The story in the temple, the people outside the story

early morning.

The whiteness of the sky in the distance spreads slowly like a fish maw. The clouds around it, which were originally black, turned purple-gray visible to the naked eye in the glow, and then slowly turned red again.

The rays of the sun gradually spread far and wide, piercing through all the clouds and reflecting in the world. At the same time, two figures, one old and one young, came from the distant mountains and forests.

The old man was wearing a Taoist robe, and although his cultivation of alchemy was restrained, it still came out from his lightning-like eyes. As for the boy next to him, he was just condensing his breath.

Along the way, the two arrived in front of the ruined temple in this small county town. The boy immediately saw Bai Xiaochun sleeping drunk in the corner, and frowned slightly.

“The world is so miserable. Those who don’t get the Dao will live like ants all their lives. What do you do with them?”

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The old man shook his head and led the boy into the temple. The temple seemed to have been burned and was very dilapidated.

“Master, is this the place?”

“This place is the place where the sky fire came, and you can feel it here, which can make your fire-inducing technique to a higher level.” The old man nodded, looked at the incomplete surroundings, and sighed.

“This was once a temple of the Eternal MotherTemple, before feeling it, you first go to worship the Eternal Mother. ”

The “Mother of Eternity” child straightened his expression, and immediately bowed to the temple.

“Master, the legend about the Son of Eternity and the Enemy Beyond Heaven is true. What we see when we look up is the Enemy Beyond Heaven, right?” The little boy looked up at his master and asked suddenly. He already had the answer in his heart. But I still want to ask, in his eyes, this is the omnipotent and omniscient master.

The voices of the master and the apprentice gradually reached Bai Xiaochun’s ears. Bai Xiaochun slowly opened his eyes. Another night of hangover caused his head to hurt a bit. His eyes were hazy when he opened them. Slowly waking up, the emergence of memories made his heart tingle and dazed again.

Experienced being forced to merge with Du Lingfei, experienced the death of his disciple in front of his eyes, experienced a series of calculations, and experienced the end of the world after the collapse of the world.

It can be said that Bai Xiaochun’s experience is something that many of his peers will never be able to imagine.

The things that happened time and time again made him lost, bitter, painful, and at a loss.

It seems that only after he was drunk, in that vague dream, could he find the lost happiness and joy. After waking up, when he looked up at the sky that was completely different from the Babel world, his decadence could not be controlled The rise of living turned into depression.

For this big world, Bai Xiaochun has already known from people’s words in the past few months that it is called the Eternal Continent.

Even mortals know that there is a beautiful legend in this world. According to legend, the Eternal Continent is actually an eternal flower.

This flower is too big, her five petals are five fairylands with a vast territory that can be called endless.

People call the flower of eternity the mother of eternity, all living beings sing praises to it, and are devout, even in this small county, there are temples of the mother of eternity, such as the one behind Bai Xiaochun, many years ago, It was burned by the sky fire and became dilapidated. Before it was burned, this was the temple of the Eternal Mother.

According to legend, people live on the petals of the eternal flower. For countless years, it seems that since the birth of life in this world, it has always been like this

And in the center of these five fairylands, it is called the Eternal Sea. The Eternal Sea is filled with mist, and mortals cannot approach it. According to legend, in the depths of the Eternal Sea, there were once three huge statues erected.

These three statues, they are called Sons of Eternity, are still legends. A long, long time ago, the three Sons of Eternity fought an earth-shattering war with the Enemy Beyond Heaven. The result of that war was that the Enemy Beyond Heaven fell asleep. , and the three eternal sons turned into statues.

This legend has been circulated throughout the Eternal Continent for an unknown number of years. In the process of spreading, any piece of myth will gradually dissipate or change its appearance. The biggest possibility is that it will gradually become more and more popular. Many people just regard it as a legend and won’t believe it.

However, the story about the three eternal sons and the enemy outside the sky has never dissipated from the beginning to the end, and it has made almost every mortal on this eternal continent believe that this is not a legend, but a truth History

Bai Xiaochun took the jug, took a big sip, and listened to the conversation between the master and the apprentice in the temple. He gradually raised his head and stared blankly at the sky. He woke up for the first time half a year ago and looked up at this strange land. When he touched the sky of the world, his whole mind roared, and he even had a feeling of absurdity.

Even now, he is already familiar with the difference in the sky, and has heard the historical legends about the Eternal Continent, but every time he sees it, there are endless waves in his heart.

The sky here is really different.

In the sky, in two opposite directions far away, five giant mountains can be seen in the sky, any one of them seems to be as high as the fairyland, and under the five giant mountains on both sides, there are there is a continent

To be precise, it is a vertical continent, even bigger than any fairyland

Whether it is a giant mountain or a vertical continent, they have no roots, nor do they stand on the eternal continent, but appear out of thin air on the sky, as if they exist in the starry sky

“Where is this mountain and continent? This is clearly a giant whose body is unimaginably huge. His raised two hands” Bai Xiaochun murmured in his heart, looking at the sky. This was the first time he saw it a few months ago. , the most direct feeling in the heart.

At the same time, this is a history that even children can understand, because in this sky, apart from those two big hands, there is half a face

This half of the face seems to be in the starry sky. It is too far away from here, but it can still be seen clearly. It is full of majesty, full of austerity, and there is a sense of ruthlessness that permeates it, which is shocking.

This half face, eternally floating in the sky

If it is said that the giant mountain and the upright continent are two big hands in Bai Xiaochun’s most direct feeling, then when he saw that half face for the first time a few months ago, the most shocking scene in his heart was in the hand. In the pitch-black starry sky outside the Eternal Continent, there is an incomparably huge giant.

This giant is too big, just half of his face is enough to become half of the sky of the Eternal Continent, and his raised hands obviously want to smash the Eternal Continent into flying ash”He is the enemy from outside the sky who fought against the three Eternal Sons.” In Bai Xiaochun’s ears, the voice of the old man who formed the alchemy in the temple was speaking to his disciples.

Legend has it that this enemy from outside the sky destroyed the entire starry sky until he was sealed away by the three eternal sons outside the Eternal Continent at the cost of death, and fell into an endless sleep.

Legend has it that one day in the future, this giant will wake up from a deep sleep, and when he opens his eyes, he will destroy everything he sees.

Bai Xiaochun picked up the jug and took a big gulp.

The stories he heard in the past few months came to mind, and he thought of the huge carvings on the first floor of the bone boat. Everything in the picture described exactly this legend.

“It is said that after the three eternal sons sealed the enemies outside the sky, because of the raging fluctuations in this world, they took all their clansmen into their bodies, and then turned them into three huge statues, standing in the eternity The depths of the sea.” In the temple, the old man was also talking about this period of history to his disciples.

“Legends say that the three eternal sons formed the world in their bodies, and their last vitality brought life to the world, thus giving birth to all living beings. Wisdom, let all living beings gradually enter the right track and step into practice.”

“Legends say that a few years later, the first statue transformed into the Eternal Son collapsed. From the statue, people who walked out of a world, after those people saw the Eternal Continent, after seeing the different phases of the sky, they disappeared. The joy of stepping out, but on this eternal continent, with the help of their royal family, take root, survive, and multiply.”

Voices from the temple came one after another. Bai Xiaochun wanted to laugh after hearing it, but he couldn’t. Although this was not the first time he knew this story in the past few months, every time he heard it, the storm in his heart and Shock, far beyond those who tell the story.

People have joys, sorrows, sorrows, and stories have joys and sorrows. When I saw someone predicting that this book would be tragic from now on, I flicked my sleeves and yelled loudly. Who dares to say it is a tragedy? It is absolutely impossible. I will use my handsomeness as a mortgage

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