Father and Daughter

Almost at the moment when the grimace opened its mouth, the golden lightning twisted for a while, and a figure wearing a blue robe and an emperor’s crown walked out of the lightning.

The imposing manner all over the body, and the face that is not angry and majestic, is exactly Tianzun.

“You have been hiding for so long, but I finally found you.” Tianzun showed a smile on his face, his eyes became more excited, and in a flash, he went straight to the grimace.

Grimace made a shrill sound, as if he knew that he couldn’t escape, he rushed away at this moment, and directly fought with Tianzun.

All of a sudden, the roar echoed in the sky and spread in all directions.

At this moment, Bai Xiaochun, although he survived the catastrophe, did not have the slightest joy in his heart, but more chills arose in his heart. When Du Lingfei mentioned his father before, his tone was cold, and Bai Xiaochun felt that something was wrong with Du Lingfei.

But if Tianzun actually appeared from the golden light circle, and then think of Du Lingfei’s words, it is obvious that Tianzun has arrived, but he has never appeared, allowing Du Lingfei and himself to be shrouded in black mist, in their life and death crisis, waiting for an opportunity

This opportunity is obviously waiting for an opportunity to severely damage this grimace.

And this opportunity seems to be more important than his daughter’s safety in the eyes of Tianzun

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaochun also took a breath, and when he looked at Du Lingfei beside him, what he saw was the loss and bitterness in Du Lingfei’s pale face.

If we talk about the understanding of Tianzun, all Bai Xiaochun knows is speculation and judgment, but as the daughter of Tianzun, Du Lingfei knows her father very well.

She thought that this time her father arranged for her and Bai Xiaochun to stay in the North Vessel, it was indeed for the sake of whether the eldest sister died, and she also tried her best to investigate.

But now, she understands that the elder sister’s matter is secondary. The reason why she was left behind was because Tianzun wanted her and Bai Xiaochun to be used as bait to attract the ghost who escaped from the bone boat.Face

Although she didn’t know why her father thought that she and Bai Xiaochun would attract this grimace, but obviously, this grimace did come.

“Father, all your efforts are aimed at leaving here, but is leaving really that important? Is it beyond family affection?” Du Lingfei felt her heart being torn apart, looking at her father who was fighting in mid-air and that grimace.

At this moment, Tianzun’s injury seems to have recovered a lot, and for some reason, the grimace showed defeat. When he retreated rapidly, Tianzun snorted coldly, and stepped forward to pursue.

“I finally found you, how could I let you escape?”

“You don’t hesitate to use your flesh and blood to attract me. With such a heart, you are worthy of being a hero.” A sneer came from the grimace.

“So what?” Tianzun looked at it and said lightly, and suddenly chased after him.

He didn’t think it was wrong to use Du Lingfei this time. In his opinion, Du Lingfei didn’t die, and this grimace was so weird that no one could find it once he hid.

He was determined to get this grimace, so he used Bai Xiaochun and Du Lingfei as bait, and wanted to capture this grimace alive. On the one hand, he wanted to learn about the situation in the outside world through the other party, and on the other hand, he planned to refine it and make it his own.

Once he succeeds, his combat power will rise too much. At that time, whether he forces the tomb guard to open the gate of the world, or finds a way by himself, he has too many choices.

In fact, Gu Zhou’s departure had already made him despair, and this grimace’s voluntary stay was the only way he could do now, except for the last step that he didn’t even want to do.

At this moment, during the pursuit, Tianzun and the crying and laughing face have directly lifted off into the void and disappeared in an instant. Obviously, with their cultivation base, under each other’s shots, they have already moved away from this place, and I don’t know where they went .

And as they left, the whimpering wind on the ice field gradually disappeared, and calm returned.

But in Bai Xiaochun’s heart, it was difficult to calm down, he didn’t know how to comfort Du Lingfei, seeing Du Lingfei’s bleak figure, Bai Xiaochun sighed, walked up to Du Lingfei, and slowly hugged her in his arms.

Du Lingfei’s body was a little stiff at first, but as the warmth from Bai Xiaochun’s body slowly spread, her body also softened, as if she had lost her strength.

“He wasn’t like this before.” Du Lingfei murmured, the weakness she showed at this moment made Bai Xiaochun only sigh in his heart.

“Xiaochun, tell me, is it really that important to leave this world?” After a long time, Du Lingfei took a deep breath, seemed to have recovered a little, looked up at Bai Xiaochun, and asked softly.

“I don’t know about this, but if it were me, I wouldn’t want to leave here. I think Tongtian Continent is very good, and Wild Desolation is not bad, why should I leave?” Bai Xiaochun scratched his head, what he said was from the heart , In fact, he didn’t understand Tianzun’s eagerness to leave here, and regarded Tongtian Continent as a prison.

In his opinion, having enough longevity, being accompanied by relatives and friends, and the Tongtian Continent being so big, it is good. As for the outside world, from the ghost mother, it can be seen that the outside must be full of dangers.

Since it’s dangerous, why do you have to go out? Besides, Bai Xiaochun also felt that the mausoleum guards were a bit stubborn. Since Tianzun wanted to leave, it would be fine if he opened the door to prevent him from leaving.

Listening to Bai Xiaochun’s words, Du Lingfei smiled, that smile was very beautiful, at this moment in the night, the moonlight was shining, in that moonlight, Du Lingfei’s smile, against the backdrop of the surrounding ice and snow, was extraordinarily beautiful.

“I don’t want to leave here either, I want the same as you, in a quiet place, with relatives and friends, and a quiet life”

“But I don’t have a friend Xiaochun, I’ve grown up so big, I don’t have a friend and I haven’t even met my mother,” Du Lingfei murmured.

Bai Xiaochun remained silent, but hugged Du Lingfei even tighter, then picked her up and walked slowly forward, without direction, and they didn’t care where they were going, it seemed that in this night, on this ice field, walking all the way, Can come to an end after all.

The night passed.

When the early morning sun raised his head from the distant sky, and when the sunlight slowly fell down on the earth, Bai Xiaochun and Du Lingfei, who had been walking all night, suddenly had a physical pause.

When he raised his head, a golden lightning flashed from the sky. It was so fast that it traveled through nothingness and landed on the sky above the two of them, turning into a figure in a blue robe.

Tianzun, come back

In his hand, he is holding a cloud of black mist at the moment, and what is distorted in the mist is the crying and laughing grimace, but no matter how hard it struggles, it can’t escape the palm of Tianzun, but it’s just that he succeeded in catching the grimace, but Tianzun’s expression Some gloomy, very ugly, at this moment after returning, his spiritual consciousness suddenly dispersed, after sweeping over Bai Xiaochun and Du Lingfei, he looked around again, after a long while, he took back that vast spiritual consciousness.

The crying and laughing face did not escape in the end, and was caught by Tianzun, but after he caught it, he found that the other party was not complete, but a strand of soul

The main soul was nowhere to be seen. It was obvious that the grimace was cunning and cautious. Although he was extremely tempted by the bait of Tianzun, he still started the secret method at any cost, and split a strand of soul that had almost half of his soul to test it.

Although Tianzun managed to capture this part of the soul, he also scared the snake away. He knew that it would be extremely difficult to find the main soul of that grimace again. In a short time, the other partyIt is very likely that he hid it so that he could not find any clues.

But fortunately, with the soul in hand, he is not without gains, although it is not perfect, it is better than nothing.

Thinking of this, Tianzun took a deep breath, lowered his head and glanced at Bai Xiaochun and Du Lingfei, raised his right hand and waved, a token was directly transformed, and went straight to Bai Xiaochun.

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes flashed, he hesitated for a moment and then took the token.

“It’s nothing to do with you. With this order, you can use the teleportation formation of the Nine Heavens Cloud Thunder Sect to return to the Tongtian East Meridian.”

After Tianzun finished speaking, he ignored Bai Xiaochun and looked at Du Lingfei, his eyes softened a little.

“Fair, let’s go.”

Du Lingfei hesitated for a moment, intending to refuse, but finally lowered his head and gave Bai Xiaochun a hug, as if saying goodbye.

Bai Xiaochun didn’t let go, grabbed Du Lingfei, looked up at Tianzun in the sky, gritted his teeth, and spoke suddenly.

“Tianzun, Fei and I…” Bai Xiaochun had just finished speaking, and before he finished speaking, Tianzun’s eyes flashed coldly, and he interrupted directly.

“I know what you want to say. If you want to keep the deity’s daughter by your side, you are not qualified yet. Let’s talk about it when you become a demigod.” After saying that, Tianzun turned around and walked towards nothingness.

Du Lingfei shook his head at Bai Xiaochun, took a deep breath, seemed to regain his composure, and silently walked onto the nothingness, walked to Tianzun’s side, and gradually walked away

Bai Xiaochun stood there, looking at the father and daughter of Tianzun who were going away, his heart was complicated and difficult to understand, he thought that as the daughter of Tianzun, Du Lingfei was happy at the same time as being superior.

But this scene on the North Meridian Ice Field made him understand Du Lingfei’s misery and Tianzun’s indifference to family affection

“Demigod” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes showed determination and determination.

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