Destroying the Alchemy with One Palm

This palm set off a golden illusory wave, and even thunder thundered from the sky, which contained the power of Bai Xiaochun’s Heavenly Dao Golden Elixir, and even contained the power of his physical body that was able to touch the second layer of shackles. After being together, the supreme hegemony of crushing people in the same land broke out

The young man of Jiedan let out a roar like a trapped beast. The life-and-death crisis made his heart tremble and made him crazy. He knew that he could not escape, and the only way he knew was to bear this indestructible palm and fight for rescue for himself. time. At this time, the situation between him and Bai Xiaochun was completely reversed from before.

At this moment, there was no time to think about it, under that roar, the young man who formed the alchemy slapped the storage bag, and immediately took out a large number of magic weapons, and pointed at Bai Xiaochun fiercely, even when he opened his mouth, he even spat out his alchemy

“I don’t believe it, you just stepped into the alchemy realm, and you can kill me with one palm!” The young man roared, and when he was struggling with all his strength, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes showed coldness, and his right hand came over like lightning, and directly touched the The magic weapon, these magic weapons are simply irresistible, the moment they touched Bai Xiaochun, they collapsed and exploded one after another, making Bai Xiaochun’s palm like a broken bamboo, piercing through everything in an instant, and appearing directly in front of the young man.

A palm landed on the young man’s pressed finger. Visible to the naked eye, the young man’s finger seemed to be wiped away. Under the golden power of that day, it turned into fly ash. When the scream came out, Bai Xiaochun didn’t stop at all. The palm continued to push out, and touched the young Didan

This time the touch, the sky and the earth roared, and when the loud noise reverberated, the earth core collapsed directly, shattered into pieces, shattered into slag, the young man spurted out blood, his eyes showed despair, and was directly pressed on his chest by Bai Xiaochun’s palm

“If you want me to die, I’ll let you die.” Bai Xiaochun’s words were light, but full of ruthlessness and chill.

Before the words fell, the screams stopped abruptly

The body of the young man who formed the pill suddenly rolled back, and in mid-air, he couldn’t maintain his integrity. He fell apart and exploded, turning into a rain of blood. On the body of the monk who formed the alchemy in the river courtyard.

From shooting to killing, all this is just a palm, just a moment, clean and neat

This scene caused those alchemy cultivators to change their expressions one after another, and their footsteps stopped for a moment. Only at this moment did they really realize that the terrifying power of the golden elixir of heaven

Just after forming the alchemy, you can actually kill people in the same realm, especially this kind of killing, it’s like crushing at all. How can this scene not make people feel horrified.

There was silence all around, and after a brief silence, everyone in the Nihe Sect broke out in strong cheers, and their fighting spirit broke out at this moment, while Bai Xiaochun was standing in mid-air, when he looked up, his eyes fell on the two sects. On those Nascent Soul real people.

This was the first time he felt that he was not very far away from them.

“Hey, sons of the Nihe Sect, attack with all your strength and capture the Kongheyuan!” Feng Shenzi, a descendant of Xuexi, looked up to the sky and laughed hoarsely. , immediately growled one by one, and killed them all

With the reverberation of Fengshenzi’s words, Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath. Immediately, countless bloody lights, richer than when he established the foundation, erupted from his body, shaking the sky. , their combat strength unexpectedly showed a second blessing

In the roar, the war seemed to be sped up, and it was torn apart in a more violent way.

From a high altitude, one can clearly see that in the jungle on the left and right sides of the Kongheyuan, the monks of the Nihezong, like two sharp knives, are constantly piercing towards the gate of the Kongheyuan at a fast speed.

Kongheyuan’s resistance seems unable to hold on for too long, and it is retreating steadily, and the defeat has been clearly revealed

At this moment, suddenly, a green lantern flew out from the mountain gate of Kongheyuan. The lantern became bigger and bigger, and at the end, it was hundreds of feet in size, exuding inexplicable pressure, especially around it, Surrounded by countless shadows of wronged souls, they let out stern roars, and with hideousness, accompanied by lanterns, they came straight to the left bank.

This is one of the treasures of Kongheyuan

But before the lantern arrived, suddenly, a round of black sun rose into the sky from the left bank. Inside the sun, a white crow opened its eyes suddenly, and when it revealed its cold light, it let out a heart-shaking cry. neighing, went straight to the lantern

With the acceleration of this war, the time has come for both sides to use their foundations. For Nihezong, the black sun is the foundation, but for KongheyuanHowever, the internal power of the downstream sects is only equivalent to their treasures.

Almost at the same time when the treasure on the left bank was fighting against the foundation, a huge tombstone with a size of hundreds of feet came out of nowhere in the air on the right bank, and smashed down on the ground. As soon as it landed, the ground where it was located actually swelled up high, as if it had become a huge grave bag.

Withered hands immediately stretched out from the soil, and hoarse roars echoed on the right bank.

How could Nihezong be unprepared? Almost at the same time as the tombstone fell, a round of white sun rose into the sky from the right bank, and the black crow within it made piercing screams, and went straight to the tombstone. As it approached, the tombstone The outstretched hands turned into fly ashes like melting, and the tombstone itself also roared at this moment. A huge face emerged on the tombstone, and when it roared towards the white sun, it flew out directly. To devour.

The war between the two sides broke out again, the bombardment of the foundation and the treasure, the fighting between the monks, and the heavy casualties. At the same time, the monks of the Nihe Sect finally took the battlefield. During the retreat, gradually approaching the foot of the mountain gate of Kongheyuan

By this time, the war has entered the third stage, the battle to capture the mountain gate

As the Battle of the Mountain Gate progressed, from the left and right directions, a large number of Nihe Sect monks came along the vines, fighting fiercely on the empty banyan tree and in the sect of the empty river courtyard

The sound of roaring, the light of spells, and the sound of screams spread all over the place at this moment.

The war between the ancestors also became fierce at this moment, each of them was injured, but they didn’t retreat at all, and became more and more crazy.

The battle of Jindan is not limited to the battlefield, whether it is in the jungle on both sides of the strait or inside the mountain gate, it is going on

Bai Xiaochun no longer fought among the Foundation Establishment cultivators, but was fighting in mid-air with the Core Formation cultivators of the Konghe Academy. The Core Formation cultivators of the Nihe Sect already had an advantage in numbers, so at this moment, he was not in much danger , and he can be more familiar with the fighting style of monk jiedan. His understanding is increasing every moment, and his experience in fighting with monk jiedan is also increasing rapidly.

This kind of growth made his combat power stronger, which shocked all the monks who formed alchemy in Kongheyuan.

During this battle, on a high mountain some distance away from Kongheyuan, there are three figures standing on it at this moment, their eyes are looking at the direction of Kongheyuan. Can see the entire battlefield very comprehensively.

There are three people, two men and one woman. The woman is beautiful and charming. Her whole body exudes the breath of the starry sky. The whole person looks a little illusory, sometimes real, sometimes blurred. There is a feeling of dizziness.

As for the other two, one is a middle-aged monk. This person exudes black air all over his body. The black air drifts away and condenses into the appearance of skulls. The ground under his feet is withered, and even the rocks It itself also seems to be corroded, this kind of black energy is obviously very aggressive, it looks more like magic energy

The last one is an old man, this old man is wearing a Taoist robe, the whole body is immortal, it seems to be faintly on his body, there is a mysterious aura pervading, the distance is close, it seems that he can vaguely hear the bursts that seem to come from nothingness The sound of Dao Ming.

These three people belong to the four major sects in the middle reaches, except Konghe Yuan, the other three major sects, Xinghe Yuan, Jihe Yuan, and Daohe Yuan

The woman who is between illusion and reality is from Xingheyuan, which is famous for the power of the starry sky, and the middle-aged man with demonic energy is from Mozong Jiheyuan

As for the old man, he is from the first sect in the middle reaches, Daoheyuan

“Kongheyuan is about to lose, it’s interesting.”

“It seems that our new neighbor is not very weak, so it’s more fun.”

“Heaven Dao Jindan has appeared, this person may have attracted the attention of the Starry Sky Dao Ultimate Sect”

“Kongheyuan is doomed to fail, so their share should also be adjusted.”

The three of them spoke in a low voice, looked at each other, and smiled, tacitly, as if they were happy to see the best outcome of Kongheyuan’s demise, which would be a loss for both sides.

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