Little Brother

A sword falls, opening up the world

Amidst a large amount of blood being poured down, the ghost mother’s screams were also extremely sharp, with fear in her eyes, even more shocking,

Section reading 671

He wanted to struggle, but Bai Xiaochun’s Great Northern Meridian Sword was too fast.

“Bai Xiaochun, how dare you?”

With the brilliance of the blue light, the ghost mother let out a stern roar. In the scream, her expression twisted and she quickly backed away. With disheveled hair, her left hand was directly cut off by Bai Xiaochun’s sword

“Bai Xiaochun, I’m going to kill you!” The ghost mother went crazy, the severe pain of her broken arm was not the reason for her madness, the real reason was the second sentence Bai Xiaochun said before

This is exactly Bai Xiaochun’s plan. The first step is to get the ghost mother out of the bone boat, and the second step is to find a way to cut off the ghost mother’s left hand, which can only be the left hand.

But all developments did not match Bai Xiaochun’s plan, and there were some deviations. For example, the strength of the Heavenly Venerable Taoism that the ghost mother finally cast, the supernatural power that condensed the thoughts of all living beings in the entire evil dynasty, was unexpected. Bai Xiaochun’s surprise caught him off guard, and at the same time, he also felt the real horror of the realm of Tianzun

It was also at that time that he remembered where the familiar feeling came from. Back then in the boudoir of the bone boat, the ghost mother also performed a similar Taoism. The Taoism did not control Bai Xiaochun’s body, but his consciousness. , seems to be tampering with his memory

Looking at it now, it is obvious that the ghost mother at that time, because of her own incompleteness and being far away from the evil dynasty, what she could do was not to forcibly manipulate her body as she is now, but to subtly use the method of Tianzun to fascinate the soul.

And no matter what kind of scene that appeared in the past, it appeared again. With the sudden appearance of the thought force in Bai Xiaochun’s body, his body instantly resumed all actions.

In fact, the ghost mother should be able to think of it, but she was negligent after all. After all, this is the Eternal Continent, and the power of Tianzun law can reach 100%. She didn’t realize that Bai Xiaochun could actually dissolve

And she never thought that Bai Xiaochun’s purpose was to use his left hand

Bai Xiaochun watched the Ghost Mother retreat coldly, ignoring the Ghost Mother’s stern roar, he backed up likewise, holding the Ghost Mother’s left hand, at this moment he waved violently, the divine consciousness merged into it, and after the wave directly spread out, It seems to have inspired the remnant soul hidden in the ghost mother’s left hand.

In an instant, the left hand turned into a blood mist, condensing into a blurry figure

It was the little girl who was fused by the ghost mother on the bone boat back then

She slowly opened her eyes, with a daze in the depths of her eyes, looking at everything around her, as if she hadn’t woken up until she heard Bai Xiaochun’s voice full of cultivation, directly echoing in her soul like a torrent of bells. blow out.

“Gongsun Waner”

Who is Gongsun Wan’er? It’s a very familiar name. It seems to be a little girl I once used to look at Bai Xiaochun in a daze, and then look around.

“Back then, you failed and were swallowed and fused by your true deity. Now I wake you up again, and I will give you a chance to be the leading soul from now on. I only want you to seize the battleship. Before going to the Holy Dynasty During the process, just follow my orders.”

In the little girl’s mind, the voice like a bell echoed again, making her body tremble. It seemed that in the memory, there were countless fragments that wanted to be rushed out and combined together, but they still couldn’t do it.

Bai Xiaochun frowned, looking at the distorted, pained little girl who was struggling blankly, raised his right hand, and pressed it on the top of the little girl’s head, his consciousness exploded again, turning into a thunderbolt , in the memory of the little girl’s remnant soul, it exploded directly

boom boom boom

The reverberation of the sky thunder seemed to blow up all the fragments in the little girl’s mind, causing these fragments of memory to fly and gather together again. Her body trembled more and more, her breathing became more and more rapid, and her eyes were blank. What was visible to the naked eye disappeared, replaced by a creepy glow and icy aura

“Little brother” the little girl suddenly smiled, raised her head, looked at Bai Xiaochun with a bright smile, Gongsun Wan’er, come back

All this seems to be slow, but it actually happened within a few breaths. Gongsun Wan’er’s smile fell into Bai Xiaochun’s eyes at this moment. During those years in Tongtian World, the impression on Bai Xiaochun was too deep.

“And your ghost mother.” Gongsun Wan’er was standing there facing Bai Xiaochun, but her head was suddenly turned upside down, and turned behind her head strangely, looking at the one who lost her left arm, her breath fluctuated sharply at this moment, the face of the extremely ugly ghost mother.

Gongsun Wan’er laughed again, the laughter became louder and sharper, the same weird, although her aura was still weak, but at this moment, she seemed to use her laughter to tell everyone that she was really back

There was no longer any daze in her eyes, and with a flash of her eyes, she immediately analyzed everything and understood Bai Xiaochun’s plan. She had been strongly unwilling to be merged with the ghost mother back then, and she didn’t have the slightest bit of resentment at this moment. Hesitation, she has already decided to cooperate with Bai Xiaochun

She understands even more that even if she is kidnapped, the Holy Emperor will never kill Tianzun. There are only so few Tianzun in this world. Once the Holy Emperor makes a move, the Evil Emperor will never stop

And between the two great dynasties, although there is friction, all the territory is vying for each other, but it is far from the level of life and death. Moreover, the most important thing is that as the emperor, there is a trace of Dao seed left in the dynasty, and the Taikoo The peerless powerhouse in the realm has the ability to rely on that trace of Dao Seed to revive the Heavenly Lord under his command

Although there is a lot of price to pay and there are many restrictions, to a certain extent, the ancients are immortal and the gods are immortal

Therefore, this time, the evil emperor must have exchanged himself from the holy emperor after paying some price, and at that time, the self who returned to the evil emperor, because he was also a ghost mother, even the evil emperor, could not intervene The matter between her and the deity.

After all this flashed through Gongsun Wan’er’s mind for an instant, her smile became even brighter, her body swayed, and she went straight to the battle boat. The grimace under the control immediately followed.

This is exactly what Bai Xiaochun asked him to do after he heard about Bai Xiaochun’s plan before, to go to the battle boat with Gongsun Wan’er, just in case

Seeing all this happening, the ghost mother has gone mad. At this moment, she felt the weakness in the past. Even though the hatred in her heart was already overwhelming, she did not dare to continue to fight. She retreated rapidly. When she retreated, she even called out Rescue from other gods.

It’s just that the Eternal Continent is too big, even if it is Tianzun, it is difficult to come immediately.

And it is even more impossible for Bai Xiaochun to give the ghost mother this time, and suddenly pursue her at this moment.

“You old hag, you used to scare me several times in the restricted area of ​​life, and bully me for being cowardly. I was so arrogant just now. Let me tell you, I am different. Let’s see how I deal with you this time.” The scene of chasing and killing, as well as those events back then, made me feel bad. Now that the ghost mother has been weakened layer by layer, Bai Xiaochun snorted, and in this eternal sea, the sky was shocked, and in the constant pursuit, the ghost mother’s blood Squirted out, embarrassed to the extreme.

No matter how she used Taoism and supernatural powers, it would not help. Under Bai Xiaochun’s pursuit, it was as difficult to escape as she had been chasing and killing Bai Xiaochun before.

The only thing she can do is to use her extreme soul speed to delay time, but when the white bone lizard battleship comes crashing from a distance, when she sees the battleship standing there, rushing When looking at Gongsun Wan’er who was smiling at herself, the ghost mother laughed miserably in despair.

Her left hand is the key to controlling the battleship. At this moment, the roar of the battleship shattered all her hopes

It didn’t take much effort, under the flames of the battle boat and the black beam of light, amidst the ferocity of the three grimaces, even without Bai Xiaochun’s move in the end, the ghost mother was captured alive

When Gongsun Wan’er turned into black energy in high spirits, penetrated into the seven orifices of the ghost mother, and began to fuse with Bai Xiaochun’s help, the bone lizard warship had already exploded at extreme speed. The direction of the dynasty carries a great gift that is enough to move the Holy Emperor, shake the entire Holy Dynasty, and make the entire Evil Dynasty roar away.

“This is our nameless Tianzun. I, Bai Xiaochun, will not be wiped out with a flick of my sleeves.” Bai Xiaochun’s previous depression and depression are not to be said to be wiped out at this moment, but after thinking of the sensation caused by this incident, he can’t help but feel elated. , Standing on the battlefield and flicking his sleeves, he spoke proudly.

One deity, nine demigods

This great gift, I am afraid that the Holy Dynasty has never received it since its establishment


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