The Peerless Monster

“Great Elder, I don’t believe what Xuemei said. I don’t believe it at all. In my heart, your holiness is like a lotus flower, and no filth in this world can touch it. Your beauty is like a narcissus. I don’t allow it.” Those stains fell on you.” Bai Xiaochun seemed to be agitated, and in his eyes, there was sadness and regret at the same time.

“Great Elder, in my heart, you are such a person. You are my longing, the eternal harbor in my heart, the fairy in my ideal, and the holiness that I need to protect for the rest of my life.” Bai Xiaochun was distraught and indignant. Trembling, it seems that the disappointment in my heart merged with obsession at this moment, turned into madness, and seemed to be suppressed to the extreme, at this moment, it broke out completely.

“I buried my life at night, with countless killings and boundless cruelty. I lost my humanity, my emotions, and my blood. I am like an empty shell at this moment. All that exists is coldness, killing, and cruelty. But inside this empty shell, there are still There was a ray of light, and this light was the dawn that appeared after I first saw you, Great Elder.” Bai Xiaochun flicked his sleeve, and at this moment, his body seemed to spread out even more evil, making people After feeling it, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood will emerge uncontrollably, and there is even a sense of iron and blood, which explodes on Bai Xiaochun’s body.

Song Junwan’s tender body shook, she stared blankly at Bai Xiaochun, at the disappointment, sadness and pain in his eyes, at the beauty, holiness and persistence hidden deep in his eyes, and at the sight of everything that seemed to be collapsing. In the end, the reality and the thought were completely reversed, which caused the whole person’s hysteria.

“It’s not so much that I chose Zhongfeng, it’s better to say that I chose you, the Great Elder.”

“You say I’m lewd, you’re wrong, I’ve never been, every time I see you, I can’t help but want to protect you”

“But Great Elder, the current you are not you!” Bai Xiaochun roared, the redness in his eyes became more intense, and the meaning of pain became more obvious.

“Put on your clothes, tidy up your expression, and take away your charm. Please give me back the holy and inviolable Song Junwan in my heart, the only dawn in my heart that I have to protect in my whole life. “I” Bai Xiaochun’s face was ferocious, and he roared madly, his voice shook the cave, causing the water in the pool to tremble, as if he wanted to burst out all his own emotions from this roar.

The soul of the fake Night Burial was trembling at this moment. He stared blankly at Bai Xiaochun who had borrowed the identity of Night Burial. The explosion was so realistic.

The entire cave fell silent, Bai Xiaochun laughed hoarsely, with loss and bitterness in his laughter, he turned around silently, without looking at Song Junwan.

At the moment of turning around, his heart was trembling, thatIt was frightening. The moment he entered the cave just now, he felt a chill rising. He thought of all the plans along the way, but he was not sure.

He could only act accordingly, the moment the opponent came out of the water just now, Bai Xiaochun knew that if he was a little careless this time, he would throw himself in.

“This bitch is too bad.” Bai Xiaochun was wronged, he didn’t expect the other party to be so cruel, obviously he knew that he was valued by the ancestor and had a good reputation in the sect, so he used such a method.

“Fortunately, I, Bai Xiaochun, am not stupid, let’s see what method you can use next.” Bai Xiaochun was vigilant, waiting for the opponent to continue to make moves.

Song Junwan’s mind buzzed, her body trembled, Bai Xiaochun’s words pierced her heart like a sword, and she stared at Bai Xiaochun’s back in a daze. In her eyes, this back seemed infinitely taller at this moment, as if Can support heaven and earth.

She didn’t know what to say. The night burial at this moment strongly shook her mind. That kind of shaking, like a falling mountain, destroyed all barriers and directly hit her soul.

She could only keep silent, her heart was in a mess. Her original plan was to call the night funeral to come over today, find an excuse, punish this person and lock him in the blood prison, so that all the rumors of that day would disappear, It also made it impossible for Xuemei to kill. In this case, she would win a small battle between the two.

However, he never expected that the night burial, who always looked at her with a smile on her face, was about to collapse because of her clothes and actions. In that sentence, especially the last sentence, Bai Xiaochun asked her to return the real Song Junwan to him. He, these words, completely shook Song Junwan, after making Song Junwan silent, when she looked at Bai Xiaochun, she had a different look in her eyes.

Song Junwan took a deep breath, her expression gradually no longer showed charm, but calmed down, she raised her right hand with a wave, a set of slightly conservative clothes fell on her body, and she tidied her hair. At this moment, her whole person’s temperament changed drastically , no longer flattering, but dignified and extremely beautiful.

She was not very old, so she was dressed up at this moment, which was a strong difference from before. Immediately, from the inside to the outside, she exuded an indescribable national beauty and heavenly fragrance, the best in the world.

The skin is fair, without makeup, like the morning glow reflecting the snow, her black hair is tied into a tall beauty bun, when she looks at Bai Xiaochun’s back, her eyes are full of autumn water, but they are as clear as pure.

Especially under the white teeth and star eyes, the plain teeth and vermilion lips make people look at it at a glance, as if seeing the beauty and all the colors in the world.

“Turn around.” Song Junwan said softly.

Bai Xiaochun was vigilant in his heart, but at this moment he put on a look of disappointment, with iron blood in his bones, he turned around slowly, looking at Song Junwan with deep and bitter eyes.

With just one glance, Bai Xiaochun’s heart trembled. It’s not that he has never seen a beauty before. Whether it’s Hou Xiaomei, Zhou Xinqi, or the missing Du Lingfei, any one of them is absolutely beautiful, but now compared with this Song Junwan, in this Song Junwan, she is completely beautiful. What is shown is a maturity and grace that is different from those of a few women.

Especially the charming in the previous moment has become dignified in this instant, this reversal left Bai Xiaochun dumbfounded.

That kind of beauty, with purity, like a hibiscus out of water, is amazing.

“The monster, Song Junwan, is a big monster.” Bai Xiaochun’s mouth was dry, his breathing was short, and the vigilance in his heart not only did not decrease, but increased.

Seeing Bai Xiaochun’s appearance, Song Junwan covered her mouth with a smile, this smile was no longer charming, but more playful, especially the expression in her eyes made Bai Xiaochun’s heart tremble.

“What kind of move is this?” Bai Xiaochun was nervous, his heart was beating wildly. He felt that after Song Junwan made another move, he was infinitely stronger than before. countermeasures.

“Okay, I’ll give you back the Song Junwan in your heart, so you’re satisfied now.” Song Junwan smiled sweetly, her voice was pleasant, before Bai Xiaochun could speak, Song Junwan continued to speak.

“I asked you to come here this time to tell you something. You should tidy up after you go back. In the early morning three days later, at the foot of Zhongfeng Mountain, you will accompany me, the ancestor of the Song family, to the Lingxi sect as an envoy.”

“My ancestor of the Song family is also one of the eight ancestors of the Blood River Sect.” Song Junwan looked serious and spoke slowly.

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes widened, and after hearing the words “Lingxizong”, his heart shook violently.

“Envoy to Lingxi Sect” Bai Xiaochun was stunned for a moment, feeling a little weird, thinking that he actually returned to Lingxi Sect as a night burial, he was a little dazed.

“Why, you don’t want to go?” Song Junwan looked at Bai

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Xiaochun took a look and smiled slightly.

“I didn’t intend to take you with me at first, but I was worried that if you stayed in the sect, that bitch Xuemei would miss you, and I was not around, so I had to take you with me.”

“When you see that bitch Xuemei in the future, you should be more careful. This bitch is cruel and merciless, and he has nine earth vein tides. His father, Wujizi, is also an ancestor in my Blood Stream Sect who is expected to go further. Nothing to worry about.”

“And I have always been at odds with her. This bitch thinks that with her status and aptitude, she wants to rob me of the identity of Zhongfeng’s blood child. How can I let her succeed?” Song Junwan mentioned Xuemei with cold eyes There was a flash of light, as if he felt that his appearance was different from Bai’s.The image in Xiaochun’s mind didn’t quite match, and she didn’t know what was wrong, so she subconsciously explained.

“The Xuexi sect has had four great blood sons in all dynasties, and now the other three peaks have appeared one after another, but my middle peak has no blood sons. The blood sons have a very high status, comparable to the elders of the Supreme. , second only to the ancestors, it is very important, if you want to become a blood master, you must first become a blood son

Zhongfeng’s blood son has been obtained by my Song family for many years, but this time, because of the nine tides, Xue Mei wants to compete for the blood son.

If I fail, there will be a crack in Zhongfeng under the control of my Song family, and this matter will never be allowed to happen. After finishing speaking, Song Junwan looked at Bai Xiaochun.

Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, thoughtfully, and after thinking for a while, he suddenly asked.

“Then what’s the reason for this mission to Lingxi Sect?”

Song Junwan hesitated for a moment, this matter is secret, if she changed it before, she would not have said it, but now after thinking about it, she took another look at Bai Xiaochun, raised her right hand with a wave, immediately opened the cave formation, and after closing it for four weeks, Speak softly.

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