Falling Sword Abyss

Bai Xiaochun’s arrival immediately attracted the attention of the more than two hundred inner disciples outside the main hall, all of them looked at him, Shangguan Tianyou, Zhou Xinqi, Lu Tianlei, Bei Hanlie, Xu Song, Gongsun Wan’er, Gongsun Yun, Hou Yunfei, etc. wait, ghost teeth

In Li Qinghou’s eyes, a smile slowly appeared, more encouraging.

Bai Xiaochun approached quickly, and when he reached Li Qinghou’s body, he cupped his fists and bowed deeply.

“Stand behind this seat.” Li Qinghou saw the blood in Bai Xiaochun’s eyes and knew his struggle. This decision was difficult for Bai Xiaochun.

Bai Xiaochun stood up and strode forward. Standing behind Li Qinghou, he saw Hou Yunfei. Obviously, during his stay on the north bank, Hou Yunfei had participated in the inner sect’s trial and had become an inner sect disciple. With the help of his family, his cultivation has also improved rapidly, and he has reached the tenth level of condensing energy.

The two looked at each other, Hou Yunfei showed encouragement in his eyes, Bai Xiaochun nodded silently, there were so many people at the moment, it was inconvenient for them to communicate, at this moment, the door of the main hall slowly opened.With the opening, Zheng Yuandong’s old voice slowly came out from the hall.

“The ancient spiritual cave was formed at an unknown time. Before there was a secret realm, it was the cultivation world in the lower reaches of the Eastern Meridian. It was the only place where the earth veins gathered. Countless wars took place around the spiritual cave, and finally it was controlled by the three major sects. After the rise of my Lingxi Sect, I became the master of the four major sects.”

“A secluded secret realm suddenly appeared in Youlin Continent ten thousand years ago. It is a ruins, desolate and uninhabited, but there are earth vein beasts. Its appearance also caused wars, and it was eventually occupied by the four major sects. The second Holy Land of Foundation Establishment.”

“Meteor Sword Abyss, five thousand years ago, there was an indescribable great sword beyond the sky. Its size surpassed hundreds of Lingxi sects. It contained the power to make everyone horrified. It penetrated the sky, fell down, and pierced Bifang Mountain , the sword energy penetrates the netherworld, and the energy of the earth veins merges into the sword body.

As a result, the inside of the sword forms the same area as the other two foundation-building holy places, and countless earth-vein beasts are born. Killing them can obtain varying amounts of earth-line energy, and collecting enough earth-line energy can condense the earth-line energy. Induce, shake the spirit of the earth veins in the Holy Land”

“According to the judgment obtained after the investigation by the ancestors of the four great sects, there may be a trace of the aura of the heavenly veins in the Meteor Sword, because it fell from the sky, and there is a small chance that it absorbed the aura of the heavenly way at the moment of falling

And Tianmai Foundation Establishment is also called Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment.” Zheng Yuandong paused at this point, raised his head and glanced over everyone like lightning.

“The road of practice becomes narrower and narrower. Only by stepping on the corpses of countless enemies can you touch the supreme avenue”

“I ask you to try your best to kill the disciples of the other three sects during the three major foundation-building trials this time. This is not only a trial, but also a battle between the four sects. It is also about the fate of my Lingxi sect. Waiting for you When I come back, I will tell you the cause and effect.”

“Similarly, I believe that the disciples of the three sects will try their best to kill all the people who are not of the same clan. Not everyone has the opportunity to build a foundation, and resources are limited. This is the way to fight for the front “Zheng Yuandong flicked his sleeves, and his voice was like thunder, and when it roared in all directions, more than two hundred inner disciples here all roared.

The voice is like thunder, the momentum is shaking the sky

“This foundation building trial will be led by the head of Yuanwei Peak, the head of Ziding Mountain, and the elder Ouyang of the Law Enforcement Hall. You have been arranged. One hundred people from Meteor Sword Abyss, seventy people from Yiyou and Lingkuo Five people, open the Lingxi formation, and go to the three foundation building holy places.”

Soon, the roaring sound became more intense, and in the blink of an eye, the figures of more than 200 people in the formation were all blurred and disappeared in an instant. Outside the formation, Li Qinghou looked into the distance silently, with expectations and worries in his eyes, as if he was looking at a young eagle spreading its wings. Although there was an abyss below, the sky was still full of red sun in the distance.

Bifang Mountain, located in Zhenggong Continent, once wanted to be taller than the sky, surpassing any peak of Lingxi Sect, and its size was comparable to the scope of the entire Lingxi Sect.

But right now, it has changed a long time ago. Half of the mountain has disappeared. Together with the land where the half of the mountain is located, and the endless scope of Zhenggongzhou as far as the eye can see, it has all become fragments without a blade of grass, spreading across the small half of the continent.

Mortals cannot survive here, and fierce beasts are equally difficult to survive. Even monks, if they live here for a long time, will suddenly die suddenly, and the dead body will explode, emitting scattered sword energy.

The reason for all this is the big sword that fell from the sky. This simple sword is carved with countless dim runes. It stands obliquely in front of Bifang Mountain. Most of it penetrates into the ground. The cracks in the cave were also several feet long, and the largest one was more than ten feet wide. It was pitch black inside, and bursts of cold air rose into the air.

Surrounded by protective light curtains, all the entrances to the ground seams are sealed.

This sword is too big. Even the sword body and hilt on the ground far surpass Bi Fangshan by so much. Even compared with this sword, it is like a palm and an ant.

And this Bifang Mountain, compared with the monks, seems to have become a palm, and the monks standing on the top of the mountain want to be ants

At this moment, on Bifang Mountain, two sects have come first, occupying two areas respectively. One side has only 80 people, while the other side has a hundred people. While talking, the disciples brought behind them looked at each other one by one, and they were all bad.

Among them, the eighty disciples occupying the left area are dressed in white, and each of them has a mark of elixir on their cuffs, and even on their bodies, one can feel bursts of medicinal fragrance.

They are Danxi sect

The hundreds of condensing monks on the opposite side are dressed in dark blue, and each of them has a good level of cultivation in their bodies. Even if you look closely, you can see that many of them have blurred phantoms. , very weird.

They are Xuanxi sect

Just as the two disciples were looking at each other, suddenly, the clouds rolled in the sky, and countless runes shone, sometimes turning into purple tripods, sometimes with sword lights, and at the end, it seemed like an ink dragon was swimming inside, heading towards the earth growl.

The person leading the Danxi Sect is a middle-aged woman, her eyes flashed brightly, and she murmured softly when she looked at the sky.

“Lingxi Sect has arrived.”

Xiuxiu, who leads the team of Xuanxi Sect, is an old man with bulging bumps all over his face, looks very gloomy, the eyes in the eyes are actually erect, and every time you blink, it gives people a strange feeling. At this moment, you still look up, staring at the clouds of the Lingxi Sect Formation in the sky.

Soon, a strong light descended from the sky and fell directly on an empty area on Bifang Mountain. Hundreds of figures gradually became blurred and gradually became clear. When Ouyang Jie’s figure appeared, the woman of Danxi Sect and The expressions of the elders of Xuanxi Sect all changed.

“The jackal”

“Fellow Daoist Hai, Fellow Daoist Lin, long time no see.” Ouyang Jie smiled hoarsely, waited for the disciples behind him to teleport over, and after getting used to it, he waved his hand, dispelled the protection of the formation, and walked out first.

When he was reminiscing with the two Foundation Establishment cultivators, Bai Xiaochun rubbed his forehead vigorously, looked around in a daze, and was immediately attracted by the huge sword in front of him. When he looked up, he couldn’t see the end of the sword , can only see countless clouds and mist, which is extremely amazing.

Breathing sounds and exclamations came from all around, and the disciples of Lingxi Sect were all shocked by this great sword.

Hearing the exclamation from all around, Bai Xiaochun realized that the number of people around was wrong. There were more than two hundred people when he teleported before, but now there are exactly one hundred people here, including himself.

Zhou Xinqi was not there, and neither was Lu Tianlei, but Shangguan Tianyou and Guiya, Bei Hanlie, Gongsun Wan’er, and Hou Yunfei were all in the crowd, and they were all shocked by the great sword at this moment.

But soon, they looked away one by one, and when they were sitting cross-legged in meditation, a jade slip appeared in their hands, and while concentrating on spiritual integration, they looked at the disciples of Danxi Sect and Xuanxi Sect.

The disciples of these two sects also focused their eyes and looked for them one by one. Some of them even looked at Bai Xiaochun, but the two sects looked at Bai Xiaochun with different expressions. Xuanxi Sect is contemptuous.

When Bai Xiaochun was surprised, Hou Yunfei came to his side, handed out a jade slip, and spoke in a low voice.

“You came late. Before you came, the three heads and Elder Ouyang had explained the tragedy this time, and asked everyone to kill the disciples of other sects as much as possible while saving their lives. A jade slip, which introduces the information of Meteor Sword Abyss and the disciples of the other three sects, if you want to come to our place, the other party also has information.”

Bai Xiaochun quickly took the jade slip, and after the spiritual power poured in, he immediately saw the detailed introduction of Meteor Sword Abyss.

Meteor Sword Abyss, also known as Meteor Sword World, when it descended thousands of years ago, pierced into the ground obliquely, with half of it exposed. A slanted world is formed inside the sword body, extending downward, the more downward, the stronger the beast of the earth veins, and the more energy of the earth veins it contains.

The entrance to the Meteor Sword World is dozens of gaps in the underground sword body.

In this world of the sword body, apart from the beasts of the earth veins condensed by the energy of the earth veins, there are also evil souls. According to speculation, they are all the people who were killed by this sword back then. The combat power in life is also extremely dangerous, but fortunately, he has no intelligence and does not take the initiative to attack.

Seeing this, Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, paying great attention to evil spirits. In his opinion, such things are no different from ghosts.

At the same time, the Jade Slip also introduces the energy of the earth veins in detail. The energy of the earth veins is divided into two parts, one part comes from the evil beast, and after killing, a weak energy of the earth veins will be emitted, which can be integrated into the Tao bottle to accumulate a portion of the energy of the earth veins Yin, like a key, and the other part of the energy of the earth veins, accounting for 99% of the total, scattered in the void of the whole world, cannot be obtained directly, only using the primer to summon

The amount of qi of the earth veins is limited. When building a foundation, according to personal aptitude and chance, the body will withstand more than one tide of the spiritual sea, and at that time, a large amount of qi of the earth veins will be needed to support it, so the earlier the foundation is established, the greater the advantage , for every person who succeeds, the energy of the earth veins in the entire Meteor Sword World will decrease. Generally speaking, if there are no astonishing disciples of the eight tides, the energy of the earth veins in the Meteor Sword World can make thirty people Success left and right.

Therefore, the sooner the foundation is built, the better. If it is slow, even if the energy of the earth veins is condensed, the foundation will not be successful because the energy of the earth veins is not enough during the tide.

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