The first old friend

The cold wind was no different from usual, but now it was blowing on the three of them, but it made the three ruffians tremble, and their whole bodies were drenched in sweat.

“The Immortal must be an Immortal” Sun Wu trembled, almost crying, thinking that he was going to rob an Immortal, his mind was buzzing, and he felt that his life was not long.

“What are immortals? A few years ago, I saw an immortal who was hacked to death with knives.” Just as Sun Wu was trembling, another ruffian beside him, maybe he was a little confused, or he was extremely frightened, With red eyes at this moment, he took out an ax from behind, roared, went straight to Bai Xiaochun, and slashed hard on Bai Xiaochun’s forehead with the ax

“Since you have offended the immortal, you will die on both sides, so you can only fight.” The moment the ax fell, there was another click, and the entire wooden handle of the ax broke, and the ax fell on Bai Xiaochun. On his forehead, it seemed to be chopped on an indestructible rock. With the break of the handle of the ax, under the shock, the ax turned into a cold light, and it rolled back directly, and with a puff, it slashed on the face of this ruffian. superior.

It was too fast, no blood was even spilled, all the wounds were completely blocked by the axe, the ruffian trembled, he took a few steps back, and wanted to say something, but before he could open his mouth, he fell down , died of exasperation.

Sun Wu and the other ruffian were already scared out of their wits at this moment, screaming and crawling, wishing they could grow a few more legs, and ran away like crazy.

Their hearts had already been terrified to the extreme, they didn’t even dare to stay in the county seat, they snatched a few fast horses, and took advantage of the darkness to flee in a hurry.

Outside the temple, in the cold wind, the corpse whose face had been sliced ​​by the axe, blood flowed out after a long while, seeped into the soil under the body, and remained motionless.

As for Bai Xiaochun, he opened his eyes in a daze at this moment, looked at the bamboo forest in the distance, and then looked at the corpse with his eyes open and terrified.Paying attention to these mortals, being woken up in a hangover made him a little irritable. He got up and wobbled to the flagon that had been stepped into the mud, took out the flagon, shook it, Bai Xiaochun leaned against the wall, and in this dark night, he didn’t feel dirty and took a big gulp.

Only in this drunkenness, can he keep his mind from wandering, from surfacing past memories and pains, and from thinking about the confused future.

As he drank and drank, the sky in the distance gradually became darker, as if the dawn was approaching, and the night sky was about to splash out the last ink, Bai Xiaochun’s expression suddenly moved, his eyes suddenly showed inconceivable, fierce He raised his head and stared at the bamboo forest in front of him. He couldn’t believe it, and even his body trembled uncontrollably.

The hand holding the flagon was also trembling, as if the flagon was about to fall from his hand.

At this moment, a tall figure slowly walked out of the bamboo forest in front of him. This figure was dressed in a black robe. The whole person seemed to merge with the darkness, and it was even more spooky, spreading around here, as if This temple and everything around it fell into a state of Senluo.

He looked at Bai Xiaochun the same way, walked up to Bai Xiaochun step by step, stood there, and after a long time sighed, this sigh was full of vicissitudes

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, with emotion, finally turned into an old voice, echoing in Bai Xiaochun’s ear.

“Anything else, I’ll have a drink too.”

“Brother Giant Ghost” Bai Xiaochun stared blankly at the tall but old figure in front of him, his eyes blurred.

The person who came here was the giant ghost king

This is the first living old friend that Bai Xiaochun encountered after waking up in this Eternal Continent

The giant ghost king is obviously much older than when he was in Tongtian World, especially on his face, there is a scar. Obviously, after he collapsed in Tongtian World and was teleported to the Eternal Continent, he also experienced dangers in the past half a year.

At this moment, his body was also exhausted, and he sat beside Bai Xiaochun, also leaning against the wall of the ruined temple, snatched the jug from Bai Xiaochun, put it to his mouth and took a sip.

Bai Xiaochun was short of breath, stood up abruptly, his consciousness spread out, and he looked around.

“Don’t look for it, I don’t know where Zi Mo is, I’m the only one here.” The giant ghost king didn’t look up, and continued to drink, his voice was tired and desolate.

Bai Xiaochun seemed to have lost all his strength at once, and sat down slowly, but his breathing was still rapid, he snatched the jug back from the giant ghost king’s hand, and when he put it to his mouth, the wine was gone, he shook it vigorously After a few times, and still no drink, Bai Xiaochun threw the jug aside viciously.

The Giant Ghost King didn’t speak, but looked at Bai Xiaochun, silent.

“How did you find me?” Bai Xiaochun asked hoarsely after a long time.

“I’ve been looking for you for half a year.” The giant ghost king took out a jug from his storage bag, took a big gulp, threw it to Bai Xiaochun, and said slowly.

When the world collapsed, Bai Xiaochun was too seriously injured in the battle with Taoist Tongtian, and lost consciousness when he was teleported, but the giant ghost king in the wild Kuihuang City did not fall into a coma. He saw with his own eyes that Bai Xiaochun was just like himself. It was teleported to the third fairy domain of the evil dynasty.

So he began to search, just like Bai Xiaochun, after seeing too many corpses, the giant ghost king felt bitter to the extreme, but he believed in one thing, Bai Xiaochun would never die.

Under this firm belief, he searched for more than half a year, and finally today, he found Bai Xiaochun who was depressed.

Compared to Bai Xiaochun’s depression, the giant ghost king’s mood is actually not high either. After experiencing the great war in the wild, the collapse of the world, and the disappearance of his daughter, these series of events have made him the king of the royal dynasty, and now he has nothing.

And those wives and concubines he had in Giant Ghost City back then are nowhere to be found now. All these things made the mighty Giant Ghost King almost at a loss in his heart.

His own subjects, as well as the glory of the past, have now become the past with the collapse of the Tongtian World in the blink of an eye. In this strange eternal continent, what is before him is to start all over again.

For him who has reached a certain age, every time he thinks about starting all over again, he will inevitably feel sighs and bitterness in his heart, and it is also at this time that he discovered the magical effect of the wine in the Eternal Continent.

The wine here can not only intoxicate mortals, but also immortals.

“Did you see it?” Bai Xiaochun held the jug, and after a long while, he opened his mouth blankly. He didn’t say what he saw, but the giant ghost king could understand.

“You are the first living person I met, but I believe that although many people died during the teleportation, there must be many people who can see the starry sky like us now.” The giant ghost king was silent for a long time, Shen Sheng said.

Bai Xiaochun raised his head, stared blankly at the night sky, and remained silent for a long time.

At this moment, under the night sky, in the five fairylands of the Eternal Continent, in different regions, different states, different counties, different cities and wildernesses, there are also people who flow the blood of the Tongtian Continent. He raised his head and looked at the strange starry sky.

They are like invisible stars. If they have enough cultivation to sweep the entire Eternal Continent, they will definitely be able to see the continent like a starry sky.The fate of the heart, the bright light emitted in the struggle.

Li Qinghou, ancestor of Lingxi, fortune teller, Xu Baocai.

Zhou Zimo, Song Junwan

There is also Tie Dan, it had ignored Bai Xiaochun because of Bai Xiaochun’s madness in that savage war back then, but it kept watching Bai Xiaochun from afar until the world collapsed, until it was teleported to this strange Eternal Continent On the ground, it looked at those strangers, and it was a little scared, but although it didn’t feel Bai Xiaochun’s breath, it felt a wave of familiarity and strangeness, so it looked for it and found Song Junwan

And the fluctuation that makes it feel familiar and strange is exactly in Song Junwan’s belly.

What is familiar is the blood, what is unfamiliar is the breath, Tie Dan doesn’t understand, but Song Junwan’s beautiful smile makes it understand that it wants to protect this breath, protect this blood

It believes that one day, sooner or later, it will be able to see that familiar figure again in this strange world.

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