My Battle Beast

At this moment, it seems that the entire North Shore is paying attention to this place, and even on Zhongdao Mountain, there are a few gazes that gather here for an instant.

“This is um”

When there seemed to be a faint sound of surprise, suddenly, the vortex in the sky turned red in an instant, and soon even the sky was also red.

At this moment, a shrill scream came from the withered beast flower, and then, the powerful aura suddenly reversed, and it fell suddenly, and it was about to fall to the bottom of the valley in an instant, and a dead breath spread out.

It was as if he died young, he was about to die before he was born, Bai Xiaochun’s body trembled, and Sifeng’s boss was also shocked.

“This is a manifestation of mixed blood and the inability of the will to control the body”

“Damn it, I knew it was going to happen”

“This beast can’t be born.” When the four peaks chief exclaimed, Bai Xiaochun’s body trembled, and he stared straight at the beast flower. He could feel that there was a life wanting to descend in the beast flower, but But he couldn’t succeed, he was about to die, and within a few breaths, the dead air was thick and spread to the surroundings.

At this moment, suddenly, a blurry figure appeared in the midair of Yushouhua without a sound, and he couldn’t see the specific appearance, but he could only see an old man wearing a white robe, The whole person seemed to have no breath at all, just appeared so calmly.

Cultivation is unfathomable

His appearance shocked the hearts of all the people around. The North Shore disciples had never seen this old man before, and the heads of the four peaks all froze for a moment, their complexions changed instantly, and they knelt down immediately.

“Three generations of ancestors”

The disciples around, the moment they heard this address, all their minds buzzed, and they all trembled and knelt down immediately.

Bai Xiaochun was dumbfounded at this moment, he didn’t notice the appearance of that figure, in his eyes, there were only withered beast flowers and the life inside, his heart was trembling, and there were tears in his eyes.

The old man in white looked at Yushouhua silently, and pointed with his right hand, a surge of vitality immediately rushed in, but the vitality soon dissipated, and the breath of death became stronger.

The old man in white pondered for a moment, then suddenly raised his head to look at the ancient beast abyss.

In the ancient beast abyss, the Tianjiao Molong opened its mouth suddenly, and a drop of golden blood flew out in an instant. Its body was obviously older, and it looked at Yushouhua from a distance, with tension and expectation in its eyes.

That drop of golden blood pierced the sky, forming a golden rainbow, which went straight to this place and fell into the beast flower. At the same time, the old man in white sighed softly, his eyes showed brilliance, and when he raised his hands to make a formula, , The clouds in the sky rolled, and it seemed that some supreme power had condensed. In the hands of the old man, it turned into a rune, penetrated the beast flower, and threw it into the beast flower together with the golden blood.

“The blood is mixed, and it is close to death. The old man can only hang his life for nine days. Whether he can survive and struggle out of the beast flower depends on the will of the beast. It is a pity that it is a spirit beast with a fifth-level potential.” The old man sighed softly. Even he has no way to change his fate against the sky, whether he can survive or not depends entirely on the good fortune of this beast itself.

With pity, he glanced sideways at Bai Xiaochun who was staying there, with pity in his eyes, flicking his sleeves, his figure was blurred, turning into specks of crystal light and dissipating.

It wasn’t until after the old man left that the heads of the four peaks slowly got up, each of them looked in awe at the direction the old man was leaving, and then looked down at Bai Xiaochun who was beside Yushouhua, who was in a daze.

Everyone felt unbearable, whoever changed, put in such a great effort, but finally the war beast could not be born, they would all be sad, especially this is a breeding beast, I am afraid that there will not be many in the entire cultivation world.

The four bosses sighed softly, their anger towards Bai Xiaochun also dissipated, and they left one after another. Seeing the reversal of this scene, the disciples around the North Shore couldn’t find Bai Xiaochun’s trouble at this time, even though there were still many The resentment in the bottom of my heart is still there, but it slowly dissipates in silence.

Soon, dusk fell, and Bai Xiaochun was the only one standing around the attic of the Hundred Beasts, staring blankly at the beast flower. Most of the flower had withered, and a thin body could be seen inside, struggling, as if To challenge life.

Bai Xiaochun’s tears fell silently, he walked forward slowly, sat there silently, stroking the beast flower.

He was very sad, looking sad, unwilling to accept such a fact. What he was thinking at the moment was not the strongest beast, but pure hope that this little life could survive, even if it didn’t have any qualifications.

This is the life he cultivated. The feeling of watching the other party die makes his heart hurt like a knife, but he has no way to help it. This kind of powerlessness made Bai Xiaochun feel an unspeakable suffocation.

As the night fell, this deep sense of powerlessness and the suffocation of watching a life disappear made Bai Xiaochun tremble and fearful. He thought of when he was in the village, before his parents died of illness, they held his hand and told himself survive.

These three words exist forever in Bai Xiaochun’s mind.”To live, to live”

“Tie Dan, don’t die.” Bai Xiaochun’s tears rolled down, and he murmured softly, stroking the protruding body of the little beast under the Beast-Culting Flower, calling the name he gave it, the little beast seemed to feel Bai Xiaochun’s breath, and moved slightly.

“Persevere, you haven’t seen this world, you haven’t seen me, I will take you to the realm of comprehension in the future”

“Keep going” Bai Xiaochun murmured softly but was full of firmness, and he kept stroking Yu Beast Flower’s protruding little beast body all night, using his sincerity and the company he could do to encourage or pray.

Till dawn, noon, dusk, moonlight

Soon, the first day passed, and the little beast in Yushouhua struggled a little weaker, but it seemed that it hadn’t given up yet, and was also trying hard to control the body that was about to disintegrate due to the mixed blood.

Throughout the whole day, Bai Xiaochun forgot everything around him, his eyes were only on the little beast under the flower of the beast in front of him, he murmured softly, comforted him with his softest voice, encouraged him with his heart, he kept on While talking, he even tried to use spiritual power to integrate into the beast flower, even though he knew it was useless, he still did it.

Gradually, the second day, the third day, the fourth day

Bai Xiaochun didn’t rest at all, his eyes were already bloodshot, the spiritual power in his body was already exhausted under this constant release, and every new spiritual power would be absorbed into the beast flower by him.

That spiritual power carried his blessings, his sadness, and his encouragement and comfort. For four days, he was talking and encouraging. Every time the little beast struggled violently, it seemed to feel pain. And when there was a soft sob like crying, Bai Xiaochun comforted it, as if it felt warm, and gradually calmed down, but Bai Xiaochun found in despair that its breath was getting weaker and weaker, and the feeling of death was getting weaker and weaker. more intense.

“Tie Dan, do you know that when I was young, when my parents were still there, I wasn’t so afraid of death and didn’t know what death was.”

“When you are well, I will take you to see Uncle Li, he is very good to me, just like a father.” Bai Xiaochun murmured, talking about his past, everything about himself in the village and the sect.

In the middle of the night on the fourth day, whether it was the mountain beasts of the four peaks or the horns of the abyss, they all slowly looked away, sighed, and stopped paying attention to this place, but there was a big black dog that silently Came to the Hundred Beasts Courtyard, came to the attic, came to Bai Xiaochun’s side, lying beside the Beast Flower, looking at the life in the Beast Flower with the same sorrow, licking it gently.

Another day passed, and on the evening of the fifth day, Bai Xiaochun was extremely exhausted. To him, these five days seemed like five months of non-stop refining medicine, but he didn’t and didn’t want to give up. He repeated the words over and over again, and continued to comfort him, but the little beast’s struggle became weaker and weaker. In the middle of the night on the fifth day, it suddenly struggled violently a few times, and then the struggle slowed down as if there were bursts of convulsions. It didn’t move anymore, the breath of death enveloped the Beast Flower and also filled Bai Xiaochun and the Nocturnal Beast.

“You want to live if you live!” Bai Xiaochun grabbed the body of the little beast under the Beast-Yearing Flower, and shouted loudly with tears in his eyes.

“The Luochen family chased and killed me. More than a dozen people wanted to kill me. I survived. I traded injuries for killing. I used broken bones to struggle with fate. You should do the same, live on.”

Bai Xiaochun roared loudly, he kept pouring in his own spiritual power, encouraged and even roared, the little beast that was not moving at first gradually trembled, gradually began to struggle, this struggle became more and more intense, its desire to survive, At this moment, it seemed to be more inspired by Bai Xiaochun’s words.

“Expand your survival power, control your body, and rush out from here.” Bai Xiaochun wiped away his tears and roared loudly.

The little beast in the Yushouhua struggled harder and made a whining sound. Every time it struggled, it would cause severe pain, making its body tremble, but it didn’t give up anymore. It seemed that there was a will to support it, and this will was extremely strong. Intense, as if it surpassed its desire to survive and became everything in its life at the moment.

“You will be the strongest battle beast. You are my Bai Xiaochun’s lifelong partner. I created you, I nurtured you, and I will not allow you to die.” Bai Xiaochun’s voice was hoarse, like crazy.

As his words came out, the little beast that he had encouraged for five days no longer whined, but roared and roared. Although it sounded weak, it was indeed roaring. At the same time , its bleak life, actually shone strongly at this moment, as if burning, constantly erupting, becoming more and more majestic, clouds appeared in the sky again, rumbling, like the will in its heart to support itself, making it Challenge fate again.

This fluctuation attracted Bei’an’s attention, and many disciples woke up. The heads of the four peaks were also surprised, and went straight to Bai Xiaochun’s Hundred Beasts. From all directions, when they came to the Hundred Beasts, the breath of life in the Yushouhua was once again overwhelming, stirring the sky, making the clouds turn more and more violently.

The Four Peaks Mountain Beast, the Abyss Heavenly Horn, and the eyes on Zhongdao Mountain, and even the phantom of the white-clothed old man reappeared in mid-air without anyone noticing it.

At this moment, at the moment when the fifth day passed, and at the moment when the sixth day came, the roar in the beast flower was heard earth-shatteringly, and a shock spread, causing the exhausted Bai Xiaochun to be pushed back immediately, leaning against the wall beside him. The night beast was also pushed away.

With a bang, the Beast-Yearing Flower shattered directly, and the claws of a small beast suddenly stretched out. The claws were extremely sharp, as if they could cut through nothingness, and there were even flames looming on its claws, for everyone to see. , They all felt shocked and shocked.

At the same time, the claw ruthlessly tore all around, finally revealing the head of a small beast

Like a horse, like a dog, like a lizard, like a crocodile, like a dragon

There is a single horn on the top of the head, and a row of white hairs can be seen on the back, but there are black scales on the body, sharp teeth, and closed eyes.

“This is…” the old man in white in mid-air, with a strange light in his eyes, was suddenly moved. He didn’t expect that this little guy could really survive, and it looked like this, with unlimited potential, and even a bloodline that could be advanced

At this moment, in the ancient beast abyss, the Tianjiao Molong suddenly opened its eyes, the four mountain beasts shook at the same time, and all the war beasts on the entire north shore trembled.

Everyone around exclaimed, whoever it is, can tell at a glance that this little beast must be extraordinary

The palms of the four mountain peaks all took a deep breath, with a strong light in their eyes.

“You can master spells from birth. The flame on the paw shows that it is a sixth-order bloodline. My God, there is a spirit beast with a sixth-order bloodline in my Lingxi Sect!”

“This will be our North Shore, the future guardian beast”

“Haha, a sixth-order spirit beast surpassing the Tianjiao Molong was finally born on our north shore.”

Everyone around couldn’t help rushing over, wanting to take a closer look, Bai Xiaochun was leaning against the wall, his figure was covered by the crowd, he didn’t care, he was just smiling, happy for Tie Dan, and also for himself .

“It’s good to live”

At this moment, the moment the little beast protruded its head, its eyes opened vigorously and stared. Its eyes were big and looked very cute, revealing a nimble black light. It looked around, as if looking for it.

This was the first movement after it stretched out its head. This movement was of great significance. Others may not know it, but the old man in white in mid-air was suddenly shocked.

“it’s looking”

Blocked by people all around, the little beast seemed to not be able to find the figure he longed for in his heart, with an anxious expression, revealing the meaning of irritability, and let out low growls.

at this time

“Iron egg” Bai Xiaochun leaned against the wall, supported his body, looked at the little beast along the gap of the crowd with excitement and joy in his exhaustion, and spoke softly.

As soon as his words came out, the little beast stopped being irritable, its body trembled suddenly, and it turned its head in an instant, with a strong light shining in its eyes. It also saw Bai Xiaochun from the gap between the crowd, and when it stared, its eyes gradually softened , Surprise slowly emerged, as if seeing a relative.

it found

It seems that the will that supports it to struggle continuously, and finally to be desperate is that it wants to rush out of the beast flower, open its eyes, and take a look, the person who brings him warmth, encourages him, and comforts him, Even just looking at it is enough

The will formed by this emotion goes beyond survival

Time seems to be frozen at this moment. For Tie Dan, at this moment, this strange world, no matter how many strangers stand in front of it, the moment Bai Xiaochun opened his mouth, all of them disappeared. Only Bai Xiaochun was alone. It is all about yourself.

The first update, brothers and sisters, call for a monthly pass, and the second update

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