The old man had a tragic face, and he cursed Bai Xiaochun incessantly, which was extremely vicious. Although he was holding the elixir, he didn’t think of Bai Xiaochun’s identity. Not far behind.

“Damn monkey, you have to die!” The old man cursed inwardly, gritted his teeth and approached the deep pit nervously. When standing here, he looked back and found that Bai Xiaochun and others were already thousands of feet away, especially the one who looked like he was running away at any time. The appearance made the old man feel even more uncomfortable.

But he really had no other way. If he followed what Bai Xiaochun said, he might still have a chance of survival. If he made trouble by himself, then Bai Xiaochun and the others might not all die, but if he was here, he would surely die.

After struggling for a while, Bai Xiaochun became impatient in the distance and shouted.

“Hurry up, everyone is waiting.”

“Wait for your grandma” the old man cursed inwardly, after gritted his teeth, he stepped out towards the deep pit, stepped into the pit in an instant, and as soon as he came in, the unjust souls in the pit were wandering with each other, but in an instant, they all stopped , turned his head abruptly, Qiqi looked at the old man.

The old man’s scalp was about to explode, and his mind was blank. With a loud roar, he crushed the pill in his hand violently. The suction force spread out violently.

In an instant, tens of thousands of unjust souls twisted their bodies, and before they could struggle, they were directly sucked by the elixir, turning into a soul ball, which was instantly put away by the old soul cultivator. As if stimulated, they all let out shrill roars, and even more astonishing roars roared out from the inside of the deep pit. In the blink of an eye, it seemed that a storm rose from the deep pit to the sky.

The old soul cultivator screamed, turned around and ran away, almost at the moment he rushed out, behind him, a mist filled the sky, roaring, and the mist spewed out, and the number of souls contained in it was so large that it was enough There are more than a million, and they are still erupting, and there are more seas of souls behind them, roaring out.

“Help!” the old man screamed, he didn’t dare to flee to other areas, and his heart was even more serious.He had a grudge against Bai Xiaochun and others, so he went straight to Bai Xiaochun’s direction and flew towards him quickly.

He was fast, but Bai Xiaochun’s speed was even faster, almost the moment the old man crushed the Soul Gathering Pill, he galloped away, and thousands of monks around him turned into rainbows and escaped in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that Bai Xiaochun and others were running away too fast, the old man gritted his teeth. In desperation, he could only burst out with all his strength, but his cultivation base was restricted by the previous seal. At this moment, he was almost desperate to escape, but the sea of ​​souls behind him, The relentless pursuit and sharp roar echoed constantly.

The feeling of being in danger of life and death at any moment made the old man yell at him in despair.

“Monkey, you must die”

“I’m a ghost, and I won’t let you go,” the old man mournfully roared.

This scene shocked the fleeing monks in front, and Bai Xiaochun was even more stunned. When the roar shook the sky behind him, Bai Xiaochun looked back while fleeing. He didn’t look at the old man, but looked at the boundless sea of ​​souls. sweep.

“It’s not a million, it’s not a million, how many souls are there here?” Bai Xiaochun’s scalp was about to explode, and the speed was faster now. As for the old man, Bai Xiaochun couldn’t take care of it anymore, and there was a trace of remorse in his heart. I was just too greedy.

When he was smiling wryly, Bai Xiaochun’s expression suddenly changed, showing surprise, he turned his head sharply, and immediately saw behind the old soul cultivator roaring and struggling to escape, the countless sea of ​​souls had only been chased for less than a few hundred feet , Even before it spread completely, it stopped chasing, but circled within hundreds of feet, forming a storm that rolled into the sky, and then returned to the Wanzhang cave, and soon disappeared, slowly Calm down slowly.

Bai Xiaochun was stunned for a moment, and the thousands of monks who were fleeing all around were also stunned for a moment, especially the old soul cultivator, who looked like he was alive after a catastrophe, with an inconceivably fortunate look on his face.

“I’m not dead!” The old man trembled, tears streaming down his face, but before he recovered from the ecstasy, Bai Xiaochun approached in an instant, and appeared directly in front of the old man, sizing him up suspiciously.

The old soul cultivator’s body froze, and when he looked at Bai Xiaochun, he felt uneasy. There were Bai Xiaochun’s people all around him. He knew that he couldn’t escape, and recalled his previous curse. Bai Xiaochun.

“My lord…” The old man was about to explain, but was interrupted by Bai Xiaochun. Bai Xiaochun looked around the old man a few times, touching here and there, which made the old man even more nervous.

“He didn’t continue to chase. Could it be that there is something strange about this old man.” Bai Xiaochun checked around the old man, but he didn’t find anything different. He was even more suspicious, so he opened his mouth.

“Well, since those souls don’t chase you, then you can try again.” Bai Xiaochun said, and took out another Soul Gathering Pill, and was about to hand it to the old man.

Hearing these words, the old man felt as if he was about to explode, his eyes widened suddenly, his anger could no longer be suppressed, and he erupted loudly.

“Don’t go, your grandma, even if you let these thousand people cut me alive, I will neither die nor go” the old man roared, he was really going crazy, his previous liver and gallbladder were tearing apart, as if dying The scenes of wandering around the line made him collapse, and at this moment his whole body was trembling, almost hysterical.

The thousand monks around looked at the old man without any sympathy, and were extremely cold, but they knew that if the old man was not afraid of death, it would be too difficult for him to explore the way, so someone Step out and open your fists.

“My lord, this subordinate is willing to test it out”

“My lord, I’ll go”

“My lord, this probing matter, I can do it” Seeing people stepping out one after another, Bai Xiaochun knew that they wanted to repay their kindness, but how could he agree, after all, if it is really safe, it is safest for him to go by himself.

So he looked at the deep pit again, and Bai Xiaochun gritted his teeth fiercely.

“Stand back, and you, why are you shouting, you are the only one with the loudest voice.” Bai Xiaochun glared at the old soul cultivator, tied the old man with a wave of his hand, and threw him to his subordinates. He looked at the deep pit, hesitating Suddenly, he took a big step forward.

Zhao Long and the others were startled, and were about to dissuade them, but Bai Xiaochun was approaching the deep pit very fast, and at the same time, a voice came out.

“Back back a little bit and wait for me.” Bai Xiaochun stopped outside the pit without turning his head, his heart fluttered, and when he was struggling, the thousands of monks behind him were also nervous, but the old soul cultivator was very nervous. He sneered, gritted his teeth secretly, and kept cursing.

“I am a wild soul cultivator, maybe there is still a trace of ghost king city on my body, so these souls don’t chase after me, but this monkey is a monk, if he steps into it, he will die.” The old man doesn’t know why those souls don’t chase him, he can only ponder the reason At this moment, I feel that this idea of ​​my own may be somewhat possible. Although I am not sure, I really hope that after Bai Xiaochun steps in, he will be directly swallowed by those souls.

Just here he sneered, and when the others were nervous, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes showed determination.

“It shouldn’t be a problem, they won’t be able to see me.” Bai Xiaochun touched the mask on his face, stepped forward abruptly, and stepped into the deep pit.

He has achieved that if something bad happens, even if his physical body feels torn and collapsed, he has to use the supernatural power of melting heaven and earth to escape. When he walked into the deep pit cautiously, none of the wandering souls inside To see him, still wandering there.

This scene,The thousands of monks outside were taken aback for a moment, and the old soul cultivator was even more stunned.

“what happened”

Bai Xiaochun immediately cheered up, but still walked forward cautiously. From the tens of thousands of souls, when he gradually walked into the middle, along the way, no soul showed the slightest sign of his arrival, as if he couldn’t see it.

Until Bai Xiaochun arrived in the soul group, he quickly took out a Soul Gathering Pill and crushed it.

With a bang, a huge suction force spread out from his hand. In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of unjust souls in the surrounding area were instantly sucked in. After becoming a soul ball, they were immediately put away by Bai Xiaochun. At the same time, this wave of souls There was chaos, countless roaring souls swam away quickly, Bai Xiaochun immediately became nervous, but after waiting for a while, he found that no matter how violent the frenzied soul tides around him were, they couldn’t find him, he immediately felt relieved.

Especially when he noticed that the subordinates outside the cave were looking at him in surprise, Bai Xiaochun let out a hey in his heart, simply put his hands behind his back, raised his chin, and put on an inscrutable look.

This scene looks completely different to outsiders. In their eyes, there are hundreds of thousands of souls in the cave, or even more, roaring and screaming, each and every one of them going crazy, as if they want to destroy all existence. Surrounded by ferocious roars, there were even some red Nascent Souls appearing on Bai Xiaochun’s shoulders, roaring towards the surroundings.

However, Bai Xiaochun was very calm here, as if he didn’t care about these souls, he even waved his hand casually, and directly put away the Nascent Soul on his shoulder.

The wind is light and the clouds are calm, showing the demeanor of a peerless master

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