: The White Shadow Is Like a Charm

While Bai Xiaochun was watching, Zhao Tianjiao roared up to the sky, raised his hands, and countless arcs of lightning appeared out of thin air, condensing around his hands, forming two lightning clusters as big as a foot.

This lightning group was originally silver, but it turned into gold in the blink of an eye, and was instantly bombarded by Zhao Tianjiao towards Bai Ying.

“Destroy me!” Zhao Tianjiao yelled. At this moment, his momentum was like a rainbow, and he went forward relentlessly. The sound echoed in all directions, and the power of the explosion was so great that Bai Xiaochun couldn’t help but take a deep breath after seeing it.

“It’s too fierce.” Bai Xiaochun’s heart trembled, the two lightning bolts were dazzling, and the terrifying power contained in them, Bai Xiaochun felt extremely frightened just a little bit.

The white shadow couldn’t see clearly, as if it had no real appearance, it was just a mass of light and shadow. At this moment, it was distorted suddenly, and it turned into a big white hand in mid-air, towards Zhao Tianjiao who was rushing towards the thunder, ruthlessly Give it a hard shot.

The roaring sound immediately reverberated in all directions. In the middle of the night, the sound spread throughout the entire boat. Bai Xiaochun immediately understood Zhao Tianjiao’s intention here. He obviously wanted to cause a violent noise so that everyone would come and gather together at once. With the power of everyone, kill this white shadow.

But Zhao Tianjiao underestimated the strength of that white shadow. At the moment when the big hand of that white shadow touched his thunder and lightning, with the loud noise, Zhao Tianjiao spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the lightning around him roared Fractured inch by inch.

This is the first time Bai Xiaochun has seen lightning shatter. Those lightning fragments shattered and turned into countless residual arcs, which spread to the surroundings. The crackling sound, after these residual arcs touched the surrounding walls, immediately spread densely. out.

And that white shadow, although powerful, was shaken by Zhao Tianjiao’s all-out blow. At the same time, he was forced to retreat a few feet, but the moment he retreated, the whole body of the white shadow shook violently. , immediately split up on its own, turned into nine parts, and came straight to Zhao Tianjiao, looking at its target, it was actually Zhao Tianjiao’s body, as if it wanted to get in, or take it away, or swallow it.

At the same time, an icy cold that could stiffen the soul also spread in all directions in an instant following Bai Ying’s rush.

Seeing Zhao Tianjiao’s crisis, Chen Yueshan’s complexion changed, she stepped out suddenly, clenched her right hand, and punched the white shadows that were pounced on Zhao Tianjiao, and her left hand made a tactic, and immediately bursts of moonlight condensed around her, A full moon suddenly formed behind him.

The full moon exuded a strange light. After appearing, with Chen Yueshan’s finger, it immediately penetrated Chen Yueshan’s body, and went straight to Bai Ying with a howl.

Wherever it passes, a power of time is actually contained in it, as if the moonlight is there, time accelerates

Zhao Tianjiao opened his eyes angrily. At this critical moment, after he took a deep breath, the sound of thunder and drums came from his body. He raised his right hand violently, and a series of golden lightning balls immediately rumbled. quickly condensed around.

It didn’t end, the two followers of Zhao Tianjiao in the distance were also fighting against each other at this moment, they gritted their teeth fiercely, approached brazenly, and went straight to Baiying, going to fight this ethereal thing together.

Seeing that everyone had made a move, Bai Xiaochun gritted his teeth. He knew that if he didn’t make a move now, it would be difficult to face Zhao Tianjiao and others in the future, so he roared and rushed out from his hiding place, together with Zhao Tianjiao and others, Go straight to Shirai.

At the same time, Bai Xiaochun was so anxious in his heart, he felt that no one else had appeared at this moment, but in fact, it seemed slow from the arrival of this white shadow until now, but the time has only passed more than ten breaths.

Seeing everyone coming out together, Bai Ying swayed violently, and the nine parts of light and shadow that split before changed direction. Two parts went to kill Zhao Tianjiao’s followers in the rear, two parts blocked Chen Yueshan, and two parts flew towards Bai Xiaochun. For the remaining three copies, the goal remains the same, going straight to Zhao Tianjiao.

The roaring sound came out again, and the two followers of Zhao Tianjiao, after being touched by the two lights and shadows, blood spurted out, their bodies retreated suddenly, the two of them trembled, their lips turned purple, their whole bodies trembled, and even Both hair and eyebrows turned white at this moment, which is nothing. What surprised Bai Xiaochun the most was that these two followers of Zhao Tianjiao’s eyes were bewildered, and the light dimmed rapidly, as if their souls The fire is going out.

Chen Yueshan also saw this, scolded softly, and the wheel of bright moon and years directly touched the two white shadows. When the sound roared, her whole body shook, and the ground around her feet, with a crackling sound, suddenly stinged with ice. Appearing, forming a barrier, making her unable to move forward for a while, when her face was pale, blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth.”Brother Zhao, be careful, this is a soul attack.” Chen Yueshan hastily reminded, pointing out the formula continuously on her body, trying her best to prevent the injury from getting worse.

As for Bai Xiaochun, at the moment when this moment was approaching, two white shadows roared over. Seeing the approach, Bai Xiaochun made a formula with his right hand, and the poor family nourishing formula immediately began to work.

The booming sound shook all directions, and Bai Xiaochun’s whole body was shaken. He is now at the late stage of Jindan, and the cold air is even more amazing. Even the water in the sky-reaching river can be frozen a little. When he confronted that white shadow, he still felt the coldness. When it comes to the coldness from Baiying, it is different from what he knows, even the statue of Gongsun Waner in his memory. It is a kind of coldness that seems to make people sleep

this is soul attack

Bai Xiaochun’s complexion changed again, and when his whole body shook, he could clearly feel the cold air coming from Bai Ying, which penetrated all the way into his body, as if it was about to rush into his mind

At the critical moment, Bai Xiaochun uttered a loud roar, and as the roar spread, his Immortality and Longevity Kung Fu suddenly activated, he raised his left foot, and stomped hard on the ground

What is unfolded is not the powerful power of the physical body, but the power of immortality.

The target of this immortal ban is not others, but himself

When the crackling sound came out, one after another cracks appeared on Bai Xiaochun’s body, spreading rapidly. It can be seen that the cracks spread from the inside to the outside, covering the whole body in the blink of an eye, preventing the cold air in the body from invading the soul.

All these changes are too fast, Bai Xiaochun has no time to react, he can only use everything according to his instincts, including the death ban, which is the first time he has used it on himself.

This is a fighting instinct. Bai Xiaochun discovered it himself when he fought against the Chen Mountain Range. Perhaps it was because of his fear of death that his obsession with survival was stronger than ordinary people. revealed.

At this moment, almost at the moment when the Immortal Restriction was launched, Bai Xiaochun immediately discovered that the cold air in his body that wanted to invade the soul was blocked out immediately, and in this restriction, it was constantly forced out.

Bai Xiaochun heaved a sigh of relief, but when he raised his head, his face turned cold, because three of the white shadows that split into several parts attacked Zhao Tianjiao. At this moment, after these three parts collided with Zhao Tianjiao’s lightning ball, they were as powerful as a broken bamboo. They condensed together and turned into a white illusory flying sword, heading straight for Zhao Tianjiao’s eyebrows.

Zhao Tianjiao’s complexion changed drastically, his whole body shook, his feet and body showed signs of being frozen, and he was about to fall into danger. The third eye between Bai Xiaochun’s brows suddenly opened, revealing his sky-reaching eyes. His controlling power is here. For a moment, there was an explosion, and he looked fiercely at the white illusory flying sword.

“Stop!” Bai Xiaochun roared angrily, the purple light in his third eye shook the sky, with his late stage Golden Core cultivation, he used all his strength, and actually made the white flying sword pause in front of Zhao Tianjiao.

This pause was an opportunity for Zhao Tianjiao. He thought he couldn’t avoid it. He planned to let the flying sword penetrate between his eyebrows and use another method to restrain the opponent’s soul attack. Although he was confident It can be done, but after all, it is still a little risky. Right now, Bai Xiaochun is helping Zhao Tianjiao without any hesitation, and a golden light burst out from his eyes. Under this light, his pupils disappeared and were replaced by countless lightning bolts

“Thunderburst!” Zhao Tianjiao roared. All the lightning in his eyes roared out at this moment, venting from his eyes, directly causing all areas in front of him to be filled with lightning and thunder in an instant, and the white illusory flying The sword paused, and in the lightning crash, he retreated rapidly, and quickly condensed together with several other white shadows, turning into a human-shaped shadow. Under it, it disappeared quickly.

It seems that it can come and go when it wants, and it can come and go freely in the second floor of the warship.

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