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Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, his expression dignified, this is the branch of the Starry Sky Dao Ultimate Sect, and it is also inside the Great Wall, completely different from the Tongtian River.

When he was in Tongtian East River, he felt that although he was far away from Nihezong, it was not insurmountable, but here, he was completely unfamiliar, not many faces he knew, and even the familiar environment had changed.

“The more we are in this strange place, the more we need to unite with each other.” Bai Xiaochun looked at Song Que and the others seriously, and said in a low voice. At this moment, there seemed to be a solemn aura on him, slowly condense out.

“Song Que, Shinto, Chen ManYao, as my Bai Xiaochun’s protectors, it’s time to show your strength.” Bai Xiaochun flicked his sleeves, and his eyes showed brilliance.

“On weekdays, I’m the one who protects you, whether it’s in the empty city, in the airspace, or on a warship. Now it’s up to you to stay here and protect me. I’m ready.” Bai Xiaochun was about to tell his plan, But before she finished speaking, Chen Manyao coughed lightly.

“Xiaochun, I have to go”

“Ah…” Bai Xiaochun opened his mouth and immediately looked at Chen Manyao.

“It’s not that I don’t want to stay and help you, but that you understand the reason. I’m going home.” Chen Manyao took a deep look at Bai Xiaochun, with reluctance in her eyes and some special emotions. After a while, she took a deep breath , bowed down.

“If there is a destiny, we will meet again” she finished, turned around, and went straight to the outside of Donghai City. The speed was so fast that she went away in an instant. , is her home. Ever since Chen Manyao asked to follow her in Nihe Sect, she has said that her purpose is to go home.

Bai Xiaochun sighed softly, looked at Song Que and the fortune teller, and was about to continue to tell his plan, Song Que snorted aside, he looked at Donghai City, and even more so at the vast land in the distance. Slowly revealing the fine mans.

“This is the most suitable place for me. I, Song Que, should live in this kind of area full of crises and fights. Only through the trials of life and death again and again can I make myself stronger and stronger. , have a chance to overwhelm Bai Xiaochun by more than ten heads.”

“Bai Xiaochun, I am not as good as him in the Blood Stream Sect, the Nihe Sect, the Starry Sky Dao Ultimate Sect, or even in the Battle Boat. But this time, I must be here and surpass him. This is my last chance. , I must succeed.” Song Que’s ambition rose in his heart, his expression was firm, he didn’t even look at Bai Xiaochun, his body swayed, turned into a long rainbow, and went straight away.

“Que’er” Bai Xiaochun opened his eyes wide, his body trembled slightly, the scene in front of him made him feel a little familiar, and at the moment he was a little nervous, so he quickly looked at the fortune teller.

“Fortune, you”

“Young Ancestor, it’s not that I want to leave, but that the Huyutang where I live has already made arrangements. Let’s see you in ten years.” The fortune teller was a little embarrassed, but he didn’t lie. arrange.

Shen Suanzi blinked, clasped his fists quickly, and left quickly, only Gongsun Wan’er was left by Bai Xiaochun’s side, she looked at Bai Xiaochun, chuckled, and walked away as well.

Bai Xiaochun was dumbfounded. He looked around. In the huge Donghai City, there was no relatives. The feeling of loneliness made Bai Xiaochun suddenly angry.

He couldn’t help but think of the scene where Song Que and others abandoned him when his group had just arrived at the empty city of Starry Sky Daoji Sect

“You guys can do it, the wings are stiff, okay, if you have the ability, don’t come back to me in the future.” Bai Xiaochun was angry, and at the same time he was depressed in his heart, he couldn’t help but ignited his fighting spirit.

“I, Bai Xiaochun, must live here in a cool and unrestrained way. When the time comes, let these people know that abandoning me again is the biggest mistake in their life.” Bai Xiaochun was really angry this time. The slightest bit of wind made him unprepared. He thought that no one would abandon him as his protector after experiencing the last time.

“Eat mine, drink mine, use mine, you just wait.” Bai Xiaochun gritted his teeth, looked around, and then frowned again, thinking about where he was going next, suddenly, in the distant sky, there was already The group of five or six people who left seemed to have seen the lonely Bai Xiaochun here, but they changed direction and came straight towards Bai Xiaochun.

“Xiaochun” Following the arrival of five or six people in this group, Zhao Tianjiao’s voice came from the sky. Bai Xiaochun quickly raised his head and saw Zhao Tianjiao and Chen Yueshan beside him. Besides them, there were two men and two women. , those two male cultivators were the followers who had been in awe of Bai Xiaochun before.

As for the two female disciples, Bai Xiao

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Chun is a little unfamiliar, but thinking of Zhao Tianjiao’s introduction to Chen Yueshan, he feels that these two women are probably Chen Yueshan’s girlfriends who came to Donghai City many years ago.

“Senior brother Zhao.” Bai Xiaochun took a closer look and shouted quickly.

“Why are you alone? If you’re okay, why not come with us so that we can take care of each other. I plan to go all the way, see this land, get familiar with the environment, and go outside the Great Wall.” Zhao Tianjiao haha With a smile, he landed beside Bai Xiaochun and patted his shoulder.

“My guardians have all been sent away by me. They have their own opportunities. I can’t interfere with their paths. As for me, the world is big and the earth is big. Naturally, I have to go out and make a fortune independently. Only in this way can my heart and the balance God and the earth are wide enough to accommodate the way of heaven.” Bai Xiaochun chuckled lightly, not wanting Zhao Tianjiao and others to feel that he was abandoned, so he started bragging.

Chen Yueshan followed Zhao Tianjiao and stood there with a smile on her face. When she looked at Bai Xiaochun, she looked a little annoyed. She obviously remembered what Zhao Tianjiao told her about what Bai Xiaochun taught him.

As for those two followers, they are also clasping their fists respectfully at this moment, not daring to offend Bai Xiaochun in the slightest, while Chen Yueshan’s two girlfriends also looked at Bai Xiaochun curiously.Xiaochun.

“Brother Bai, we have already left, but you, Senior Brother Zhao, are worried about you. You want to come back and have a look. We also plan to venture out, but there are many people, but it is safer after all. You should help us and come with us. “Chen Yueshan smiled slightly, her voice was soft and pleasant.

Bai Xiaochun felt very comfortable listening to it, Zhao Tianjiao also smiled, and pulled Bai Xiaochun involuntarily. After Bai Xiaochun seemed helpless and reluctantly agreed, everyone turned into a Changhong, from the mid-air of Donghai City, towards the direction of the Great Wall, roaring and go.

As soon as he left East Sea City, Bai Xiaochun didn’t feel too much discomfort about the aura here. In fact, in this location, because it is close to Tongtianhai, the aura is not bad.

What impresses Bai Xiaochun the most is the land outside the city. The soil here is actually purple-black, and it looks very depressing. It seems that too much blood has been buried in the soil. At the same time, the whole land has given him The feeling is also full of eerie.

Even in some areas, Bai Xiaochun saw deep pits one after another, especially when passing by a lake, he saw that the lake water was black.

“I once heard from my father that the Great Wall was breached once since the Starry Sky Dao Sect was established. At that time, a large number of barbarian aborigines entered here, causing the world inside the Great Wall to flow like a river of blood.” Chen Yueshan looked at Zi The black earth slowly opened its mouth.

Bai Xiaochun took a breath, feeling very uneasy. Apart from the fact that the land was different from what Bai Xiaochun had seen before, there were also some shocking vegetation growing here. For example, there were tall trees about seven or eight feet long, but there were no leaves or branches. It has a huge human-shaped head, and its eyes reveal a gloomy and cold light. Whenever there are some small animals passing by, it is often swallowed by it.

Another example is the black catkins floating across the sky. When these catkins were flying in pieces, Zhao Tianjiao’s expression changed drastically when he saw them from a distance.

“Detour, this is the egg of the blood soul worm. Once it touches the body, it will burrow in by itself. Only the city formation can resist the devouring essence and blood soul, and we cannot shake it.”

Bai Xiaochun’s third eye opened between his brows, and he saw at a glance that it wasn’t catkins at all, but clusters of astonishing things that contained countless densely packed insect eggs.

Everyone was shocked, and immediately started to dodge at full speed. Even after going around for a few days, they finally rushed out of the area of ​​the eggs. At first glance, a group of skeletal birds looked like bones, exuding a rotten smell, but they were extremely ferocious. They originally wanted to attack everyone, but suddenly, on the ground below, there was nothing, but there was a fierce attack. A gap opened, and a huge suction force came out, directly sucking most of the skeletal birds in, the crack merged, but there was a chewing sound.

All this made Bai Xiaochun’s heart lift up to Lao Gao, and his complexion was always pale.

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