing coarse linen clothes, and some were wearing close-fitting soft armor.

Lu Sheng could recognize at a glance that the close-fitting soft armor was the standard protective uniform of the Tianhe Guards.

The two parties were scattered randomly in Sifang City.

The sound of laser gun fire was heard not far away.

Lu Sheng quickly took out a laser pistol from the equipment slot, quickly found a bunker and hid behind it.

Through the gap in the bunker, he quietly observed the situation on the road, and suddenly found that his situation was very bad.

It turned out that the people who landed in this area with him were basically soldiers from the Tianhe Guards.

There were only a few of our own people wearing the clothes of criminals.

He was quickly surrounded by nearby guardsmen, and after a laser blast, he immediately fell to the ground.

Lu Sheng's heart suddenly rose to his throat, and he saw a guard soldier looking in his direction:

"I just saw another criminal here. He must be hiding behind that pile of things. Let's go over and search to make sure he doesn't escape."

Another tall and thin man whistled and walked towards the direction where Lu Sheng was hiding with a laser gun:

"Hmph, it's unlucky for these criminals to land near us."

Lu Sheng watched the two people walking toward him nervously while quietly putting on the black and white impermanence summoning ring.

Now that I have enough points, I must not skimp when it’s time to save my life.

Seeing the two escort soldiers getting closer and closer, Lu Sheng was about to summon Black and White Impermanence, when suddenly a bolt of lightning fell unexpectedly from the sky.

The lightning was like a chain. It penetrated one person first, then quickly connected to another person, and then was transmitted to the next person next to him.

The chain lightning quickly penetrated the twelve Tianhe Guards soldiers, killing them silently on the spot.

The tall and thin man who was still talking and laughing suddenly found that all the Tianhe Guardsmen behind him had fallen down.

He was left standing alone in front of Lu Sheng's bunker.

Lu Sheng quickly gave himself the title of "a strong man proficient in fighting".

Rushing out from behind the bunker like a gust of wind.

Three times, five times and two times, the weapon was knocked out of the hand of the tall and thin man.

Then he raised his laser pistol and pointed it at the tall and thin man's head:

"My luck is indeed bad, but it seems that you are even more unlucky."

After finishing speaking, Lu Sheng pulled the trigger in his hand before the tall and thin man could speak.

The laser beam penetrated the tall and thin man's chest, leaving a look of reluctance on his face.

Lu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at the street in the distance.

He suddenly discovered that such chain lightning was not an exception.

Chains of lightning one after another appeared on the streets of the city without any warning.

Inadvertently, many people fell to the electric shock.

What’s even more frightening is that lightning can travel up to 3 to 4 meters.

Maybe there is a distance of more than ten meters between you and another person.

But for no reason, through the transmission of 3 or 4 people, he was killed by lightning on the spot.

Everyone was in danger for a while, and some warriors who originally planned to kill a few opponents at the beginning gave up the idea of ​​killing them.

I don’t know who took the lead in shouting:

"Run to the third level city gate and hide inside the third level city. You'll be fine."

A large group of players immediately rushed towards the city gate.

Chain lightning is now more convenient for killing people.

They are all clusters of people.

If you hit just one person, you can easily take away a dozen people.

At this time someone shouted again:

"Everyone should not crowd, spread out as much as possible, and keep a distance of more than 4 meters from each other."

Lu Sheng was wearing the mirror armor at this time.

Chain lightning, as a type of light, will also be refracted by mirror armor.

Therefore, among all the people, only Lu Sheng ran slowly towards the third city gate with confidence.

About ten minutes later, as the triple city gate got closer and closer, there were more and more people in front of them.

Many amateurs from the same camp formed teams at this moment.

Lu Sheng also saw an acquaintance in the crowd:

Gu Xiaoxiao.

But what's a little strange is that she seems to be alone at the moment and has not yet met anyone from the Shengtian Guild.

After landing in the dungeon world, the members of Shengtian Guild were also scattered in every corner of Sifang City.

Yang Yuyan informed everyone of the meeting place through the wireless communicator, and then rushed to the agreed-upon location outside Sanchong City.

She also wears an epic (A) armor.

Although it cannot reflect damage like Lu Sheng's mirror armor, its defensive capabilities are very good.

Can withstand at least two electric shocks.

At this moment, she was very anxious to contact Gu Xiaoxiao on her personal channel:

"Xiaoxiao, where are you? Give me a position and I will protect you."

Gu Xiaoxiao quickly replied:

"Don't worry, Xiaoyan, Beishan and I have met."

Yang Yuyan breathed a sigh of relief, but then she said:

"You still have to be careful about lightning, and don't get too close to each other."

Gu Xiaoxiao pretended to be angry and teased:

"We are a serious married couple, why can't we get too close...ah!"

Gu Xiaoxiao's exclamation suddenly came from the other end of the communicator.

Yang Yuyan's heart suddenly jumped and she asked hurriedly:

"Xiaoxiao, what's wrong with you?"

There was silence in the communicator for a while, until a minute later, Luo Beishan's breathing came:

"Team Yang, Xiaoxiao and I were both hit by lightning just now. Fortunately, the armor helped us resist once, so there's no big problem for the time being."

After hearing this, Yang Yuyan suddenly became anxious:

"Please be safe, I'll be there soon."

Gu Xiaoxiao and Luo Beishan were the two people she trusted the most. At this time, they were struck by lightning at the same time. She was so anxious that she wished she could appear next to them immediately.

Yang Yuyan ran all the way and finally saw Gu Xiaoxiao and Luo Beishan sitting on the ground resting about one kilometer away from the third city gate.

Seeing that the two of them were okay for the time being, Yang Yuyan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before she finished taking this breath, she suddenly saw another person being hit by chain lightning a hundred meters away.

The lightning jumped all the way and was quickly transmitted to another person 4 meters in front of that person.

Two people were killed by lightning one after another, and a group of nearby players were so frightened that they immediately started running on their hands and knees towards the city gate.

The rushing crowd accelerated the speed at which the chain lightning spread forward.

The lightning bolt, which was clearly a hundred meters away from Gu Xiaoxiao and Gu Xiaoxiao just now, came to them in an instant.

Yang Yuyan, who was watching all this from a distance, suddenly screamed:

"Xiaoxiao, Beishan, be careful!!!"

But lightning comes faster than sound.

Before Gu Xiaoxiao and Gu Xiaoxiao could react, the bolt of lightning had already jumped in front of Gu Xiaoxiao and Gu Xiaoxiao through the swarming crowd.

One more blow, and both Gu Xiaoxiao and Luo Beishan will be killed.

Yang Yuyan suddenly turned pale and froze on the ground, even forgetting to run.

At the critical moment, she suddenly saw a figure quickly stopping in front of Gu Xiaoxiao and the other two.

After the chain lightning touched the man, it did not continue to jump forward, but refracted back very strangely.

Gu Xiaoxiao, who had narrowly escaped death, couldn't believe his eyes.

She raised her head and looked at the person standing in front of her. She was about to say thank you when her eyes suddenly lit up.

He shouted in surprise:

"Fat man, you saved me?!"

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