Blood Sacrifice

Bai Xiaochun’s face was pale. This kind of thing had little to do with his cultivation. He saw that among the hundreds of people, there were even Nascent Soul cultivators, which made him feel like his scalp would explode.

But when he stepped back carefully, he stopped abruptly and stared at several figures among the hundreds of people.

“Zhao Long’s divine fortune teller” Bai Xiaochun became entangled immediately, he saw Zhao Long and divine fortune teller among those hundreds of people, they were the same as the others, they were staring straight at the plate of bloody steamed buns , with madness and ferocity in his expression.

Bai Xiaochun stood there, struggling inwardly.

“No matter what Zhao Long said, he followed me for several years and was loyal to me before he was outside. I also saw that he wanted to rush out to help me.” Bai Xiaochun pondered in his heart, and the conflict and struggle made his eyes slowly appear bloodshot .

“Sacred fortune teller, I made him a Taoist protector, and I called him into the army when he went to the Starry Sky Dao Sect. It can be said that he suffered a catastrophe today, and it has something to do with me.” Bai Xiaochun hesitated in his heart It made his breathing disorder for a while, and his eyes became more bloodshot, but he was also afraid. He had an indescribable feeling about death.of fear.

Especially in the square ahead, there is clearly a great danger hidden. If he leaves now, he may be able to avoid it, but if he steps forward, even he himself will not be able to escape.

This made Bai Xiaochun extremely hesitant, as if he had turned into two people, one was telling him to save him, while the other was screaming and telling him to get out of here quickly.

This made Bai Xiaochun couldn’t help but think of the Luochen Mountain Range back then. Although things were different, his situation was similar

Just when Bai Xiaochun was struggling, suddenly, the flames of the two huge candles on the square shook violently, and at this shaking moment, the hundreds of people in the square suddenly went crazy, roaring and roaring. As if going crazy, they went straight to the plate of blood steamed buns. It seems that in their eyes, this is not a blood steamed bun, but a great fortune that can make them live forever or increase their cultivation base. In short, it has great benefits

In the blink of an eye, these hundreds of people rushed like crazy, scrambling to snatch the blood steamed buns. Those who snatched the steamed buns immediately stuffed the steamed buns into their mouths with excited expressions, and kept gnawing on them. Bite, and laugh wildly.

And those who didn’t grab it were furious, and even shot at each other to snatch it. In an instant, there was chaos in the square, but at this moment, Bai Xiaochun’s body was trembling, his eyes showed horror, and he instantly felt the creeps

Because the scene he saw was different from those in the authorities. He saw that those people were not eating steamed buns at all. At first, he thought those bloody steamed buns were real, but most of the hundreds of people who were robbed were caught in the air. .

But those monks who caught the air didn’t seem to notice it, but thought they had caught the steamed bun, and gnawed there madly and excitedly, what they gnawed was their own hands

Bai Xiaochun witnessed with his own eyes that the hands of those who thought they had caught the steamed buns had already been crushed by themselves, and some had lost their entire hands, their mouths were full of blood, but their expressions were still full of satisfaction and madness, and they continued to bite. Those who eat fast even eat their own joints

There are even some that seem to be more irritable, and they actually tore off their arms and chewed them in their mouths

Those who did not grab the blood steamed buns were even more frantic at the moment. Some tried to snatch the steamed buns on the plate, but more of them snatched other people’s arms, tearing and killing them frantically.

Some people were even directly smashed to pieces, and when they were torn apart, others immediately swarmed up, lying there to snatch and devour them.

At the same time, in these four weeks, with the shaking of the two candles, there is a strange woman’s voice, singing there

“Eat, eat, isn’t it delicious?”

This scene made Bai Xiaochun feel as if thunder exploded in his mind, he couldn’t restrain himself from trembling, everything in front of him was like a tragedy in the world

Until he saw the magic fortune grabbing the steamed buns, laughing wildly there and raising his right hand to eat his own fingers, Zhao Long beside him squatted down because he didn’t grab the steamed buns on the plate, and wanted to snatch a broken one. corpse time

Bai Xiaochun’s hesitation disappeared in an instant, his eyes were red, and he let out a terrifying roar, with determination, with the madness of going all out, his speed expanded to the extreme, and he took a hard step forward.

With this step, everything around became slow, and the cold air spread in all directions instantly, covering the entire square in the blink of an eye. At the same time, Bai Xiaochun’s speed exploded, and with the movement of the cold mirror, he disappeared in the blink of an eye. Beside Shen Suanzi, he grabbed Shen Suanzi’s right hand that was about to be put into his mouth, and yanked hard.

“God operator, wake up!” Bai Xiaochun yelled.

With a click, the divine operator bit the air, raised his head abruptly, and roared at Bai Xiaochun. At this moment, no matter who was in his eyes, who came to stop him, he was an enemy who robbed him of his fortune.

Shen Shuanzi snapped at Bai Xiaochun fiercely while roaring, and he pointed at Bai Xiaochun, like a mad dog, struggling there, trying to eat his grabbed right hand.

Bai Xiaochun was in a hurry. Seeing that Zhao Long had fallen to the ground, he was laughing wildly to snatch the corpse, and he himself was a little confused at this moment, and even everything around him began to appear overlapping phantoms, and the plate of blood In his eyes, the steamed bun gradually seemed to turn into a elixir that could make him live forever.

All this made Bai Xiaochun’s heart tremble, he bit his tongue fiercely, and immediately noticed that the cold air around him was melting rapidly

“Damn it!” Bai Xiaochun yelled angrily, raised his left hand and grabbed the god operator’s neck, no matter how hard he struggled, he would not let go. In a flash, he came to Zhao Long’s side again, grabbed the bloody Zhao Longhou, He staggered a few steps, trying to stay awake, and was about to leave, but at this very moment.

A scream that shocked the soul came from the burning wicks of the two candles. On the two candles, there suddenly appeared the figures of two women. The two women were exactly the same, both of them were middle-aged, with disheveled hair , when screaming at Bai Xiaochun, the sound echoed in all directions.

“You dare to meddle in other people’s business and mess with my flesh and blood sacrifice, you should stay too.”

As the sound appeared, Bai Xiaochun’s whole body shook violently. Everything around him seemed to be being transformed rapidly at this moment. He seemed to see countless pills, any one of which could make him immortal.

“Long Changsheng” Bai XiaoChun’s body was trembling, his breathing was short of breath, and he seemed to be falling into madness, but at this moment, suddenly, his golden core was pregnant

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A sliver of thought power kept there

Suddenly burst out, this thought force rushed into Bai Xiaochun’s mind in an instant, like scalding hot water sprinkled in the snow, in an instant, all the hallucinations in Bai Xiaochun’s mind disappeared, his body trembled with fear, his face was pale, and he looked around At that time, his cold air had been eroded by as much as 80%, and it was about to disappear.

And once it disappears, he can’t move, even if the speed of his physical body is fully deployed, he may be blocked and fall into this place

At the same time, the hundreds of monks around also noticed Bai Xiaochun, as if Bai Xiaochun had also become a good fortune in their eyes, rushing frantically to share the food.

Seeing the crisis, Bai Xiaochun roared, and used all his strength to move again at the moment when the cold air dissipated. With a bang, the cold air collapsed, and his figure finally left the square, appearing on the edge of the square, trembling, without looking back, Towards the nearest passage, hurried away.

Almost the moment he stepped into the passage, behind him, the figure of the woman floating on the two candles in the square screamed again.

“You want to run!” Following the scream, the figures of the two women flew out at the same time, and they were about to chase after Bai Xiaochun’s exit.

But at this moment, suddenly, outside the passage, the nothingness distorted, and Gongsun Wan’er’s figure appeared. She walked out slowly, raised her right hand towards the two women rushing toward her, and waved fiercely.

“Go back, my people, you dare to move”

The two women trembled all over and let out a shrill scream. The wave clearly contained no magic power, but the two women’s bodies seemed to dissipate. Amidst the screams, their expressions showed unprecedented panic and horror. .

He didn’t dare to go forward, but knelt down there, trembling.

“Don’t go to your blood sacrifice yet. You don’t need to participate in other things.” Gongsun Wan’er said lightly, in the pupil of her eyes, the second pupil, which was a circle smaller, revealed a faint light.

It was this gloomy light that made the two women tremble even more, prostrate there, saying yes again and again.

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