The Fourth Divine Ability

The law of the source is inherently profound and endless. Looking at the entire starry sky, there are very few people who can finally grasp the source, but whoever grasps the source can clearly understand the orbit of the entire starry sky and know the way of all things.

There are so few masters, even in the entire starry sky, they are rare. Often in a group, one person can become the master, which can be said to be a sign of the glory of the group, and once there are two masters, the group will definitely become one. A powerful force in the entire starry sky

Although this is still far away from Bai Xiaochun, after all, the pursuit of the road of mastery is the direction of the ancient realm, but it does not affect the current Bai Xiaochun, who has a clearer understanding of the origin.

And the source is already very profound, not to mention that it belongs to the time of the supreme way in the Dao. It can be said that the master of the achievement of the source of time, even in this starry sky, there is only one person throughout the ages.

This person is the owner of this hourglass treasure

Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, with enlightenment in his eyes. With the answers to all the questions in his mind at this moment, his whole body gradually fell into an ethereal state. This state not only affected his thoughts, but also his existence in the world. body in this world.

This flesh and blood body, from Bai Xiaochun’s previous understanding and testimony, already knows that he is the driving force that makes this void space-time bend, and it is precisely because of his approach that gravitational force appears here, which makes the flow of time here different. Variety.

But now, with Bai Xiaochun’s enlightenment, with his emptiness, his body seems to gradually lose weight, light and shadow, and all traces of existence.

This kind of disappearance is not erasure in the true sense, but relative to the surroundings, relative to the world, Bai Xiaochun disappeared, and then dissipated. Although he was still sitting cross-legged on this huge hourglass, but here However, the gravitational force slowly dissipated, and the flow of time here also gradually stabilized, until it was the same as when he didn’t come, as if falling into a relatively static state.

In such a state, Bai Xiaochun’s consciousness is still there, as if his soul flew out, looking down at the earth from the sky, he saw countless hourglasses of various sizes, looking at the fine sand inside, constantly The ground slides down, seemingly endlessly, and every time his eyes focus on a certain hourglass, the flow rate of the hourglass will change.

Repeatedly, Bai Xiaochun stared at almost each of these countless hourglasses for a long time, and he completely ignored the passage of time, didn’t care about it, didn’t pay attention, his mind and even his whole body were completely let go.

Gradually, with the relative passage of time, the little Qiling who was outside this world breathed a sigh of relief, and looked down at the world below. Just after Bai Xiaochun entered, the world was distorted due to the change of time , making him unable to see clearly, but in Xiao Qi Ling’s feelings, he knew that Bai Xiaochun was fine..

“I don’t know how long he will stay inside this time. I hope it won’t be too long. Otherwise, it will be troublesome if Qi Ling wakes up here.” Xiao Qi Ling sighed, and planned to sit cross-legged and wait, pondering If it’s been a long time, go in and look for a reminder, it doesn’t want to stay here any longer.

But at this moment in the hourglass world, Bai Xiaochun’s perception is still going on, his eyes, his mind, and his thoughts are already occupied by countless hourglasses, and the flow speed of those hourglasses has become the only thing in his life.

No thoughts, not even thinking, some just stared at those hourglasses as if in a daze, and imprinted them one by one in his mind, until a long time passed, in Bai Xiaochun’s mind, imprinted the countless hourglasses in it , suddenly one less.

Soon, another one was lost, and then one hour after another was continuously reduced, and every time an hourglass was reduced, the remaining ones seemed to be more profound in Bai Xiaochun’s mind.

This kind of appearance cannot be noticed by outsiders, even Bai Xiaochun himself did not realize it, until as the number of hourglasses continued to decrease, one day, almost all the hourglasses in his mind disappeared, leaving only one hourglass

This hourglass is not big, only as tall as a person, but it seems to belong to Bai Xiaochun’s own thing, and it is completely integrated with his soul, his body, and even his Dao Seed.

It cannot be erased, let alone obliterated, even in a sense, this hourglass seems to be Bai Xiaochun’s second Dao Seed

It was also in his mind that there was only this hourglass left, Bai Xiaochun’s body trembled suddenly, his breathing became a little short, and his blank eyes fluctuated at this moment. On the surface of the hourglass in his mind, none of these runes were familiar to Bai Xiaochun, but he imagined them.

It contained Bai Xiaochun’s understanding of time and ignorance of the origin, and these unspeakable consciousnesses turned into runes at this moment, gradually covering the entire hourglass, all emitting a strong light, Bai Xiaochun’s body shook violently, Breathing more quickly, as the light of these runes shone, he raised his right hand unconsciously, and waved it weakly towards the nothingness in front of him.

With this wave, the nothingness in front of him collapsed in an instant, and with the collapse, it seemed that even time and space were bent, gravity appeared directly, and what changed along with it was the passage of time in that area

If this scene was seen by Xiao Qiling, his eyes would definitely drop out and he would cry out in surprise.

“Original Taoism”

This is the original Taoism, although it is still in its infancy, it is still half a foot into the threshold of the original. At this moment, as the time in that area was changed, Bai Xiaochun’s body trembled again, and the fluctuations in his eyes fell violently. A sense of sobriety gradually appeared.

After a few breaths, Bai Xiaochun raised his head abruptly. He woke up, as if he had a dream. After waking up, the changed area of ​​nothingness in front of him also quickly dissipated. But everything in the dream, at this moment when Bai Xiaochun was awake Still impressed.

“I was just now…” Bai Xiaochun looked down at his hand with disbelief in his eyes, and after a long time he raised his right hand again, his spiritual consciousness merged into the hourglass imprinted in his mind, and waved it lightly again.

Immediately, the previous scene reappeared. At this moment, Bai Xiaochun was extremely excited. He stood up abruptly, closed his eyes, and carefully felt the amazing power of this supernatural power.

“I can change the flow rate in an area. At the same time, if the evil emperor fights me again, I don’t need the ancient light anymore. I can use this method to slow down the flow rate in the space where the evil emperor is located, while I still maintain normal Speed, but for the evil emperor, because he is slow, my speed will exceed his imagination.”

Excited, Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, and after confirming that his thoughts were correct, he took this supernatural power that he inadvertently realized after he realized the origin of time as his fourth supernatural power. As for the name

“Time is related to gravity, so my supernatural power is called leading and killing.” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes flashed brightly. Although he didn’t want to fight and kill, he has already understood that the way to protect himself and the Kui Dynasty is to compare Everyone is strong, let everyone be in awe, only in this way can the incident of killing be gradually eliminated

“The memory runes of the past scriptures, the door of life and death of the present scriptures, the Bianhua flower of destiny in the future scriptures, and my fourth supernatural power to lead and kill the current me. Even if there is no ancient light, I am not afraid of any ancient times.” A strong feeling emerged in Bai Xiaochun’s heart. His self-confidence, especially when he discovered that his cultivation base, under this chance, unknowingly broke through the late stage of Tianzun, and after becoming Tianzun Dzogchen, his self-confidence became stronger.

Without leaving immediately, Bai Xiaochun in this hourglass world, with his slight control over time, successfully broke through the bottleneck of the twenty-seven-color fire, and when he fully grasped the formula of the twenty-seven-color fire, he slowly Standing up, with a trace of reluctance and gratitude, I looked at the countless hourglasses in this world, then cupped my fists and bowed deeply

He is grateful for this place, and even more grateful for the secret master who is not preaching to him, but has the grace of preaching. At the same time, the thought that he had raised before to take this treasure away has disappeared at this moment, Bai Xiaochun knows , I can’t take this treasure at all before I get to the ruler

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