Little Belly

At the same time as Bai Xiaochun and Xiao Qing were attacking, on the ancient road behind him, with the help of Bai Xiaochun’s previous thrust, Song Junwan successfully broke free. , Chasing towards Xuemei.

Xuemei was in the front, frowning after seeing this scene, her speed was faster, but Song Junwan’s burning blood of life was getting faster and faster, the two gradually approached each other in this chase, and immediately shot each other, flying while fighting , roaring all the way.

Following the strike, Song Junwan’s face became paler. She found that Xuemei’s injuries had not only recovered, but her cultivation had improved a lot. She was even on par with her. The speed of the two of them in this fight was slower and even faster. I heard the roar from behind, and even some words came faintly, but under this roar, they were all covered and could not be heard clearly.

Song Junwan’s complexion changed. Although she cared about the identity of the blood child, she was also anxious about Ye Zan behind him. She knew that Ye Zan’s going to stop Xiao Qing and the three of them would be an infinite crisis in itself.

From her point of view, this is to exchange her life for her identity as a blood child. Her heart hurts, and she is even a little dazed. She doesn’t know if her choice is correct. At this moment, she can’t think too much in the miserable smile. , shot with all his strength, and fought the blood plum.

Xuemei spoke very little this way, and there was anxiety in her eyes, but Song Junwan’s cultivation was not vulgar, and she couldn’t get rid of it for a while. During the entanglement, the roar behind them had long since disappeared, and soon after it turned into silence, the two slowly Slowly reached the end of this bloody ancient road.

At the end, there is a blood-colored arc-shaped door, and a strong blood light radiates from the door. Even here, one can feel that in that door, there is an indescribable blood energy.

That’s where the atrium is, and where the blood crystals appear. Whoever steps into it first will have the chance to be the first to obtain the blood crystals and become Zhongfeng Blood Son.

At the moment when they reached the end, they also heard the sound of a sonic boom approaching rapidly in the ancient road behind them. Listening to the sound of the sonic boom, they can imagine that there must be a strong man who is unfoldingUnleash your full strength and come whistling.

And you don’t need to judge too much, you can know that the other party will approach at most five or six breaths.

Although she knew that the possibility of the other party being the night burial was unlikely, Xuemei was unwilling to gamble. At this moment, Song Junwan and Song Junwan were close to the arc-shaped blood gate of the atrium.

“Song Junwan, the identity of the Blood Son does not belong to you.”

Even though this smile was not exposed outside the mask, even under the mask, it still gave her a bit of arrogance. When the jade hand was raised, a triangular mark suddenly appeared on her wrist.

The imprint was purple, and the moment it appeared, it flew out from the skin and turned into three diamond-shaped purple pieces, which directly suppressed Song Junwan.

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With a bang, Song Junwan’s whole body trembled, spurting out fresh blood, and her body was hit backwards by a powerful blow. When she was away from the Blood Gate, the three diamond-shaped purple pieces surrounded her head, emitting waves of sealing power, sealing Song Junwan in the Inside, unable to break free.

“Xuemei maidservant, you cheated first, and Wujizi even ignored the rules and gave you the sealed treasure. This time, even if you become a blood child, my Song family will never give up.” Song Junwan trembled, watching everything Right in front of him, he was directly sealed by Xuemei, and the way of sealing was even more unimaginable, presumably it was Wujizi’s method.

“Here darlingly, Xuezi, it doesn’t belong to you.” Xuemei chuckled lightly, stepped out, and stepped directly into the arc-shaped blood gate.

Song Junwan smiled miserably, her eyes showed despair, her hatred for Xuemei had reached the extreme, but at this moment, the moment Xuemei stepped into the Xuemen, the sound of sonic boom suddenly came from outside the atrium.

With a bang, Bai Xiaochun’s figure appeared directly beside Song Junwan. When he saw the three purple diamond-shaped seals, Bai Xiaochun’s complexion changed, he raised his right hand, and punched out directly.

This fist condensed the power of his sky demon, when it landed on the three purple diamonds, it couldn’t move the slightest bit, and even had the power of counter-shock, making Bai Xiaochun gasp.

“This is an ancestor-level seal”

At this moment Song Junwan also saw Bai Xiaochun, and she didn’t have time to think about how Bai Xiaochun came here under the cooperation of Xiao Qing and the three of them. At this moment, after seeing Bai Xiaochun, she immediately became short of breath, and a flash of determination flashed in her eyes. In her palm, a bloody token appeared.

This token is weird, the moment it appeared, even the seal was twisted, although it didn’t break, but under the power of this bloody token, it would collapse after a stick of incense at most.

But Song Junwan couldn’t wait for a stick of incense.

“Night Burial, I’ll give you the Bloody Token. No matter what method you use, even if you become a Bloody, don’t let that bitch succeed.” Throwing it out fiercely, this token is weird, the power of the seal can’t stop it, let this token fly out, when Bai Xiaochun grabs it, the token trembles, as if sending out infinite joy, as if to Bai Xiaochun’s love Recognition, above and beyond.

Bai Xiaochun was stunned, there was no time to think about it, he gritted his teeth, knowing that he must not let Xuemei succeed, otherwise he would be in danger, holding the token, he went straight to the blood gate, the speed was so fast, he was approaching in an instant, and he stepped directly into the gate. in the door

Looking at all this, Song Junwan felt weak all of a sudden, but there was a relieved smile on her face.

“Ye Zan, if you succeed, I will do my best to help you secure your position as a blood child.” She suddenly felt that her choice was not insecure, and even if Ye Zan really became a blood child, it would be acceptable to the Song family of

The atrium world is filled with blood, and in the center of this blood, there is a huge heart. Although it is no longer beating, there is a supreme coercion, which spreads earth-shatteringly.

Thick blood vessels criss-cross all directions, making this world look like a maze.

On this heart, there is a blood crystal, which emits a soft light, but at the same time, it is more majestic, filling it. It seems that whoever gets this blood crystal will master a part of the inheritance, and master a part of the blood ancestor’s body. finger

This blood crystal is exactly what Xuezi needs. Whoever can obtain it will be the blood of Zhongfeng’s generation.

At this moment, Xuemei is galloping forward, with a strange light in her eyes, and she goes straight to the blood crystal. There is a head-sized crystal floating beside her, and there is a vague figure inside this crystal, which is emitting bursts of waves at this moment. scream.

“It’s here, it’s here”

“Shut up” Xuemei whispered, and the speed was faster, but suddenly her eyes narrowed, and when she turned her head, she immediately saw the night burial stepping in at the entrance.

The moment she saw the night burial, Xuemei was stunned for a moment, and then her killing intent suddenly rose. When she turned around, she was even faster and went straight to her heart.

Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, glanced around, and after looking at Xuemei, he jumped up, flapping his wings fiercely, his speed exploded, and in order to catch up with him, he even exerted the gravitational force of Yuan Magnetic The repulsive force made the speed a little faster, surpassing Xuemei, and the moment Xuemei approached the heart, Bai Xiaochun finally caught up.

Bai Xiaochun was also depressed. What he wanted to fight for was the Great Elder, but by accident, he became the bloody child, but now it was too late to think about it. No matter what, he couldn’t let Xuemei become a bloody child.After seeing the consequences, he sighed from the bottom of his heart.

“I underestimated Song Junwan’s courage.” Xuemei sneered, pointed with her right hand, and immediately a golden arc of lightning appeared on her finger. The lightning jumped and went straight to Bai Xiaochun.

Bai Xiaochun was about to fight back, but suddenly his expression changed. This golden arc of lightning gave him a feeling that he was even more startled than when he faced Xiao Qing and the others before. Without any hesitation, he let out a low growl, shaking Shan Bang was cast suddenly, and the speed increased sharply. With a bang, he avoided the lightning, and appeared directly in front of Xuemei, raised his right hand and punched away.

Xuemei’s eyes contracted, and she patted her left hand, the white jade hand turned golden the moment it touched Bai Xiaochun, and with a bang, Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, feeling a strong force coming from the opponent’s hand. It appeared that he was only a little weaker than his physical strength, his body was shaken back a few steps, when he raised his head, Xuemei’s eyes also showed surprise, her body kicked back, her breath was short of breath, and she was about to continue to strike

But at this moment, suddenly, the blood crystal on the huge heart seemed to vibrate because of Bai Xiaochun’s arrival, the vibration became more and more intense, and at this moment it flew up by itself, and rushed straight towards Bai Xiaochun with a howl.

Xuemei was taken aback by this sudden change, and the blurry figure in the crystal floating beside her also screamed at this moment.

“Stop him, don’t let him get”

“Shut up” Xuemei gritted her silver teeth. Under the anxiety at this moment, her eyes were full of murderous intent. At this moment, her eyes turned golden. The moment they turned golden, the blood on her body disappeared, and her whole body was golden. Endless, even more noticeably thinner. It seems that the use of this supernatural power needs to consume vitality. At this moment, he raised his right hand and pointed at Bai Xiaochun suddenly.

It’s her last resort

Under this finger, the same finger appeared behind her. This finger was extremely huge and carried a supreme force, which made Bai Xiaochun feel the crisis of life and death to the extreme at this moment. Bursts of numbness emerged all over the body, as if the structure of the body was changing

This kind of crisis surpassed the three of Xiao Qing and the Luochen Mountain Range, and gave Bai Xiaochun the feeling that he met the little girl in white in the Meteor Sword World.

There was a buzzing in his mind. In this crisis, the whole person could not keep the slightest bit. He knew that he must not dodge. , frontal bombardment

At this moment, Bai Xiaochun’s cultivation was fully erupted, his wings flapped sharply on his back, the gravitational repulsion accelerated, the mountain shaking and crashing, several times and several times, and under the explosion of several times, his body suddenly rushed out, heading straight for Xuemei

“Turn a stone into gold” Xuemei spat out these four words, the words were like thunder, and the moment it exploded around her, her finger fell, and the huge finger behind her, like the might of the sky, went away with a bang.

The two approached in an instant, Xuemei’s right index finger pointed towards the center of her eyebrows, and Bai Xiaochun’s right two fingers condensed the Broken Throat Lock, causing her own strength to burst out several times at this moment

At this moment, he didn’t hold back at all, he had already displayed all his combat power at this moment, and the turtle pattern pot appeared, covering his body, and in an instant, he grabbed Xuemei’s neck.

But at the moment when he was about to touch, Xuemei’s body blurred suddenly, and he wanted to dodge, but how could Bai Xiaochun be unprepared, the suction force in his palm exploded unprecedentedly, not only locked Xuemei’s body, making it unable to move, The moment of panic appeared in Xuemei’s eyes, she even absorbed the mask on her face.

Revealing an unrivaled, peerless and peerless face

After seeing this face clearly, Bai Xiaochun felt as if a hundred thousand thunders exploded in his mind at the same time, making him unbelievable, his whole mind buzzed, and he cried out in surprise.

“little belly”

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