Xuan Jiu’s Crisis

With the formation of the net chrysalis, a strange aura seemed to spread out from Xuanjiu County all of a sudden, forming a gray mist that diffused in all directions.

Originally, the incident in Xuanjiu County had already attracted Gongsun Wan’er’s attention, but because she was practicing at a critical moment, she arranged for two demigods to check it out.

But when the two demigods did not return, Gongsun Wan’er immediately realized that the problem in Xuanjiu County seemed to be much more serious than she had imagined.

At the same time, in Yunhai Prefecture, the Great Celestial Master, Giant Ghost King and others also noticed that there was something wrong with Xuanjiu County in Xuanbei Prefecture on the border, especially the spread of the gray mist, which had reached Yunhai Prefecture.

And this mist contains some powers that monks can’t understand. Wherever it passes, the ground turns gray, and even begins to dry up. Some lives covered by the mist, which had no time to dodge, all disappear.

Even the vegetation on the ground is the same. The tall and straight peaks, likewise in the mist, quickly turned into fly ash

This scene immediately made Yunhaizhou highly vigilant, and the great celestial master went to the border to observe in person. The more he watched, the more frightened he became. After researching with the giant ghost king and others, they came to a conclusion

If this mist cannot be controlled, then at most half a month, this mist will cover the entire Yunhai State

This matter is too big, it is related to the foundation of Yunhai State, especially today’s Yunhai State, which is in the process of rapid development, everything has a prototype, if it is destroyed, all efforts will be in vain.

It was also at this time that Bai Xiaochun came back from the broken fan. Every time he came back, he would disperse his consciousness and inform the great celestial master and the giant ghost king. Both of them also knew that Bai Xiaochun had his secrets, and they seemed to disappear out of thin air .

But neither of the two went to inquire. After sensing Bai Xiaochun’s divine sense, the Great Celestial Master and Giant Ghost King immediately found Bai Xiaochun with solemn expressions, and told them everything about the mist and the strangeness of Xuanjiu County.

“A whole county is covered by spider webs and mist spreads, and life disappears wherever it passes.” After hearing this, Bai Xiaochun’s expression changed. Knowing that this matter was serious, his first reaction was to immediately report it to the Holy Imperial City.

But after coming and going, if there is even the slightest delay, there may be problems in Yunhai Prefecture. Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath and immediately reported the matter. Even if he felt that this matter was dangerous in his heart, he could only bite the bullet It flew out suddenly, followed by the great celestial master, giant ghost king and others.

Everyone spread out at full speed and came to the position near the border, at the edge of the fog, seeing the majestic gray fog in front of him, Bai Xiaochun was also shocked.

“What the hell is this?” Bai Xiaochun cursed secretly, he noticed the movement of the mist, the speed of this movement was not slow at all, comparable to a celestial being galloping at full speed, and his consciousness was actually blocked in the mist, and it didn’t disperse very quickly Far.

If it was changed to Tongtian World, Bai Xiaochun would definitely avoid such dangerous things as soon as possible. With his personality, it is better to keep contact with them less. Cultivation, he knew he couldn’t avoid it.

Although he was conflicted in his heart at this moment, he gritted his teeth fiercely, and Bai Xiaochun arranged for the Great Heavenly Master and others to retreat, and his whole body’s cultivation here was circulating, filling his whole body, and then he tried to enter the mist to see what happened.

The giant ghost king was anxious, and he wanted to persuade Bai Xiaochun not to take risks, but now that the fog is spreading and endangering Yunhai Prefecture, he and the great celestial master are worried about each other.

“It will be fine, Tianzun has always been cautious, and with his cultivation base, he will not encounter a life-or-death crisis.” The great celestial master said in a low voice, and the giant ghost king sighed and could only nod.

While the crowd retreated and waited, in the mist, after Bai Xiaochun stepped in, he immediately felt a sticky feeling coming from the surroundings, as if the place had become sea water, and even the speed slowed down a lot.

seems to haveThe coercion from all directions is squeezing all the time.

But what made Bai Xiaochun heave a sigh of relief was that his Heavenly Venerable cultivation base was like a rock in the waves, no matter how the surrounding fog squeezed it, it couldn’t shake it at all.

This gave Bai Xiaochun confidence, accelerated his speed, and gradually reached the border of Yunhai Prefecture, and within a few steps, he approached Xuanjiu County where the source of all this was.

From a distance, in the hazy mist, Xuan Jiujun’s appearance like a huge net pupa is very shocking, especially the aura that seems to be extremely evil, which makes Bai Xiaochun’s whole body uncomfortable.

“Damn it, what’s going on here.” Bai Xiaochun was terrified, and gradually approached Xuan Jiujun cautiously. Looking at the impenetrable and thick spider web, he felt a strong sense of uneasiness, and did not act rashly. It is around the spider web, constantly observing.

Time passed, and until three hours had passed, Bai Xiaochun walked almost a large circle, but he didn’t see the slightest gap. He pondered, his eyes flashed, and he wanted to try to make a move to see the degree of protection of the spider web. At this moment, Bai Xiaochun’s expression changed suddenly, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the mist in the distance.

In the mist, gradually there was a graceful figure of a woman, who seemed to have sensed Bai Xiaochun and was approaching quickly, and as she approached, Bai Xiaochun had already recognized the other party’s identity.

“Gongsun Wan’er.” Bai Xiaochun whispered.

The person “Bai Xiaochun” came was Gongsun Wan’er, she walked a few steps quickly, and when she came to Bai Xiaochun, the two just looked at each other, and immediately knew that each other’s purpose of coming here was because of the spider web in Xuanjiu County

“The speed of the mist spreading here is comparable to that of heaven and man, and it contains the meaning of corrosion, but it is very strange that in this corrosion, there is also the extraction of vitality, and at the same time it contains some kind of transmission, but this transmission seems to have a spirit Wisdom controls selection, not transmission of everything.”

“At the same time, the entire big net is integrated without any gaps. Although I didn’t try it, I can also judge that any magical power falling at any position will cause fluctuations in the entire big net. Unless it can penetrate instantly, otherwise, I’m afraid it will take a long time.” This place is weird, and Bai Xiaochun was relieved when Gongsun Wan’er arrived, and he didn’t have time to reminisce about the old days, so he immediately opened his mouth to tell Gongsun Wan’er what he had gained along the way.

Gongsun Wan’er was silent for a while, after thinking about Bai Xiaochun’s words, she overlapped with her own judgment, and also gave some clues that Bai Xiaochun didn’t know.

“Two days ago, I arranged for two demigods. At that time, this place should not be one, and there was a gap, but they disappeared after they came here.”

“In addition, the speed of the mist emitted here is not always constant. According to my judgment, the speed of the mist will reach the level comparable to that of a demigod in three days. Even this does not seem to be the limit.” Gongsun Wan’er’s voice was low, she His words shocked Bai Xiaochun again.

The two looked at each other, and they both understood that if they waited for the Evil Dynasty or the Holy Dynasty to come, it would be too late. There was only one way in front of them, and that was to go in and solve the disaster.

There was no other choice, Bai Xiaochun could only grit his teeth, and Gongsun Wan’er showed firmness in her eyes. If she was alone, she might not be so adventurous, but both of them are Heavenly Venerable, so to a certain extent, this eternal In the fairyland, there is no place not to go

With a decision, after a brief discussion between Bai Xiaochun and Gongsun Wan’er, the two immediately acted at the same time

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, At the same time that Tianzun’s cultivation base exploded, his supernatural powers transformed into illusions, and they bombarded together at the same position of the spider web in front of him.

As the loud noise spread, the surrounding fog rolled violently, and the net chrysalis also trembled, forming ripples, spreading in all directions, as if to resist the cooperation from Bai Xiaochun and Gongsun Wan’er.

But the time to form here is too short after all, Bai Xiaochun and Gongsun Wan’er are both Celestial Beings, and their supernatural powers are extremely sharp, even if one person can’t shake this net, but with joint efforts, the net pupae is immediately blown away under the vibration a gap.

With the appearance of the gap, a large amount of gray mist diffused directly from the inside, and the spider web at the edge of the gap was also healing rapidly.

“Go” Gongsun Wan’er swayed, and rushed directly into the gap. Bai Xiaochun suppressed the anxiety in his heart, bit the bullet, and then stepped into the gap.

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