
Surrounded by such a group of beautifully dressed women, Bai Xiaochun’s face turned red even if he was at an ancient level, and he couldn’t help coughing a few times, thinking that as Hao’er’s master, this time, for Bai Hao’s sake, he would be willing to go all out .

“Hao’er, being a teacher is all for you. After feeling your fluctuations, even if you are absolutely unwilling to be a teacher, I will endure it.” Bai Xiaochun thought of this, and suddenly felt that he was extremely great, and took a deep breath at this moment. With a sigh of relief, he flicked his sleeves and spoke proudly.

“Don’t bring me all your good wine and food.” As soon as Bai Xiaochun said that, the eyes of the procuress next to him became brighter, and he shouted loudly. Then, surrounded by the group of women, Bai Xiaochun swaggered into the attic Inside.

As soon as he entered the attic, the bright lights and luxurious decoration, even Bai Xiaochun, who was well-informed, was shocked by everything here. Almost all the tables and chairs here were actually made of immortal jade, while the ones on the ground The same is true for bricks and stones, and there are even special formations, making this place seem to be surrounded by fairyland.

Even the candle burning beside it was made from precious medicinal herbs. As a master of medicine, Bai Xiaochun could tell that there were at least seven or eight kinds of medicinal herbs in it just by smelling them, all of which were lost fairy grasses. , any one is priceless.

But now there are no more than a thousand candles here, which makes Bai Xiaochun even more surprised in his heart, secretly wondering what kind of ethnic group here is so rich.

What shocked Bai Xiaochun the most was that even if he looked at it with his spiritual sense, he couldn’t see that there was anything illusory about the luxurious buildings here. This is enough to prove that all the buildings here, the lamps, the floor tiles, are all real.

Bai Xiaochun’s heart was a little moved. After being surrounded by this group of women and sitting on a chair, he touched the jade of the chair, and his heart beat faster.The first gesture, and soon brought good wine and food, and the singing of warblers and swallows made this place a gentle town.

Although Bai Xiaochun is the monarch of the Kui Dynasty, he has never experienced such enjoyment, especially at the moment he has no acquaintances around him. After a long time of exhaustion and boring on this starry sky journey, Bai Xiaochun is still very happy about this sudden life .

He picked up the wine glass and looked at it, he laughed and took a big gulp, let go of his stomach again, ate those delicacies, spiritual fruits, and sometimes flirted with the shy little girl beside him who wanted to refuse but still greeted him. The graceful person is dancing to the music, making the attic very lively.

Even on both sides of Bai Xiaochun, there were maids pinching his shoulders, and even more charming girls feeding him drinks. As for the old bustard, they were all waiting aside with smiles on their faces.

And the two ancient slaves who came with Bai Xiaochun were also pulled not far away by many women at this moment, surrounded by the same fragrant wind, and for a while, the sound of charming laughter and music intertwined, mixed with Bai Xiaochun The loud laughter made the lights in the attic seem brighter.

If it weren’t for the imprint of Bai Hao on the back of his hand, which was still fluctuating from time to time, Bai Xiaochun would have wanted to immerse himself in this place to dispel the wind and dust along the way, but when Bai Xiaochun was enjoying the comfort here, as time went by, gradually , the old bustard with a smile on his face slowly revealed a faint glow in his eyes, and whether it was dancing lightly, playing music, or the girl who was pinching Bai Xiaochun’s shoulders and back, their eyes also emitted a faint glow. mango.

Their nails are black and lengthened rapidly, their faces are also rapidly turning blue and even more ferocious, and their hair is also growing rapidly. All this is a long story, but in fact it’s just that Bai Xiaochun closed his eyes and enjoyed this In an instant, all the women around him changed completely.

The one who changed the fastest was the old bustard, her body instantly became extremely ferocious, she turned into a ghost, she jumped, with greed in her eyes, she immediately rushed towards Bai Xiaochun

Her movement was like a signal, almost the moment she rushed towards Bai Xiaochun, all the women around her immediately turned into ferocious ghosts, and rushed towards Bai Xiaochun and his two ancient slaves.

The sharp roar directly interrupted the music here, and the light of the surrounding candles was no longer bright in the blink of an eye, but a green light that revealed the breath of death, and even the smooth ground faded away, becoming a place everywhere. The burial place where the remains are.

And the attic was rapidly withering at this moment. Looking from a distance, what kind of attic is this? This is clearly a cemetery

However, the wine and food on the table remained unchanged even at this moment. Although I don’t know how these ghosts did this, it is obvious that they are real.

But at the moment when the appearance of the surroundings changed drastically, all the women turned into ghosts and pounced on Bai Xiaochun and the three of them, Bai Xiaochun shook his head and hummed a ditty, but at this moment his slightly closed eyes suddenly opened.

“Noisy” Bai Xiaochun showed displeasure on his face, and with a flick of his sleeve, an aura erupted directly from his body. The moment it roared in all directions, all the ghosts around were immediately hit by the impact, screaming pitifully, with eyes showing Horrified, he backed away quickly.

At the same time, those two ancient slaves also spread their cultivation bases, one behind the other, they sealed the entrance and exit of the attic, and even the spread of divine sense prevented these ghosts from escaping through the wall.

All this was done in an instant, those ghosts were still screaming, their soul bodies seemed to be hurt by Bai Xiaochun’s aura, when they retreated at this moment, Bai Xiaochun stared fiercely at the bustard who was about to pounce in front of him.

Without waiting for the bustard’s expression to change drastically, Bai Xiaochun raised his right hand and grabbed the bustard in his hand, proudly speaking.

“Hurry up and change back for me. It’s rare that your grandpa Bai can see a normal little ghost, and he dares to change it out to scare me. Hurry up, don’t be naughty, change back immediately, and continue to dance for Grandpa Bai.”

Bai Xiaochun only felt that the words he said were elated and elated. After reviewing his experience of being afraid of ghosts over the years, he thought that one day he would be frightened by ghosts. He felt that he had taken another big step away from the pinnacle of his life. At the moment when he was speaking, Bai Xiaochun felt that he still lacked some deterrence, so he simply went to burn the old bustard’s soul in his hand in front of everyone, but Bai Hao’s fluctuations in the back of his hand were strong again, exuding desire .

Bai Xiaochun let out a light snort, and after thinking about it, he brought the old bustard’s soul close to the back of his hand. The moment he touched the mark, the mark that Bai Hao transformed into suddenly released a suction force. Instantly sucked away.

After sucking the old bustard’s soul, Bai Hao’s soul gave off waves of satisfaction, and gradually calmed down. It seemed that only the old bustard was very attractive to him, as for the other ghosts.

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, Bai Hao didn’t like it.

Bai Xiaochun smiled, slapped the table and shouted.

“I’m done drinking, hurry up and get me a drink.” As Bai Xiaochun’s voice came out, the ghosts of the women around him didn’t dare not change back at this moment, and they looked at Bai Xiaochun with a delicate look. , showing unprecedented fear in their eyes. From their point of view, the scene where the bustard was sucked away was too terrifying. At this moment, everyone was trembling, and hurriedly tried to restore the previous singing and dancing, and wanted to serve Bai Xiaochun well and resolve this time. crisis.

It’s just that the dancerAfraid, their bodies trembled non-stop, so did those who sang and played music, and the one who trembled the most was the one who pinched his shoulders and tapped his back beside Bai Xiaochun, until after a long while, Bai Xiaochun closed his eyes again, and when they were intoxicated, they Only then did they relax a little bit, and at the moment they were all sadly reminded, they just wanted to serve Bai Xiaochun well and let him go quickly

But Bai Xiaochun didn’t want to leave so quickly. In this comfortable environment, he sat for a whole day, drank an untold amount of fine wine, and ate an untold amount of delicious food. It was not until dusk of the next day that Bai Xiaochun slowly opened his eyes. After resting for a whole day, Bai Xiaochun felt that all the exhaustion from the hard journey had been swept away.

Especially the mood is flattering, very happy, it is extremely rare to encounter such joy in this boring starry sky.

“Although they are all souls, they are very special. It’s a waste to stay here. It’s better to bring them back to the Kui Dynasty. When it’s boring, let them out to dance or sing a song or something.” Bai Xiaochun thought of this, It was very exciting, especially after his love letter was confiscated, he always felt that something was missing in the storage bag, and his eyes lit up at this moment.

“These special songs and dances are missing. If I take them back, I’m afraid the Holy Emperor will be envious when I see the Holy Queen take them out.” The more Bai Xiaochun thought about it, the more he felt it made sense. At this moment, he stood up, under the trembling of those ghostly women. , Bai Xiaochun flicked his sleeve.

“From now on, you will follow me”

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