“Resurrection” Gongsun Wan’er said seriously.

“This is the reason why Taikoo is called the emperor, and it is also the reason why the Holy Emperor was crushed to a certain extent back then, but with the breakthrough of the Holy Emperor, the evil emperor had to be afraid to back down.”

“No one knows how powerful the ancient strongman is. The two emperors have never fought each other before. The only thing known to the world is the ability to resurrect the gods.” Gongsun Wan’er looked at Bai Xiaochun and the giant ghost king, She knew very well what kind of shock these words of hers would cause to the two who had never been exposed to this news.

The fact is true, Bai Xiaochun’s breathing is short, and the giant ghost king’s mind is also turbulent. The background and strength of the two dynasties, following Gongsun Wan’er’s words, have already lifted the tip of the iceberg in front of them.

“As long as a demigod monk, at the moment of breaking through the Heavenly Venerate, at the moment of condensing the Dao Seed, separates a strand of his own Dao Seed and sends it into the Dao Palace of the Dynasty, then after his death, the Primordial Emperor can rely on Follow this person’s Dao Seed and revive it.” Gongsun Wan’er paused, and after Bai Xiaochun and the Giant Ghost King digested what she said, she spoke again.

“So, the combat power of Tianzun is the most peak cultivation in the eternal world today, when the emperor does not come out.”

“However, the resurrection is not perfect. Not only does Taikoo need to pay a price, but also, every time Tianzun is resurrected, he will be permanently weakened by 10%.”

“This kind of price makes even the monks who can be resurrected, not willing to perish unless it is absolutely necessary.” At this point, Gongsun Wan’er paused again. Although the Ghost King doesn’t know about it now, because it’s not a secret at all, they will naturally know when they arrive at the Holy Dynasty.

In this case, there is no need to hide it, so I continued to speak.

“So this time my deity is caught by you, even if I die, I can be resurrected, but the evil emperor must come and replace me in order to take care of the overall situation, for the feelings of other deities, and even for the sake of grace.”

There was a gleam in Bai Xiaochun’s eyes. At this moment, he was very clear about how to become a celestial being, and he even knew the astonishing features of the two emperors. But now, the biggest doubt in his heart was following what Gongsun Wan’er said. Resurrected and risen, lingering for a long time.

“Is Taoist Tongtian dead or not?” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes were filled with icy coldness.In the body shattering, the seed-like existence flew out.

“He’s just a quasi-celestial venerable, it’s impossible to condense the Dao Seed.” Bai Xiaochun pondered, thinking of the Great Sword of the Northern Meridian World. Since he arrived in the Eternal Immortal Realm, although the restrictions on his use have disappeared, he still hasn’t recognized the master.

For a long time, Bai Xiaochun buried this matter in his heart, and looked up at Gongsun Wan’er. As for what she said would be replaced by the evil emperor, Bai Xiaochun didn’t care about it. From the very moment, Bai Xiaochun realized that Gongsun Wan’er must know something that he didn’t know, so he had the confidence and certainty, and was willing to be kidnapped by Bai Xiaochun after obtaining the deity.

“After the ancient times, what realm is it?” Bai Xiaochun asked.

“After the ancient times” Gongsun Wan’er smiled, with longing in her eyes, and after a long time, she answered softly.

“After the ancient times, it is the master”

“In this world, so far, there have been three masters. They did not appear one after another, but three great human ancestors in the same era.”

“You should know who they are. The legends and myths circulating in the eternal world are naturally true.” Gongsun Wan’er took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.

The giant ghost king was silent, and when he looked up, he saw the half face and the boundless mountain peaks formed by the big hands on both sides.

Every time the giant ghost king saw this strange sky, he would be as shocked as Bai Xiaochun.

“As for how to break through the ancient times and become the ruler, I am beyond my knowledge. I am afraid that the two great emperors are also groping and pursuing.” Gongsun Wan’er smiled, and when she looked away from the sky, she looked The eternal sea in the distance.

At the end of her gaze, a thin mist had already appeared on the Eternal Sea. This mist was extremely dense in front of her, faintly forming a huge ring.

And in the center of the ring is the core of the eternal sea, where there is a piece of land.

Or it is more appropriate to describe it as an island, here is the holy land of the entire Eternal Continent, and here is the birthplace of everyone in the Eternal Continent

Here, once stood these three shocking statues

The body of the ruler, after death, forms the statue

Bai Xiaochun raised his head and looked at the place where the statue was. His eyes were complicated and more reminiscent. He was teleported from here. He was passing by at this moment. As far as his eyes could see, he could only see an island in the distance huge footprints.

Come to think of it, before Kuizai’s body shattered, he was standing there. His body was the Tongtian World.

On the Bone Lizard Battleship, there was silence, no one spoke, and the battleship was allowed to shuttle through the mist here, until it reached the sky above the inner island, roaring away without a pause.

But Bai Xiaochun’s gaze never left there, and he couldn’t tell what his thoughts were. As the battle boat went away, as the fog covered the island behind him again, as the eternal sea ahead, amidst the waves, Bai Xiaochun grew Take a long breath.


As if they had finished speaking all the words on the previous journey, on the second half of the journey, the three of Zhanzhou fell silent, the Giant Ghost King thought of the Wild Wilderness, Bai Xiaochun thought of the Nihe Sect, and Gongsun Wan’er felt emotional at the moment .

On the one hand, she became the main consciousness, and on the other hand, as she approached the Holy Dynasty, she seemed to be normal, but she still felt a little helpless.

Especially when the battleship was not far from the Immortal Continent where the Holy Dynasty was located, Bai Xiaochun stood up.

“Gongsun Wan’er, it’s coming, offend me.”

Gongsun Wan’er looked very indifferent, and nodded, she understood that the necessary seal is still required, this is not to harm her, but to express an attitude, and at the same time let her be replaced by the evil emperor. , more smoothly.

“Little brother, please be gentle on Wan’er to avoid pain.” Gongsun Wan’er whispered softly suddenly, the voice came into Bai Xiaochun’s ears, making Bai Xiaochun’s heart tremble, and the giant ghost king was even more short of breath.

Glancing at Gongsun Wan’er, Bai Xiaochun muttered a few words, raised his right hand, and pointed at him with a talisman. Immediately, his longevity power was released, forming a seal and merging into Gongsun Wan’er’s body. After the complete restraint, Gongsun Wan’er’s breath immediately Weakened, sitting there, his complexion turned pale, panting delicately.

But the more so, her delicate and pitiful appearance made her beauty even more eye-catching.

Bai Xiaochun didn’t dare to look, and stood at the bow of the boat looking at the Saint Dynasty Immortal Realm that was getting closer and closer.

Soon, the Immortal Continent slowly appeared in his eyes, and it was at this time that Bai Xiaochun’s heart suddenly trembled, and his eyes immediately narrowed. On the Immortal Continent, there suddenly appeared a powerful A breath like a sharp sword unsheathed suddenly burst out

With the eruption, it seemed that the sky was stirred, the wind was surging, the roaring sound surpassed the waves of the Eternal Sea, and a sword energy shot directly into the sky from the Immortal Domain Continent

This sword energy is full of ten thousand feet, and it roars like it wants to smash everything. It roars like a broken bamboo, and nothingness is shattered all the way. A strong glint appeared in his eyes.

Even the void around the battleship seemed to be sealed at this moment, forming a powerful pressure that would crush everything inside into a pulpso-so

The giant ghost king’s face was serious, even the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood, Gongsun Wan’er’s expression changed, and Bai Xiaochun stood at the bow, and his mind was shaken under the coercion, until the sword energy roared and appeared in front of the battleship, turning into A middle-aged figure with white hair and a stern expression appeared

Coldly, his eyes swept across the battleship

At this moment, there seemed to be thunder, and as his eyes exploded

His appearance made the sky tremble, and the eternal waves were quiet, and the bone lizard, even trembling, did not dare to continue flying forward, and stopped in place.

“Gu Tianjun” Gongsun Wan’er is no longer that delicate at this moment, but, in the eyes

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While revealing the faint glow, she felt even more intense fear, and she spoke word by word, saying the name that made her remember so deeply.

Gu Tianjun, who was dressed in white and had white hair, glanced at Gongsun Wan’er, and when he looked at Bai Xiaochun, his voice was calm, but there was no doubt about it, and he spoke lightly.

“Since the people have been delivered, you can leave.”

The moment this sentence came out, the giant ghost king immediately became angry, and Bai Xiaochun’s eyes flashed coldly. Even though the opponent was mighty, the meaning in these words exceeded the bottom line he could accept.

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