
In mid-air, there are some golden-armored puppets with astonishing strength, just like inheritance and blood-brokers. Although there are not many of them, any one of them looks like stars from a distance.

Especially here, in addition to the monks of Xuanxi Sect, there is also the part of Danxi Sect who surrendered, which makes the power of Xuanxi Sect, even now, still strong.

Looking from a distance, the battlefield can’t see the end at all, but with a rough scan, there are hundreds of thousands of monks fighting. It can be said that any place is a battle of life and death. struggling on the brink of death.

But on the whole, it is obvious that the Xuanxi Sect is in a weak position and is retreating steadily. If it were not for the existence of the Xiongcheng Formation, it would have collapsed long ago.

But this is not what surprised Bai Xiaochun the most. He looked at the mountain city. From this place, he could see that among all the formations, there were several Danxi sects with numb expressions. The monk is using his own cultivation to support the operation of the entire formation.

Most of the monks of the Danxi Sect have long been enslaved by the Xuanxi Sect. They originally planned to take time to integrate, but now, with the outbreak of the war, these people have been directly transformed into humanoid spirits who maintain the operation of the formation. stone.

Looking at this scene, Bai Xiaochun was shocked. This was the first time he had seen such a large-scale war in the true sense.

There is no wind around, only the thick bloody smell permeates in all directions, and continuously settles down. It seems that one smell, the inside and outside of the body, is soaked in blood.

There is no river of blood on the ground, but the soil where you can see has already turned blood-colored, and there are a large number of corpses, some of which are incomplete, and some are intact, but the eyes that cannot be closed reveal a nostalgia for life.

Bai Xiaochun was short of breath, he was even faintly nauseated by the bloody smell, his face was slightly pale, although he also killed people, it was the first time he faced a war of this scale, his heart seemed to be divided into two parts.

One part is screaming, constantly urging him to leave this place quickly, the degree of danger here is too great, be careful of all crises in all surrounding areas.

But the other part was the beating that made his heart speed up, and he wanted to rush in, his blood was crazy.The feeling of madness constantly stimulated Bai Xiaochun’s mind.

Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, he knew where he stood, and he knew that there were too many friends of his on this battlefield, and he couldn’t choose to escape after seeing it.

In the silence, Bai Xiaochun’s body trembled, but he rushed forward firmly, with such a fast speed, he went straight to the battlefield. For the entire battlefield, Bai Xiaochun’s appearance was rarely paid attention to by anyone, except for the iron warriors in the battlefield. Dan, who was fighting with a giant beast of Xuanxi Sect, was shocked at this moment and let out a loud roar.

There was joy in this roar, and as the roar came out, all the beasts of the Lingxi Sect on the battlefield roared one after another. His cultivation base combat strength is actually slowly improving

As they improved, both their resilience and lethality were obviously different from before. Although they were all surprised, they all cheered up.

At the same time, at the edge of the battlefield, a Qi Condensation disciple of Lingxi Sect and a disciple of Xuexi Sect were looking desperate, and their bodies kept retreating. There was a monk of Xuanxi Sect in front of them, looking at Flickering madness and bloodthirsty, chasing and killing.

Seeing that it was approaching, the two smiled bitterly, and after looking at each other, the feeling that they had become friends after these days of running-in, seemed to be stronger at this moment, with the approach of death.

“Before I saw that you were not pleasing to the eye, if there is an afterlife, I hope to continue to fight together”

“Haha, it’s a deal.” The two originally belonged to two different teams. Now that the people around them died in battle, they gathered together again. At this moment, they were laughing and were about to fight a desperate battle.

But at this moment, suddenly, a figure came over in an instant, bloody and purple, and after an instant approached, it appeared directly in front of the four Xuanxi Sect monks with hideous expressions. The moment they didn’t react, blood flashed and all four of them shook their bodies, their eyes widened, and their heads flew up.

Bai Xiaochun’s figure appeared on the battlefield

The two monks rescued by him were taken aback for a moment, and after seeing Bai Xiaochun’s figure clearly, they immediately exclaimed.

“Master Blood”

“Uncle Bai”

Bai Xiaochun turned his head to look at the two of them. On this battlefield, he saw that after the two cultivators got in touch with each other, in this life-and-death battle, some of them seemed to be friends with each other.

This fusion of the two sects can play a huge role. After Bai Xiaochun nodded, his body swayed, and he flew into the battlefield again. Wherever he passed, no monk could stop him in the slightest.

It was also on this battlefield that Bai Xiaochun suddenly discovered that his Immortality and Longevity Kung Fu was actually so powerful, not to mention his physical strength, especially his protection power, which was even more astonishing.

Even if he received a blow from many people, he still didn’t feel much, but his blow could cause death, especially the throat-shattering lock, which often killed the enemy instantly when he made a move.

The Shaking Mountain Clash made Bai Xiaochun feel a sense of enlightenment here, even if he was surrounded by Xuanxi Sect monks, he would often launch the Mountain Shaking Clash, his body roared out like a berserk beast, and the sound of bone shattering scattered everywhere he passed Open, no matter how the other party attacks, it will be difficult to leave Bai Xiaochun behind.

“This Immortality and Longevity Kung Fu is clearly a kung fu that broke out in the war.” Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, and at this moment his body swayed, and he put away all the power of magic skills, and only used them at critical moments, which made his sustaining power immediately different.

At this moment, with his physical body, he directly bumped into a foundation-building cultivator of Xuanxi Sect. When the other party’s blood spurted out, he turned around sharply and punched out, confronting the sneak attacker flying from behind him. Together.

The loud noise reverberated, and the sneak attacking cultivator looked like he had seen a ghost. His entire arm exploded in the scream, and he retreated quickly. Bai Xiaochun made a tactic with his right hand, and with a sharp finger, a bloody light flashed from his fingertip, turning into a blood sword , roaring out, penetrating in an instant.

Without a pause, Bai Xiaochun went away again in a flash, his body was flexible, relying on his speed and physical strength, he was like a fish in water on this battlefield.

And whenever he came to the area, the blood creek sect monks here would all be shaken, and their cultivation and combat power would suddenly increase, making the sounds of fighting in small areas of the battlefield even more exciting.

Soon, Bai Xiaochun came to the battlefield, near the huge formation giant composed of monks from Xiangyun Mountain, and even saw another familiar formation giant not far away.

This giant is one of the nine formation avatars of Zhongdao Mountain. Originally, Bai Xiaochun should have a place in this giant’s body. This is the formation avatar that he needs to control.

Right now, due to Bai Xiaochun’s absence, the giant’s combat power has also dropped a lot. Compared with the other eight formation avatars of the same type, it is obviously much weaker. Now it is fighting a black-armored puppet.

The puppets on this battlefield are divided into three colors: blue, black and gold. Cyan is common, black is not much, and gold is the least. But this black puppet is different. There is a faint trace of gold on the body of hundreds of feet in size.

And in terms of combat power, it surpassed other black puppets, obviously extraordinary.

At this moment when the strike was made, the black puppet held a big sword, and suddenly took a step, taking advantage of the formation giant’s unpreparedness, and directly bumped into the body, amidst the roar, the big sword in the black puppet’s hand,Instantly pierced into the giant’s body and penetrated directly.

The giant in the formation was distorted, and everyone inside could be seen spouting blood, with madness in their eyes, but they had no choice but to look at the big sword and slash down in the giant’s body.

With a bang, the giant’s body was about to collapse.

“The incarnation of Lingxi Sect’s array is famous all over the world, especially the Nine Arrays of Zhongdao Mountain, which is the best among them. I am a little disappointed in today’s battle.” From the black puppet, there was a contemptuous voice.

At the same time, the big sword in the black puppet’s hand slammed, and the formation giant’s collapse spread again. Everyone inside laughed miserably. Bai Xiaochun was no longer like a group of dragons without a leader. It can’t be fully launched, and at this moment, it is ready to die in battle after the avatar collapses.

But at this moment, a cold snort suddenly came from a distance.

The moment the sound of “dividing the formation” came out, there was an imaginary seal formula, which was directly imprinted on the avatar of this formation from a distance. Flying people.

After seeing clearly that the person who came was indeed Bai Xiaochun, the several people in the avatar all burst out laughing, and everyone instantly made a formula with both hands, and pressed it outward, cooperating with the seal formula that belonged to Bai Xiaochun, and directly sent this person The transformation of the formation incarnation suddenly unfolded.

With a bang, the giant’s body instantly blurred, and the eight or nine people within it immediately dispersed, turning into a rainbow and heading straight for Bai Xiaochun who was flying towards him.

“Combined formation” Bai Xiaochun let out a low growl, and immediately locked his hands together.

In the blink of an eye, they gathered together in mid-air, and as Bai Xiaochun’s voice came out, they all formed a formula with each other, arousing the power of the formation

Amidst the roar, a new formation giant directly transformed and landed on the battlefield. This giant was much taller than before, and his whole body was not blurred, but like a real ancient giant. His face was even more similar to Bai Xiaochun.

After appearing, his eyes opened sharply, revealing Bai Xiaochun’s gaze, extremely fierce, like a sharp knife, enough to tear everything apart.

“You want to see, I plant the power of Daoshan’s nine formations, and I will fulfill you.” Bai Xiaochun’s momentum suddenly rose, and he took a step forward. When he landed, the ground roared.

Seeing this gaze, the black puppet’s body trembled, but then, a stronger fighting spirit erupted.

“Bai Xiaochun”

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