Battle Demigod

This scene made all the monks on the ground hold their breath. Although they felt Bai Xiaochun’s strength before, they never expected that this Bai Xiaochun was so strong that it was unbelievable.

“This is impossible.” Chen Hetian’s primordial spirit was trembling, his mind buzzing constantly. Although he judged that Bai Xiaochun was already a demigod, in his opinion, at most he was at the same level as the Giant Ghost King or Starry Sky Patriarch , fighting alone may be irrelevant, but it is absolutely impossible to withstand the supernatural powers of two and a half gods at the same time, and it is unscathed

You know, to prevent two demigods from fighting, someone who has this qualification is definitely not an ordinary demigod, not to mention Bai Xiaochun’s way of stopping is extremely brutal

Bai Zhentian gasped and looked shocked, the more he understood the demigod, the more he understood how terrifying Bai Xiaochun was at this moment.

“How could this be, I just haven’t seen you for a few years?” Bai Zhentian murmured, his mind was completely messed up, and all kinds of complicated thoughts kept gathering together, turning into bitterness.

Everyone in the Nihe Sect didn’t know much about it, but Lingxi Patriarch could see the truth. At this moment, Bai Xiaochun’s demigod fighting power made him feel unbelievable, but now this scene made him even more so He couldn’t believe what he saw.

However, compared to them, the most shocking thing at this moment is the giant ghost king and the demigod of the starry sky, especially the giant ghost king, his eyeballs were about to bulge, he pointed at Bai Xiaochun, and spoke involuntarily.

“You boy, why did you suddenly become so powerful?”

Although the demigod ancestor of the Starry Sky Dao Sect is not as familiar with Bai Xiaochun as the giant ghost king, after all, Bai Xiaochun is a monk of the Starry Sky Dao Ultimate Sect in name, and he has been paying attention to him since he was a celestial being.

At this moment, the storm in his heart was not small, and with an awe-inspiring expression, he couldn’t help squinting his eyes, looking carefully at this Bai Xiaochun who had suddenly reached the level that he had to pay attention to.

The speed of the other party’s practice made his heart shake, which is completely beyond common sense

“He’s not a demigod.” Starry Sky Patriarch’s eyes shrank sharply. Although he was shocked, but as a demigod, his eyes were extremely sharp. Bai Xiaochun’s combat power gave the impression that he was a demigod, but he didn’t have a soul. This is the biggest clue .

Not only the ancestor of the starry sky saw it, but soon, the giant ghost king also saw the problem.burst out.

“He’s not a demigod yet”

“How is it possible that the Great Perfection of Heaven and Man is possible? None of the Great Perfection of Heaven and Man I have seen in my life can be so powerful.”

When the emotions of the two were reversed, Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, took a few steps back, and clasped fists to the Giant Ghost King and Starry Sky Patriarch respectively.

“Brother Giant Ghost, Patriarch Starry Sky, don’t fight any more, enough people have died, this war between Wilderness and Tongtian is meaningless.” Bai Xiaochun raised his head and said bitterly.

When his words came out, the Giant Ghost King and Patriarch Xingkong frowned and didn’t speak immediately. After a while, Patriarch Xingkong snorted coldly and looked at Bai Xiaochun with sharp eyes.

“Fellow Daoist Bai, the Nihe Sect doesn’t need to participate in this battle. I can make the decision on this matter. Take your Nihe Sect and leave. Even if you have demigod combat power, it’s not you who said to stop this war.” , you can stop it.” Although the words said by Xingkong Patriarch are a bit rude, anyone who knows him can tell that this is already very polite.

He acknowledged Bai Xiaochun’s fighting power. As the demigod patriarch of Tongtian East Meridian, he has the right to prevent a mid-level sect from participating in the war. In his opinion, this is already an explanation to Bai Xiaochun.

At the same time, this matter is also to prevent Bai Xiaochun from returning to the wild.

Almost at the same time that Patriarch Xingkong spoke, the Giant Ghost King took a deep look at Bai Xiaochun, with tenderness hidden deep in his eyes, he knew Bai Xiaochun’s kindness, and also knew Bai Xiaochun’s plan, but Patriarch Xingkong’s words, he was Agreed, this war can’t be stopped just by Bai Xiaochun’s words.

“The grievances between Tongtian and Kui Dynasty have lasted for too long. Xiaochun, I know what you mean. Let’s go and take Zimo away.” The giant ghost king said, his eyes sharpened again, and he looked at Patriarch Xingkong.

The two looked at each other, and at the same time as the murderous intent was revived, their conversation was spread to the battlefield without any disguise, and slowly rose and fell with heavy breathing. It’s because there are more bloodshot eyes in the eyes, which makes each other’s killing intent stronger at this moment.

Seeing that this war was about to start again, Bai Xiaochun’s breath fluctuated for a while, and his eyes became more decisive in desperation. He knew that if he couldn’t even stop the battlefield here, how could he get Tianzun and the mausoleum guards to agree to stop the war.

He understood even more that at this moment, his position cannot be deviated. Once he deviates, he will lose the qualification to win the agreement of Tianzun and the guardian of the tomb to cease fighting.

“You guys want to start a war.” Bai Xiaochun lowered his head, his voice came out slowly with a strong sense of determination.

“Then you can beat me, you can kill as much as you want, and I, Bai Xiaochun, will ignore the slightest thing from now on.”

“But if you can’t even beat Tangtang Demigod, don’t mention any fights in front of me.”

“Old Ancestor Starry Sky, come on, since I can’t persuade you, I can only convince you, and Brother Giant Ghost, after I conquer this Old Ancestor Starry Sky, I will come to convince you again” Bai Xiaochun said , raised his head, eyes filled with blood, with a sneer, looked at the two of them.

The faces of the Giant Ghost King and the Xingkong Patriarch changed. Compared to the Xingkong Patriarch, although the Giant Ghost King was a little uncomfortable with Bai Xiaochun’s words, he still didn’t say anything and just gave Bai Xiaochun a look.

But Starry Sky Patriarch looked into Bai Xiaochun’s eyes, and slowly laughed, the laughter became louder and louder, and his aura exploded in the laughter, getting stronger and stronger, and in the end, it affected the entire sky, As the sky twisted, it was originally daytime, but it turned into night in an instant, revealing a strange starry sky

This is exactly the Taoist method of the ancestor of the starry sky, replacing the sky with his own starry sky and transforming it out, as if letting his own will override the will of this world.

“Bai Xiaochun, except for Tianzun and the mausoleum guards, no one dares to say that what you have just endured is just the remnants of my supernatural power.”

“You can wait and see.” Bai Xiaochun said lightly, just now when he faced the magical powers of the two, the recovery of the immortal blood in his body made Bai Xiaochun realize that maybe the current self is stronger than he imagined.

“Okay” the ancestor of the starry sky smiled angrily, raised his right hand suddenly, and pointed at the starry sky. For a moment, it seemed to be attracted by the fingers of the ancestor of the starry sky, and the starlight condensed in an instant.

The entire sky is changing. This strange scene exudes a vast momentum, making everyone on the earth tremble in their hearts, as if the demigod ancestor who pointed to the starry sky has transcended himself at this moment, showing the power of a god, and seems to be able to With one person, shake the world fundamentally

“Spear of the Starry Sky” the ancestor of the starry sky spoke lightly, and as the words echoed, those starlights suddenly flowed together in the sky, and as the aura became stronger and stronger, an oppressive force descended from the sky, Until under the condensed endless starlight, a huge spear made of starlight transformed into the sky

This spear is too big, as if it occupies the entire starry sky, at this moment, as the right hand of the ancestor of the starry sky is put down, pointing at Bai Xiaochun, the starry sky spear is also slowly turning, and the point of the spear points directly at Bai Xiaochun

A strong sense of crisis erupted in Bai Xiaochun’s heart in an instant, at the same time, the ground trembled, and countless gravels flew up, All the monks on the ground felt a sense of fear as if the doomsday was coming.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the ancestor “Mie” Xingkong, and when he opened his mouth suddenly, the spear in the starry sky moved with a bang, descended from the sky, and went straight to Bai Xiaochun

The sudden increase of breath and the blasting momentum caused the nothing around Bai Xiaochun to make a crackling sound, which was unbearable and shattered, and his body skin was also sunken at this moment. If you look carefully, you can see that there is a Another cyclone kept wandering away, his hair fluttered, only in his eyes, at the moment when the spear approached, there was a bloody light, like a blood fire, ignited instantly

This book has reached a critical period. Many pits need to be filled in, and many lines need to be solved. Recently, I have spent more time thinking about the follow-up plot than writing the book. I have rejected all website activities before, and this is even more so now. I want to calm down fill in the hole

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