Extreme Joy Begets Sadness

This fact is too shocking, you know, the thousands of people on the battleship add up, but the hundreds of thousands of people, especially the blood of Tongtian World, accounted for almost more than half.

When the Holy Emperor heard these words, before he could react, Bai Xiaochun on the side gasped and exclaimed.

“Hmph, you are addicted to sowing. You were sowing in the wild back then, but after arriving in the Eternal Immortal Realm, you are still sowing. Do you know that you are broadcasting a sect now?”

With Bai Xiaochun’s concentration, at this moment he was deeply shocked by the divine fortune teller. He used to think that Tie Dan was very good at this aspect, but after comparing it now, Bai Xiaochun felt that Tie Dan could kneel down. Without making a sound, the sudden thunder was enough to shock everyone to the extreme.

Especially when Bai Xiaochun thought that there were only three or four of them here, it already gave him a big headache, but the tens of thousands at the magic operator seemed to get along well with each other, which made Bai Xiaochun even more complicated, and felt an inexplicable jealousy .

Shen Suanzi was a little embarrassed, and just wanted to say something, but their arrival was too majestic. At this moment, the Great Celestial Master and others also roared out, and came directly to the front, noticing that the Holy Queen, the Great Celestial Master and others also They were all shocked. They didn’t know why the Holy Emperor came here, but they still went to pay a visit, and then entered Kuihuang City with the fortune teller, the maid in palace costume, and the thousands of warships behind them.

Until they walked away, Bai Xiaochun was still in a daze, his mind was buzzing, remembering the hesitation and hesitation of the god operator when he left before, he suddenly understood the difficulties of this guy, who would have these hundreds of thousands of family members? It is also impossible to just leave for a while.

It is also because of the sudden arrival of the fortune teller that Bai Xiaochun and the Holy Emperor have eased up a lot about the loss of the little turtle, especially since the arrival of the Holy Emperor has been seen by the Great Celestial Master and others, Bai Xiaochun simply invited him directly. The holy emperor went to the palace.

It’s just that the current Holy Emperor was also shocked by the divine fortune teller. After scanning his consciousness to confirm that the little turtle was not here, in the palace of Kuihuang City, the Holy Emperor immediately spoke as soon as he sat down.

“Second brother, that person just now is called Henghengzi. He is a talented person. To have this person is better than a sect.”

“Second brother, give me this son, this kind of talent is extremely lacking in my Holy Dynasty.” The Holy Emperor was really tempted. In his opinion, it is very important to have hundreds of thousands of family members and manage them well. It is enough to explain the ability of this Humph.

When Bai Xiaochun heard this sentence, he was immediately dissatisfied. He was also complicated about magic fortunetelling, jealous of his ability in this area, especially when thinking of his own misery, Bai Xiaochun felt even more uncomfortable.

If the Holy Emperor doesn’t want people, it’s fine, but now the Holy Emperor is asking for people, which makes Bai Xiaochun even more displeased.

Section reading 773

He stared at the Holy Emperor.

“What is this? Compared with me, it’s still worse.” Bai Xiaochun said, slapped the storage bag with his right hand, and immediately took out a lot of love letters, and piled them up in front of the Holy Emperor with a clatter. A hill came out.

“Did you see, these are love letters, all for me?” Bai Xiaochun felt much better when he saw those love letters, and said proudly.

“Back when I was in Tongtian World, if I nodded my head, my wives, concubines, and Taoists would be several times more than this fortune teller.”

Faced with Bai Xiaochun’s act of throwing love letters when he said nothing, the Holy Emperor was dumbfounded again. He stared blankly at the hill of love letters in front of him, especially the many inside, which seemed to have turned yellow due to the long time.

“You still keep these things, your Tongtian World collapsed, and you didn’t collapse these love letters.” The Holy Emperor felt that he had gained a lot of knowledge when he came this time. After seeing the hundreds of thousands of family members of the fortune teller, and seeing Here are more love letters from Bai Xiaochun.

Noticing that the Holy Emperor was shocked by his love letter, Bai Xiaochun regained his confidence and was about to brag a few words, but at this moment, three divine senses swept over from outside the hall

These three divine senses came from Song Junwan, Zhou Zimo and Hou Xiaomei. They also heard about the arrival of the Holy Emperor. Even though it was not convenient to meet each other, they were very worried about Bai Xiaochun. I’m a little uneasy, but I still can’t help but let out my consciousness, so I want to pay attention.

If they were in the imperial palace of the Holy Imperial City, they would naturally not be able to do this, and would use their spiritual sense to pay attention to Taikoo, but this is the imperial palace of the Kuihuang City after all, with the help of formations, it is not very difficult for them to do this.

At this moment, when their consciousness was swept away, the first thing they saw was the love letters piled up like a hill.

The moment they saw the love letters, the fluctuations in the consciousness of the three women immediately became stronger, and they obviously paused on those love letters, and the three of them coincidentally, immediately retracted their consciousness

Bai Xiaochun’s complexion changed, and so did the Holy Emperor, and then he gave Bai Xiaochun a strange look.

“Second brother, what did you say just now?” The Holy Emperor coughed dryly and continued to ask.

How could Bai Xiaochun still be in the mood at this moment, he quickly put away those love letters with a dry smile, sat there pretending to be calm, and laughed with the Holy Emperor.

After a long while, the Holy Emperor confirmed that the little turtle was indeed not here, and also understood that the Kui Dynasty was in a sensitive stage at the moment, and if he stayed for a long time, it would affect the relationship between them, So I got up and said goodbye.

After Bai Xiaochun absently sent the Holy Emperor away, he turned his head to look at the palace, feeling an inexplicable guilty conscience.

“What’s there, isn’t it just a love letter? I didn’t agree to it back then.” Bai Xiaochun muttered a few words to strengthen himself, and in a flash, he entered the secret room, thinking that he should retreat for a few days to avoid the limelight.

It’s just that Bai Xiaochun’s plan fell through before the next day. That night, Song Junwan, Zhou Zimo, and Hou Xiaomei, even though they didn’t like each other, had an unprecedented unity of opinion, and they appeared together in Bai Xiaochun’s in the secret room.

Facing the three women, Bai Xiaochun felt even more guilty, especially Song Junwan and Zhou Zimo looked at him with a smile on their stomachs, but the unkindness in their eyes made Bai Xiaochun cry from the bottom of his heart.

As for Hou Xiaomei, she obviously didn’t know if she was pregnant, but she put her hands on her stomach, squinted her eyes, and looked at Bai Xiaochun.

“Xiao Chun, what is the purpose of the Holy Emperor coming here today?” Song Junwan was the first to speak, her voice was gentle, like a big sister, if it wasn’t for the obvious unkindness in her eyes, she would have been more virtuous.

“It’s all the fault of the little turtle. This guy ran away. You know about the little turtle. Let me tell you about the process of getting to know the little turtle. Speaking of which, it has something to do with Jun Wan and you.” Bai Xiaochun blinked, and was about to After opening the topic, Zhou Zimo, who was on the side, snorted coldly.

“Bai Xiaochun, don’t avoid the important and take the light, come on, tell the truth, don’t you envy the fortune teller?”

“How is it possible to envy him?” Bai Xiaochun trembled inwardly, but his expression was awe-inspiring and upright, and he didn’t hesitate at all.

“I don’t envy him at all, he is right to envy me, but speaking of fortune telling, this kid is quite pitiful, Zimo, do you still remember the indigenous tribe in the wilderness, when I left, you gave me back How about me?” Bai Xiaochun was about to continue this topic, but Hou Xiaomei, who was on the side, stared at her at this moment, pinching her waist with her hands, revealing the little pepper in her nature.

“Brother Xiaochun, you are now the emperor. Although we are peaceful now, you can’t be lazy. If you want to practice, you must not be distracted.”

“I” Bai Xiaochun was about to speak when he was interrupted by Song Junwan.

“Little sister is right, Xiaochun, you have such a big responsibility, we can’t help you, but we can help you share the burden, you can still do it, come on, give us those love letters in your pocket, We’ll keep it for you.”

“I…” Bai Xiaochun became impatient, and was about to explain, but Zhou Zimo’s temper was the worst. She stared at her and walked over with her belly outstretched. A large number of love letters were taken by Zhou Zimo

His heart was bleeding, and he felt that his breathing was a little stagnant, as if what Zhou Zimo took away was not a love letter, but his countless loves

In the end, the three daughters took the love letter and left contentedly. Bai Xiaochun stood in the secret room with a sad face, raised his hand to grab the distance, but he caught nothing.

“My love letter.”

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