Maybe there is a trace

just empty

“Hao’er” Bai Xiaochun’s consciousness suddenly awakened from all the confusion at this moment, as if there was an indescribable sorrow, forming a wave, completely awakening him from the endless nothingness

At this moment, his eyes opened suddenly, staring blankly at the emptiness in front of him. Bai Hao’s soul had already dissipated along with the twenty-two-color fire.

In that emptiness, there was only a sliver of flame, which seemed to represent Bai Hao’s last imprint of existence in this world, and as it dissipated, it landed on Bai Xiaochun’s raised palm, leaving a burnt scar.

Bai Xiaochun’s body trembled, his raised hand couldn’t be put down in mid-air, his tears, especially at this moment, couldn’t stop flowing down.

He didn’t see Bai Hao’s final dispersal, but he felt that in his life, it seemed that from this moment on, he lost his apprentice forever

His tears fell on his dry body, on the land of this wasteland, and his whole world was directly enveloped by an unprecedented thick sadness.

It’s not that Bai Xiaochun has never experienced relatives and friends around himHowever, this time Bai Hao’s disappearance caused Bai Xiaochun’s mind to fall into a dead silence

Grief, to the greatest extent, is not a hysterical rant, but an involuntary tear

In his mind, the scene when he saw Bai Hao for the first time, the scene of awakening Bai Hao’s soul, and the scene of the two living together in the wild

“Bai Hao, from now on, I will be your master”

“Hao’er, what do you think of this matter, how did you do for the teacher?”

“Haha, Haoer, don’t worry, I have experience as a teacher in this matter.”

These images flashed through Bai Xiaochun’s mind time and time again. His body was trembling, he raised his hand, but still couldn’t put it down, and even subconsciously, he grabbed it again, as if he didn’t believe that Bai Hao had already fallen.

“Hao’er…” Bai Xiaochun murmured, and as the tears flowed down, his cries gradually came out. The cries echoed in the ruins, containing endless sadness and deep sorrow.

“Why do you have to fight and kill? Why do people have to die?”

“Cultivating immortals, isn’t it for longevity? Why?” In the unstoppable tears, in the endless sadness, in the face of the doubts that have always existed since the beginning of the practice, Bai Xiaochun’s voice became weaker and weaker.

He had only a sliver of life left, but Bai Hao’s departure made an indescribable sadness condense in his body, and this sadness was difficult to release, it was just tears, one of the things that could not be vented.

Since it could not be dissipated, this sadness settled down and formed a cold wind that wiped out the last flame of his life. In his world, it turned into a storm, freezing everything

Before this storm was about to freeze his life, Bai Xiaochun raised his head and took a deep look at the mausoleum guard. In the depths of his eyes, when he looked at the mausoleum guard, Although it is complicated, what is revealed is more of hatred

How can he not understand that whether it is Du Lingfei or Bai Hao, their current situation, behind all this is the promotion of the mausoleum guards

No matter what the mausoleum guards are for, Bai Xiaochun will never forgive

This kind of hateful gaze has never appeared on Bai Xiaochun’s body in the slightest.

His always optimistic, always happy, almost innocent heart seems to have been sealed in memory and buried in the heaven and earth with the birth of this hateful gaze.

With a miserable laugh, Bai Xiaochun closed his eyes.

The mausoleum guard was bitter. He saw the hatred in Bai Xiaochun’s eyes, and also felt Bai Xiaochun’s vitality. In this sadness, it was like a flower that didn’t bloom, and it withered rapidly. Sigh.

If possible, he didn’t want Bai Hao to fall, but even he couldn’t save Bai Hao’s soul that burned everything in the twenty-two-color fire, so he could only help secretly at the end. He wasn’t sure about the glimmer of life, and he didn’t say it.

“Bai Xiaochun” the mausoleum guard whispered softly, his voice reverberated in the ruins of the lower three cities.

“Although the old man has customized a plan, but in the process that happens in the middle, not every detail can be controlled”

“Everything is for immortality and longevity”

“Immortal is like yang, eternal life is like yin.” The old voice of the mausoleum guard reached Bai Xiaochun’s ears, but he couldn’t wake up the consciousness immersed in sorrow, which remained withered.

It seems that these words of the mausoleum guard were not meant for Bai Xiaochun, as if he was talking to himself, and wanted to use these words to strengthen his thoughts, to strengthen his mission and belief.

“These two volumes of Kuihuang’s law have been passed down for a long time, and they are eternity condensed in the catastrophe to represent hope.” The tomb guard whispered softly, and his voice became more and more vicissitudes, as if it came from the years.

“Unfortunately, it is very difficult to practice any volume alone. People with the blood of Kuihuang have blood blessings, and those who can achieve success are rare, let alone people with thin blood in this world. It is difficult to break through, and when it reaches Dacheng, it is the end.”

“It is so difficult to repair the Longevity Scroll after the Immortal Scroll, and it is unimaginable that no one has been able to do it throughout the ages.

Section reading 650

Knowing that the method of cultivation requires one death.”

“Because the opposite of immortality is death, and the opposite of immortality is death even though it is short-lived.”

“Between immortality and longevity, what connects them is death. It’s just that this kind of death is not a real fall, but like a blood ancestor. Yesterday’s breath is exchanged for today’s awakening.” The mausoleum guard murmured, these words, originally he He wouldn’t say it out loud, but now, he can’t care too much. With Bai Hao’s death and the fall of the Underworld Emperor, the mausoleum guard understands that this world has come to an end.

From then on, there will be no reincarnation in the world, and all dead souls will wander between the heavens and the earth, and the Styx river is probably all dried up after Bai Hao’s death.

The souls inside may have swarmed out and spread throughout the world

“Only after experiencing death, as if there is a bridge, can the person who has completed the immortal scroll be qualified. The cultivation of the longevity scroll is only a qualification. It will take too long to complete the longevity scroll.” The sighs of the tomb guards spread in the ruins.

he did notWith this time, I can’t judge whether there will be accidents in the process, which will lead to the shattering of all hopes and the end of my mission.

Even if this was the real plan he had discussed with the Blood Ancestor before Bai Xiaochun appeared, when the Blood Ancestor fell, but now, with Bai Xiaochun’s appearance, with Bai Xiaochun’s aptitude on the undead scroll, the mausoleum guards are very serious about him. The original plan was revised.

He gave up on the Blood Ancestor and pinned his hopes on Bai Xiaochun

And everything that followed has been changed because of this, but there is still a more important factor that makes the mausoleum guards have more confidence in their revised plan than the original plan.

“Tongtian Taoist doesn’t think that he was born with evil thoughts. His talent is so strong that the old man has only seen immortality and longevity in his life. He found another way and created the immortality pill.” The mausoleum guard closed his eyes, his voice was still old reverberates everywhere.

He wanted Bai Xiaochun to replace the Blood Ancestor as his hope of fulfilling his mission. He wanted Bai Xiaochun to practice the Longevity Scroll.

It is not a step-by-step practice, but a crash course

Combined with the method of Immortality and Longevity Pill created by Taoist Tongtian, which is also amazing to the guardians of the mausoleum, the guardian of the mausoleum needs Bai Xiaochun’s body to have a trace of the longevity scroll completely integrated with his body

This breath will be the seed, which can let the mausoleum guard use the method of Taoist Tongtian to use the other method he created on that basis over the years to stimulate the seed and make it grow quickly.

“So I took advantage of Taoist Tongtian’s eagerness to leave this world, interrupted all his plans and arrangements, and pretended to put him to death.”

“Under my persecution, under his own madness, he really chose Tiger Poison Eater, and this old man also took advantage of this opportunity to use Tianzun and Du Lingfei to complete Bai Xiaochun, a trace of immortality produced in your body during that fusion. The breath of the volume.” The mausoleum guard raised his head, opened his eyes again to look at Bai Xiaochun, and spoke weakly.

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