Sacrifice to the Wronged Soul

Bai Xiaochun was extremely excited when he thought of the honor and glory of being Chief Wanfu, and hurriedly got up and walked out of the barracks. After Zhao Long and others saw Bai Xiaochun, they rushed to meet him.

“Call all the brothers, let’s go to the tower and witness that I, Bai Xiaochun, become the chief of ten thousand.” Bai Xiaochun waved his hand, full of pride, and said proudly.

As soon as his words came out, Zhao Long was taken aback, and hurriedly informed. Soon, thousands of monks under Bai Xiaochun all knew about this matter and came one after another.

“Brothers, after I become Chief Ten Thousand, we will eat more meat and drink more wine!” Bai Xiaochun shouted, flew out in a flash, and went straight to the tower.Thousands of monks behind him listened excitedly. They didn’t have any doubts about Bai Xiaochun’s words. Bai Xiaochun said here that he could become Chief Ten Thousand Commanders today. They believed that Bai Xiaochun would definitely be able to do it.

At this moment, they flew out one by one, surrounded by Bai Xiaochun, and flew overbearing all the way, flying directly to the tower.

Thousands of monks turned into thousands of long rainbows, which immediately attracted the attention of the monks in the Great Wall, but when they saw that the leader was Bai Xiaochun, many people looked joking. I haven’t seen Bai Xiaochun go out for a few days, but I didn’t expect to see him again today.

Gradually they all looked away and didn’t pay too much attention. Soon, Bai Xiaochun and his party flew outside the tower. Here, there were also many monks who were either exchanging items or offering sacrifices to their souls.

When Bai Xiaochun and others arrived, these people here just took a look and didn’t pay too much attention to it, they still went about their own way and did their own thing.

Bai Xiaochun ignored these people, he stood by the tower, took a deep breath, jumped up, and flew into the air, just like when he saw a Tianjiao offering sacrifices to innocent souls, in that high sky, With a flick of his sleeve, he immediately took out a soul ball and crushed it

At the moment the soul ball was crushed, there was a bang, and tens of thousands of unjust souls spread out from it. This scene immediately attracted the attention of many monks below. Envious, but what’s more, he didn’t pay too much attention, and looked away after a glance.

“It’s Bai Xiaochun”

At the moment when tens of thousands of wronged souls appeared, the giant eyes of the tower flashed, and these souls were suddenly sucked into the giant eyes and disappeared.

Bai Xiaochun was proud of his heart, but still calmly slapped the storage speed, took out a soul ball again, and crushed it again. Soon, tens of thousands of innocent souls appeared, and when they were taken away by the giant eyes again, everyone below saw Bai Xiaochun Taking out the third soul ball, some people gradually looked surprised.

But at the moment when Bai Xiaochun was about to crush it, suddenly, there was a long rainbow in the distance, roaring towards it, the long rainbow was full of blood light, and even more shocking, it seemed to spread in all directions.

“That’s the monsoon”

“Chief Commander Ji Feng, before Bai Xiaochun’s rise, he is most likely to become the existence of Commander Ten Thousand Commander by relying on the alchemy cultivator. I don’t know who can become Commander Ten Thousand Commander first, he or Bai Xiaochun.”

When the crowd burst into a commotion, Changhong dissipated, revealing a figure in blood-colored armor, a young man with long hair and shawls.

This person is Monsoon

He also stood in mid-air, and Bai Xiaochun and Bai Xiaochun could see each other through the giant eyes. Ji Feng’s eyes swept over Bai Xiaochun’s body, and there was a hint of contempt in his expression.

“What’s the use of a mere pharmacist even if he has a good cultivation? I, Ji Feng, have made countless military exploits. Why should I compare this person with me?”

He looked down on Bai Xiaochun, and he even disdained to use the Soul Gathering Pill. In his opinion, this Bai Xiaochun was clearly just a pharmacist. With some small tricks, he got to his current position. Compared with himself, he was simply insignificant

Today, he didn’t need to come to worship the soul, but after seeing Bai Xiaochun appearing, he came here on purpose, just to suppress Bai Xiaochun and extinguish his arrogance.

Bai Xiaochun also noticed Ji Feng. He was not familiar with him. If he really met, this was only the second time. The first time was when he first came to the Great Wall. This Ji Feng was offering sacrifices to souls, and even though he could sell 10,000 souls, but at that time, there was no Soul Gathering Pill, and he was able to capture 10,000 souls, which showed that Ji Feng was doing well.

“I didn’t offend him.” Bai Xiaochun also saw the contempt in Ji Feng’s eyes, he was a little surprised, after thinking for a while, if he realized something, he stared at him.

Ji Feng looked at Bai Xiaochun coldly, and when the two looked at each other, there was a faint sense of competition.

After seeing this scene, the monks below immediately became interested and stared at it one after another.

“The two of them confronted each other”

“I’m still optimistic about Commander Ji Feng. His military exploits are all from killing corpses and blood.”

“Isn’t Commander Bai Xiaochun not talking about the Soul Gathering Pill? How many people did he save in that battle?”

When everyone was arguing or even betting below, Ji Feng sneered, and when he raised his right hand, he flicked his sleeve, and immediately a hundred thousand souls flew out of his storage. In an instant, he was immediately sucked away by the giant eyes, and even the light of the giant eyes was obviously brighter.

“One Hundred Thousand Souls”

“Commander Ji Feng is indeed the pride of my five armies. He didn’t use the Soul Gathering Pill, but he got 100,000 souls.”

After throwing out 100,000 souls, Ji Feng gave Bai Xiaochun a cold look, the meaning was obvious, don’t you have souls, then let’s fight to see who sacrificed more souls

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaochun immediately laughed. He was thinking that it was a bit boring for him to lose his soul like this. He didn’t expect Ji Feng to come up to compare. With a wave, twenty soul balls were thrown lightly.

With a bang, the twenty soul balls all exploded, and the two hundred thousand wronged souls spread in all directions, densely packed, which looked amazing. The moment they appeared, the giant eyes of the towerRadiant and bright light was emitted, and with a sudden suction, the two hundred thousand innocent souls were sucked in.

Seeing the soul being sucked away, Bai Xiaochun looked at Ji Feng with provocative eyes.

Ji Feng’s face was gloomy, and he sneered disdainfully. With a wave of his right hand, hundreds of thousands of wronged souls flew out of his storage bag, even his storage bag was more than one. He took out a storage bag, opened it, and hundreds of thousands of ghosts flew out, all of which were sucked away by the giant eyes.

This scene immediately made the surrounding monks gasp in shock.

“Oh my god, how many souls does Commander Ji Feng have?”

“How did he catch these souls”

Just when these people were surprised, Bai Xiaochun became impatient, looked at Ji Feng, and spoke directly.

“How many souls do you have? Tell me the number. Otherwise, it would be too troublesome to get the storage bags one by one. If you tell me the number, if I can’t take it out, I will lose.”

The tone was very arrogant, and the surroundings immediately became silent, and everyone looked at Ji Feng.

“Since you are arrogant and conceited, you want to humiliate yourself, Ji will do it for you.” Ji Feng snorted coldly, raised his right hand and waved, immediately one storage bag flew out, and nine storage bags appeared in front of him

“There are a total of 2.7 million wronged souls here.” Ji Feng raised his head, and said lightly, his tone seemed calm, but Bai Xiaochun could see the cold arrogance hidden in his bones at a glance.

Almost as soon as the nine storage bags were taken out, the surrounding monks fell silent when they heard Ji Feng’s words. After a few breaths, except for those subordinates behind Bai Xiaochun, everyone else in the place exclaimed in shock, looking stunned. Showing an incredible expression.

“2.7 million, my God”

“Master Ji Feng, you have captured so many souls. This amount of souls is comparable to a small-scale battle on the Great Wall.” When everyone exclaimed, many people immediately sent voice transmissions to their friends, asking them to come as soon as possible.

“Come on, Master Ji Feng, to sacrifice 2.7 million innocent souls at once, this is unprecedented, it’s amazing!”

“Come to the Tower”

When everyone was moved, Ji Feng looked at Bai Xiaochun pretending to be indifferent, and chuckled lightly, as if he was sure of winning.

“I don’t have many souls, just over two million, Bai Xiaochun, where’s yours?”

“It’s really not much, it’s only about two million souls, it’s just a drizzle.” Bai Xiaochun glanced at those storage bags, raised his chin, he felt as if he was a peerless master fighting a child, this feeling , let him enjoy it very much, so he laughed and raised his right hand with a wave.

Three hundred soul balls flew out without ending, another three hundred, and then four hundred, a thousand soul balls appeared in mid-air in an instant, and appeared in everyone’s eyes

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