One Sword Light Cold Seventeen States

“There are seventeen strong demigods in this third fairyland, and demigods are called Dazun here.” The giant ghost king walked a few steps in the temple and turned to look at Bai Xiaochun.

“The old man just now knew the map of the third fairyland in the memory of the cultivator that day. It is about half a state northwest of here, and there is the shore of the endless sea.”

“Before we make a move, we must first decide on a route to escape from this place.” The giant ghost king said, raised his right hand and took out a jade slip, pinched it in his hand and branded it with divine consciousness. Soon, the jade slip flashed, It was handed to Bai Xiaochun by the giant ghost king.

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes shone brightly. After taking the jade slip and looking at it, the entire scope of the Third Immortal Territory suddenly appeared in his mind. At the same time, in this map, there was also a brief introduction to the demigods of each state, although it was not comprehensive. But obviously these are the memories of that day’s cultivator.

At the same time, Bai Xiaochun also noticed the area marked by the giant ghost king.

“You and I, one of us will go to a state, each kill a demigod, and meet there.” The giant ghost king took a deep breath, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

“This Chen Yuanzi in Zongshan Prefecture is only at the early stage of demigod. The old man is sure to kill him when he makes a move, while the great master named Li Luohai in Yunhai Prefecture, which is close to Zongshan Prefecture, has a cultivation level of half god. In the late stage of God, Xiaochun, you go and kill him.” The giant ghost king said, looking at Bai Xiaochun.

Bai Xiaochun didn’t speak, but the killing intent in his eyes made the Giant Ghost King, who already thought there was no problem, nod his head, and was about to explain again, when Bai Xiaochun spoke lightly.

“The ghost mother sits here, and she will definitely come after her when she notices it, so this matter must be done quickly, and the time and place of the gathering must be fixed. If it is late, don’t wait any longer. Leave this third fairyland and go to the Holy Dynasty.”

Seeing that Bai Xiaochun opened his mouth to add, the giant ghost king’s spirit became even more excited. He was still very impressed with Bai Xiaochun’s methods in the wilderness, and now he also opened his mouth to add something. Taking a deep breath, he gave Bai Xiaochun a serious look.

“Everything is based on safety,” said the giant ghost king, turned around and disappeared in the ruined temple in an instant.

Bai Xiaochun looked at the place where the giant ghost king disappeared, and then looked away after a while, looking at the ruined temple where he lived for more than half a year, the snow and rain on the ground, and the broken jug.

In his spiritual consciousness, all the scope of the small county at this moment emerged in his heart, and gradually, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes glowed with light.Getting stronger and stronger, like the fire of life rekindled

“It’s time to leave”

“What Brother Giant Ghost said is true, in fact, I also understand hope”

“The hope of the people of Tongtian World, my hope, and Haoer’s hope at the same time.” Bai Xiaochun looked down at the scar on the back of his hand. When he looked up, he was completely different from the past half a year, as if he was about to be unsheathed. The sharp sword, the sword comes out of the seventeen states of Guanghan.

“My way is still to live forever, and it is still to let my relatives and friends, and those who walk with me, all live forever.”

“I don’t have any doubts about fighting and killing. If you want to achieve longevity, then there must be difficulties and bumps on this road. If you don’t have a sharp sword in your hand, how can you overcome obstacles all the way to achieve longevity?”

“I’m still afraid of death. It’s useless to be afraid. The only way to make myself stronger so that no one can kill me is the strongest choice to protect the Dao.” The falling snow and rain seemed to pause for a moment.

It seems that there is an invisible wave that people can’t detect. At this moment, it swells

“People in the Tongtian world say

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If you give me enough conditions, then I can collapse the entire world. Let’s see if I can make this. One wants to enslave the blood of the Tongtian World, and the other wants to integrate the blood of the Tongtian World. In the end, the purpose of both is to The two great dynasties that devoured, the catastrophe caused the sky to shatter.” Bai Xiaochun murmured, his body had already disappeared in the ruined temple, and when he appeared, he suddenly appeared in the void that seemed to be nine heavens above.

He stood there, his aura restrained to the extreme, even if there was a demigod peak in front of him, he couldn’t feel the slightest at this moment, unless it was the arrival of Tianzun, he could feel it clearly.

Because Bai Xiaochun at this moment has already surpassed the peak of a demigod, it is not appropriate to say that he is a quasi-celestial being, because even if he is a quasi-celestial being in front of him at this moment, he will still be defeated.

Although he still can’t fight against the real Celestial Venerable, Bai Xiaochun can already be regarded as more than half of the Celestial Venerate’s fighting power

“Take the certificate of voting, go to the Holy Dynasty there, use the resources of the Holy Dynasty, complete the breakthrough, and become a true Celestial Lord.” Bai Xiaochun thought of this, decadence and depression, completely buried in his heart, and in a flash, he directly broke through nothingness, and the speed Soon, it has reached a kind of extreme peak.

Yunhai Prefecture is next to Zongshan Prefecture, but compared to Zongshan Prefecture, which is full of intertwined mountains, Yunhai Prefecture is a vast plain area. Even the aura of heaven and earth here is far superior to that of other states, matching the landform of this place , making this Yunhai Prefecture one of the three major medicine warehouses in the entire Third Immortal Territory.

Therefore, the strong demigod guarding here cannot be an ordinary early demigod, and must have a late demigod grand venerable to guard such an important place.

In this cloud sea state, the number of heavenly beings also exceeds other states, and there are vast medicine fields in each of the nine counties and hundreds of cities in it.

As for Dazun Li Luohai, his mansion is located in the center of Yunhai Prefecture, in front of the largest medicine field in this state, it is also within the most prosperous main city of Yunhai in Yunhai Prefecture

The main city of Sea of ​​Clouds is incomparably huge. Even Kuihuang City is smaller than it. Although it is dusk, the main city of Sea of ​​Clouds is still brightly lit and very lively.

There are a lot of pedestrians on the road, monks and mortals together, forming a unique scene, and this place is even more forbidden, so there are long queues in the four directions of the main city of the sea of ​​clouds, queuing up to enter the city.

When Bai Xiaochun’s figure appeared in the sky, what he saw was the bustling scene in the main city of the sea of ​​clouds, full of people’s voices.

After coming to the Eternal Continent for more than half a year, this is not the first time Bai Xiaochun saw Zhoucheng, but after seeing it again now, waves of waves rose in his heart.

“The Eternal Continent is indeed too big.” Bai Xiaochun looked back, and walked forward. As for the air-restricting magic circle in this city, to Bai Xiaochun, it was useless under his Immortality and cultivation. With a glance, before he took a step, he appeared directly in the midair of the main city of Yunhai. When he lowered his head, his divine sense suddenly swept away without anyone noticing, and locked on the center of the city.

There, in the core area of ​​the main city of Yunhai, there is a huge stone gate surrounded by monks guarding day and night. Inside the stone gate is the intersection of the space cave opened by Li Luohai and this place.

On weekdays, Li Luohai is in seclusion and rarely goes out. He only leaves the cave when announcing the will of the evil emperor or Tianzun. The frequency has increased significantly. At the same time, he seems to have a lot of interest in the blood of people from the Tongtian World, so that most people from the Tongtian World teleported in Yunhai State will be sent to him as soon as possible once they are caught. .

Locking the stone gate, Bai Xiaochun stepped down, and when he appeared, he was already in front of the stone gate, surrounded by three celestial monks sitting cross-legged, as the guards of the great lord, without the decree of the great lord, they would not allow anyone to step into the stone gate .

But now Bai Xiaochun was clearly standing beside them, but the three of them didn’t realize it at all, as if they were in two different time and space with Bai Xiaochun.

Ignoring the three celestial cultivators, Bai Xiaochun walked into the stone gate calmly without stopping, hisEntering without causing any ripples at the stone gate, Bai Xiaochun appeared in a huge cave without a sound

The place where the cave is located seems to be a fragment of space. Looking around, there is a small medicine field in the center of the cave, and there are medicinal herbs that Bai Xiaochun has never seen before, swaying and growing here. And in the center of the medicine field, at this moment, a hunchbacked old man is standing there, holding a formula with both hands, surrounded by hundreds of unknown bodies

There was excitement in his eyes, and his laughter echoed in all directions with pride.

“Improve the spiritual nourishing medicine and turn it into blood spirit nourishment. Once this is successful, when I make a tribute to the imperial city, I can use this to make another great contribution.”

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