: The Blood Ancestor Opens His Eyes

His heartbeat gradually spread around and gradually replaced the blood ancestor’s heart. With the beating, the surrounding blood vessels began to tremble, and Bai Xiaochun’s mind spread even more. He felt the blood ancestor’s body, felt the blood ancestor In the body, in the 1808 big holes, all the monks who established the foundation.

I even felt the elders in the seventy-two orifices, the blood in the thirty-six meridians, and the souls transformed by the seven ancestors.

“I am the Blood Ancestor.” Bai Xiaochun let out a low growl. The roar did not pass out of the Blood Ancestor’s body, but it echoed in his body, and it was clearly transmitted into the hearts and minds of all the Blood Stream Sect cultivators here.

It turned into thunder, and it was like a signal. The moment Bai Xiaochun opened his mouth, all the disciples of the Blood Creek Sect here roared loudly, and the blood all over their bodies exploded

This kind of explosion starts from the acupuncture point, passes through the blood orifices, condenses the meridians, and then merges into the seven souls, and then gathers in Bai Xiaochun’s consciousness. If it is another person, it can’t do this, but Bai Xiaochun is the blood master.The Blood Stream Sect has a connection from inheritance. This connection makes the monks of the Blood Stream Sect in the blood ancestor’s body, to a certain extent, have the same origin as the Blood Ancestor’s blood.

What they lack is a consciousness, a consciousness that connects everyone together, and this consciousness must also be the blood master.

The roaring sound immediately reverberated, from the inside to the outside, until it spread throughout the huge body of the Blood Ancestor. With the vibration, the skin of the Blood Ancestor’s body set off infinite fluctuations, causing the Tongtian River to roll, making the gate of the Blood River Sect, constantly trembling.

A large number of Xuexi Sect disciples had already evacuated from the mountain gate, packed up all their luggage, and stood on the river bank, watching this scene with excitement.

“stand up”

“Stand up” I don’t know who was the first to speak, and soon, all the monks of the Blood Stream Sect were shouting. This scene made the other three veins short of breath and terrified.

However, how could it be so easy to control the Blood Ancestor? Even if the Blood Stream Sect had prepared everything, this kind of skin vibration still lasted for seven days.

For the past seven days, the cultivators of the Blood Creek lineage have been waiting nervously. Their shouts have disappeared, but in their hearts, the stronger shouts have always echoed.

The other three veins also gradually lost their full attention, especially the Xuanxi Sect and the Danxi Sect, who began to reform on the Tongtian Warship until noon seven days later.

Suddenly, after seven consecutive days of skin vibrations, the Blood Ancestor turned into the mountain peak’s big hand. At this moment, where the gate of the Blood River Sect was located, there was a roaring sound, and Zhongfeng’s fingers actually moved.

It seemed to be just a movement, but it caused all the monks of the Blood Stream Sect to let out a joyous and excited roar, which alarmed the other three-vein monks, and when they all looked at it, everyone immediately saw Zhongfeng’s finger, is slowly bending

With the bending, countless buildings above were crushed and smashed, and huge boulders fell off, but no one cared about all this. Under this fixed gaze, the body of the Blood Ancestor who was submerged by the Tongtian River also moved slightly.

The turbulence of the river became more intense, and when the big waves set off, the other fingers moved slightly one after another at this moment. This scene made the cultivators of the Xuexi line go crazy, and made the other three lines breathe continuously.

It is impossible to describe the shock of this scene. Seeing the mountain-like fingers moving and bending with their own eyes is like a myth to everyone.

Even if he had prepared before, he still set off a storm in his mind, no matter what kind of cultivator he was, it was unavoidable. Even the ancestors of the three veins all changed their expressions and their eyes shrank.

“If the Blood Ancestor of the Blood Stream Sect can really stand up!” Han Zong, the ancestor of the Lingxi generation, was sweating coldly on his forehead at this moment. He suddenly realized that the importance of Bai Xiaochun to the Blood Stream Sect was beyond his imagination

The red soul patriarch also took a deep breath, looking at the constantly bending fingers, he swallowed a mouthful of spit, and his forehead was a little cold sweat, he was very lucky that the second blood sect didn’t use the blood ancestor when they attacked him, otherwise the one The battle will definitely be swept away. If the Xuanxi Sect can survive, it is afraid that half of the current people will be able to survive.

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, even if it is not bad.

The movement of the fingers did not end soon, but in the next few days, it happened frequently, countless mountains and rocks broke away, and even the mountain gate of the Blood Stream Sect gradually no longer looked like a mountain, but became more and more a real palm

Even in some places, you can see the skin

The Xuanxi lineage and the Danxi lineage’s transformation of the Heavenly Warship was finally completed in the past few days. As the monks of the two lines moved in, they, like the Xuanxi sect, were ready to leave at any time. When preparing, the blood ancestor’s right hand moved more and more frequently and astonishingly

Until this day, when the five fingers of the Xuexi Sect’s mountain gate and the blood ancestor’s palm moved together, the sound shook all directions. Countless people saw with their own eyes that these five fingers were slowly grasped, forming a huge fist

With a firm pinch and a roar, the countless rocks on the back of the hand collapsed and exploded, and the sky seemed to be raining stones, causing countless exclamations, and at the same time, the arm of this hand also moved

Even if it is just a simple slow movement, because it is connected to the earth and the Tongtian River, the whole ground trembles. When the loud noise reverberates, cracks spread directly from the ground, spreading continuously, even The ground near the Tongtian River area began to collapse.

And the tumbling of the river was too intense at this moment, and even Danxi Sect’s Tongtian Warship shook because of the ups and downs of the river.

“What is he doing?”

“Move your arm, could it be”

“Could it be that you want to press the ground and use your strength to stand up?” Chihun Patriarch lost his voice. As soon as he spoke, everyone around was silent at first, and then slowly saw the huge arm. It seemed that when this action happened, three The patriarch of the clan and all the disciples held their breaths, and the cheers of the Blood Stream Sect came out again.

“stand up”

“stand up”

“stand up”

This voice became stronger and stronger every time, as if in this half month, all the shouts in my heart were going to burst out from my mouth at once.

While shouting, the Blood Ancestor’s arm moved more and more violently, and with the crackling sound, more rocks fell off, and at this moment,In this Blood Ancestor, under the continuous fusion of the Blood Creek Sect’s Foundation Establishment, Jindan and the ancestors in the past half a month, everyone’s cultivation base is constantly exploding, and the fusion with the Blood Ancestor is gradually becoming stronger. for thorough

And the most difficult one is Bai Xiaochun

Not only does he want to unite everyone’s consciousness into a single thought, but he also wants to spread it throughout the Blood Ancestor’s body. He is like a center, and if he makes a slight mistake, he will fail.

For half a month, he kept trying. He didn’t know how many times he failed, but he didn’t give up. The monks of the Blood Stream Sect gave him support, strength, and consciousness. What he had to do , is to condense all of these into the driving force for the blood ancestor to stand up

At this moment, his body was trembling, and he was sitting cross-legged in the blood ancestor’s heart. With his heartbeat, the blood ancestor’s heart also vibrated continuously, and a large amount of blood flowed through the blood vessels and ran through the whole body.

“I am the Blood Ancestor” Bai Xiaochun let out a low growl. After half a month of fusion, his consciousness was finally at this moment, not only guiding everyone’s everything, but also turning it into his own without any mistakes. Force, sent to all areas of the Blood Ancestor’s body.

During the roar, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes swelled red, and under his roar, his mind buzzed even more, as if at this moment, he once again experienced the feeling of inheritance, in that feeling, he was blood ancestor

This feeling was more obvious at this moment than the last time, Bai Xiaochun breathed steadily and long, he immediately firmly grasped the feeling of this moment, raised his right hand violently, and pressed down hard.

Almost at the moment when he raised his right hand, the monks of the three sects outside all opened their eyes wide, everyone’s mind roared, and too many people exclaimed



In everyone’s eyes, the blood ancestor turned into the big hand of the Lingxi Sect’s mountain gate. At this moment, it was slowly raised amidst the roaring roar. After the arm was bent, it fell on the ground with a palm, and the elbow was raised high. Like a person, leaning on the earth to support the body, to stand up

There was a deafening sound from the ground, and countless cracks collapsed, kicking up monstrous dust and turning it into a storm. When it swept around, a huge deep pit was pushed out of the entire ground.

The big waves of the Tongtian River seemed crazy at this moment. In the memory of everyone, the tumbling of the river was unprecedented. At the moment when everyone inhaled, two bright rays of light appeared under the Tongtian River in an instant.

That is the gaze, the gaze of the Blood Ancestor, and even Bai Xiaochun’s gaze

Under the Tongtian River, the Blood Ancestor, who had been silent for an unknown number of years, slowly opened his eyes on his huge head

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