: The Fence

This time, the trial of the handyman’s promotion to the outer sect disciple ended like this. As the three of Hou Xiaomei stepped into the top of the mountain and gradually moved away, Zhang Dapang looked at Hou Xiaomei’s back, touched his plump chin, and looked at him. Meaningful.

“Well, for nothing, small, pure” said, then glanced at Bai Xiaochun at the side.

At this time, Bai Xiaochun was also looking at Hou Xiaomei’s back, and his heart was extremely complicated, especially when he heard Zhang Dafa’s words and saw Zhang Dafatty’s stealthy glances at him, Bai Xiaochun couldn’t help but yelled.

“Dont look at me”

Seeing that Bai Xiaochun was angry, Fatty Zhang quickly laughed, took out a pocket full of spirit stones, and changed the subject.

“Come on, let’s count the spirit stones, this time it’s bigger, haha, this method is really good.”

“There are so many spirit stones to count, isn’t that all there is to count?” Bai Xiaochun snorted.

“You don’t understand this Ninth Junior Brother. What you look at is the spirit stone, and what you count is the life.” It is rare for Zhang Dafa to say such words with a sense of life, and Bai Xiaochun was taken aback when he heard it. Counting the spirit stones was really boring in the end, so I threw them to Fatty Zhang.

At this moment, bursts of light shone on the trial road, and everyone’s eyes blurred. When it was clear, they had all arrived at the foot of the mountain.

The middle-aged deacon who started the trial road earlier, after seeing Bai Xiaochun and the other three, had a strange expression on his face, shook his head after a long while, and ignored it, he felt that he should leave it to the Zongmen to deal with the fire kitchen All right.

Bai Xiaochun and the others were still a little nervous, seeing that nothing was wrong, the three of them looked at each other, coughed dryly at each other, quickly left, and took the shortcut straight to the fire stove room.

Fatty Zhang counted the spirit stones on his own, over and over again, until after returning to the Huozao room, the other fat brothers also came back, all of them were very happy, and they were all very proud after meeting each other.

After getting his share, Bai Xiaochun was still in the hut. His pursuit was longevity. If he hadn’t needed to buy herbs this time in exchange for life-prolonging pills, he wouldn’t have come up with the idea of ​​earning spirit stones.

That night, everyone in the Huozao Room didn’t sleep well. Zhang Dapang and the others were excited all night after they became rich. They recalled the days when their pockets were dry in the past few years, and thought about the bright future. All insomnia.

As for Bai Xiaochun, he also suffered from insomnia thinking about the Longevity Pill.

When the next day came, as the matter of blocking the door of the Huozaofang trial road fermented, it was spread to ten, ten, and hundreds in all the handyman areas on the south bank of Lingxi Sect, and finally almost no one knew about it.

“Have you heard that Huozaofang has done a big thing?”

“Could it be that they are poor and crazy, and they actually do such a thing, my God, it’s too much to sell the quota of foreign disciples, why didn’t I think of this idea before?”

“I’ve heard that everyone in this fire stove room has a lot of background and is related to the sect. Otherwise, how could it be possible for everyone to eat so outrageously?” In the handyman area, all the rooms, Everyone, on this day, is almost all discussing the fire stove.

Huozaofang has also kept a low profile these past few days, almost never going out alone, until a few days later at dusk one day, when Bai Xiaochun was pouring rice soup into a large bowl with a thick bottom, suddenly someone from the outside There were footsteps on the path.

“People from Huozao Room come out, and the Supervisory Office has been ordered to investigate the matter of your waiting for the trial road.” When the cold voice suddenly came, the door of Huozao Room was directly kicked open.

With a bang, the door was kicked, and more than a dozen handyman disciples dressed in supervisor’s room clothes rushed in from outside. The person in charge was the hulking man who had stood up for Xu Baocai before.

“I said why I heard crows calling again this morning. So it’s Fade Chen and you’re here again.” Big Fatty Zhang and Bai Xiaochun looked at each other, pretending that nothing happened, and together with a few other fat people, they calmly watched the menacing man walk away. Everyone in the supervisory room came.

Fade Chen sneered, glanced at Big Fatty Zhang, then at Xiaochun Bai, and suddenly frowned slightly. The people in the hot kitchen in front of him were really calm.

He was quite excited on the way here, thinking that he had finally grasped the sore foot of Huozaofang, and could knock down Huozaofang in one fell swoop, ending the years-long infighting between the two houses.

“Pretending to be calm.” Fade Chen sneered inwardly, with a stern look in his eyes, and he spoke heavily.

“Huozaofang, Mr. Chen asked you, a few days ago, did the nine of you participate in the trial for the promotion of the handyman to the outer sect disciple?”

“Participated.” Fatty Zhang said with a smile.

“It’s fine if you participate, take it away.” Fade Chen didn’t talk nonsense,

Read Section 9

He raised a finger with his right hand, and immediately behind him, more than a dozen handymen in the supervisory office all rushed out, holding iron chains in their hands, as if they were going to tie up everyone in the fire stove room..

Seeing this, Bai Xiaochun laughed and said.

“The supervisor’s room is in charge of everything, and it restricts our qualifications to become disciples of the outer sect. It’s really majestic.”

Seeing Bai Xiaochun, Fade Chen couldn’t help but recall the scene of Bai Xiaochun flying the sword that day. When he waved his hands, the people around him stopped. He stared at Bai Xiaochun and gradually narrowed his eyes.

“Junior Brother Bai, since you are not convinced, then Chen will ask you one more question. You have blocked the exit on the road to the trial and sold quotas in public. Now that you have done it, do you dare to admit it?”

“Of course I admit it, we did it.” Bai Xiaochun was very calm, with a well-behaved appearance, nodded repeatedly, and pointed at Fatty Zhang and the others.

“And they all did.”

“That’s right, we’ve done it all, what’s the matter?” Big Fatty Zhang and the others laughed and admitted.

This scene changed Fade Chen’s face. He didn’t expect the people in Huozaofang to admit it like that. When he thought about it, it would take a hard battle of wits before the people in Huozaofang had to admit it. things.

Feeling weird at this moment, there is a faint feeling of something bad in my heart, so I stopped talking and let out a low growl.

“Okay, okay, now that you admit it, it’s okay for Mr. Chen to continue asking, then follow me to the Law Enforcement Hall. If anyone dares to resist, according to the sect’s rules, he will be expelled from the sect.”

As Fade Chen said, he jumped up and went straight to Bai Xiaochun, and everyone behind him also rushed towards him.

But at this moment, Bai Xiaochun’s right hand suddenly raised, and a sword light flew out from his cuff during the pincer, and the colorful wooden sword flew out in an instant, whizzing past between the supervisor’s room and the fire stove room, with a cold glow It was so compelling that Fade Chen stopped and his face turned ugly.

“Bai Xiaochun, how dare you resist?”

“Senior Brother Chen, the Supervisory Office has the qualification to inquire, where does the qualification to arrest people come from?”

“Hmph, you all admit that you broke the door rules, of course I have the qualifications to arrest you”

“I don’t know which house rule we violated.” Bai Xiaochun asked with a smile, Zhang Dapang and others also narrowed their eyes, with a sneer at the corner of their mouths, looking at Fade Chen.

“You sold the quotas of the outer sect, which violated the sect’s regulations.” Fade Chen paused suddenly as he was speaking, and then his complexion changed rapidly, and gradually cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He was shocked to find that there was no statement in the sect rules that others were not allowed to sell the places of the outer sect on the trial road. After all, few people would think of this method, and even if they thought of it, they would not have the courage to do it

“Senior Brother Chen, why are you sweating? Which one did we commit? Are you talking about it? Could it be that we didn’t violate the rules of the house? This is a violation of Article 11 of the ninth volume of the house rules, according to the house rules, the punishment is not small.” Bai Xiaochun put on a surprised expression, and after questioning, his voice became louder and his heart felt relieved.

“You’re talking nonsense, I…” At this moment, not only Fade Chen’s complexion changed, but the other handymen in the supervisory office behind him also realized the problem, and their complexions changed instantly.

At the same time, Fatty Zhang raised his hands with a smirk, and kneaded them a few times in front of him. The other fat senior brothers showed a fierce look in their eyes, and walked towards the supervisor’s room.

“Chen Fei, you have violated the door rules, and the Law Enforcement Hall is responsible for it. Now in our Huozaofang, the door forged by countless martyrs, how should you compensate us? You have to give us an explanation today.” Fatty Zhang smiled ferociously, his momentum This moment suddenly rises.

Since they dared to go to the trial road to block the door, they were naturally well-prepared. When Bai Xiaochun proposed this idea two months ago, they had already overturned the door rules.

“Fight” As Fatty Zhang’s words came out, his figure like a mountain of meat made Fade Chen and the others tremble.

All of a sudden, the sounds of fighting in the yard rang out, Bai Xiaochun swayed, and he habitually stood on the fence wall next to the yard, flung his sleeves, put his hands behind his back, looked into the distance pretending to be deep, and posed That pair of masters is lonely and looks like he’s retired after finishing his work.

“With the flick of my fingers, Bai Xiaochun, the supervisor’s office was wiped out.”

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