Bastard Bai Hao

“Damn it, am I still me?” Bai Xiaochun felt that he had changed, that he was afraid and dangerous.

“There is an ancestor of heaven and man here. I dare to come here to prepare for the tiger’s mouth to steal the soul of heaven and man.” Bai Xiaochun rubbed his eyes, but unfortunately he didn’t touch the tears. , let Bai Xiaochun sigh inwardly.

He thought, if he was the former self, he would never come here, but now he came here on his own initiative.

“It’s all the fault of that woman in the world of mortals and Chen Hetian. I was forced to be damned. When I got angry, I was scared.” Bai Xiaochun cheered up from the bottom of his heart, but he had no other choice. He could only calm down and pretend to be taciturn. look, walked towards the Bai family city.

“This Bai family is one of the three major soul-refining families in the Giant Ghost City, and there is a family protection formation. This formation may be able to determine the blood status of its clan members. I don’t know if my mask can do it.” Bai Xiaochun was a little nervous, and walked forward slowly. Okay, I’m also ready to flee immediately if something goes wrong.

The closer they got, the more frequent the gazes gathered from all around were, until Bai Xiaochun arrived within a hundred feet outside the Bai family city, the dragon and snake statue on the city that seemed to be flying into the sky suddenly revealed its eyes, looking towards Bai Xiaochun

This gaze was serious, and there was a dangerous aura emanating from it, as if he judged that Bai Xiaochun was not from the Bai family, if he dared to break into this place without notice, he would face the thunderous power of this statue

Bai Xiaochun took a breath, and after a few breaths of silence, he took a sudden step and stepped directly into the Bai family formation. Immediately, the Bai Hao identity token in his storage bag emitted a soft light. At the same time, his mask also displayed fluctuations that only he could feel at this moment, as if cheating the sky, cheating the formation, making the formation think that Bai Xiaochun was Bai Hao

The moment Bai Xiaochun walked into the formation smoothly, the eyes all around him that were focused on him disappeared without a trace, and the gloomy light in the eyes of the statue in the city also dimmed, no longer sharp, and even more crackling The sound came out, and under the huge dragon and snake statue, the gate of the Bai family city slowly opened.

Following the opening, a middle-aged man walked out from the gate. This man’s cultivation was only at the level of Qi Condensation. His hands were inserted into his cuffs in front of him. Frowning, he glanced at Bai Xiaochun impatiently.

Bai Xiaochun also heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that he had passed the first step of entering the Bai’s house, at this moment, with a stern face and a brave face, he rushed forward, and soon arrived at the gate of the Bai’s house, and was about to enter.

“Master Bai Hao, it’s fine if you come back, have you forgotten the rules of the wife, the son of a concubine can only go through the side door?”

“Actuated the family’s formation, and even let the dragon and snake open the door. It seems that you have forgotten your identity. This door is not for you to leave.” The middle-aged man said coldly, blocking in front of Bai Xiaochun, There was contempt in his expression.

Bai Xiaochun frowned, and looked up at the middle-aged man in front of him. He knew that Bai Hao was not welcome in the Bai family, but he didn’t expect that even a servant at the door would be so contemptuous of him, which meant that Bai Hao It’s not as simple as being unpopular with Hao in the Bai family.

“This is already deliberately humiliating and making things difficult.” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes showed a sharp light, and after falling into the eyes of the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man’s heart was shocked, his whole body was suddenly icy cold, and his mind was instantly set off. Booming, as if in the middle of winter, he was startled, he didn’t dare to meet Bai Xiaochun’s eyes, subconsciously took a few steps back, and let go of his hands in his cuffs in panic, and then got out of the way.

Bai Xiaochun walked past the middle-aged man expressionlessly, and stepped directly into the gate. It was not until he had been away for a long time that the middle-aged man recovered, his expression changed, and he was uncertain.

“Why is Bai Hao’s eyes so sharp? It’s different from his previous ones.”

Regardless of the middle-aged man’s surprise, Bai Xiaochun walked all the way after stepping into the Bai family. The Bai family city is huge, but it is a family after all, and there are no shops. The mansion is very luxurious with carved railings and jade paving. There are sometimes rockeries around it. There are many members of the Bai family coming in and out. In mid-air, there are long rainbows whistling past, which is very lively.

Before Bai Xiaochun could go far, there was a woman dressed as a big maid in front of her.While reprimanding the people around her, she walked towards her, and when she saw Bai Xiaochun, the big servant girl was taken aback for a moment, then her eyes showed disdain, and she snorted coldly.

“I don’t know how the welcome office is responsible for guarding the door, can anything come in through the main entrance?” the big maid said coldly, ignoring Bai Xiaochun, and walked past him.

Bai Xiaochun was about to quit immediately, just about to stare at him, but when he thought that he was not Bai Hao, he endured it.

“Enough, I’m not Bai Hao anyway.” Bai Xiaochun took a slow breath, looked at the back of the big maid, and continued on his way, wandering around in the Bai family city, meeting many servants of the Bai family on the way , without exception, these people were all taken aback when they saw Bai Xiaochun, and then all of them showed obvious contempt and disdain on their expressions.

This expression is too deliberate, it seems to be so intentionally, and some even don’t seem to be intentional, but a look of disgust and disgust, as if Bai Xiaochun’s place is so dirty.

All this made Bai Xiaochun unbearable several times, but when he thought of his purpose, he kept reminding himself.

“I’ll bear it.” Bai Xiaochun gritted his teeth and looked around worriedly. He didn’t know where Bai Hao lived, and it was hard to find someone to ask about this matter. It was Bai Hao’s situation. Although Bai Xiaochun was here, he was well prepared. , but I didn’t expect it to be so bad.

“How could this be?” Bai Xiaochun had a headache, and when he was walking, suddenly, an old man came out from a large hall in the distance. This old man’s clothes were better than ordinary servants, his cultivation was also like a foundation building, and his expression was haughty. Obviously, even if he is not a member of the Bai family, he is still a housekeeper in the Bai family.

At this moment, when he was about to leave with his hands behind his back, he seemed to have noticed Bai Xiaochun.

The old man was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression darkened immediately.

“Bai Hao”

“Have you forgotten your identity? Is this the place you can come to? How dare you ignore the family rules?” The old man’s eyes were bright, his words were unceremonious, as if scolding a servant, he pointed at Bai Xiaochun, and directly Shout out.

Bai Xiaochun walked all the way, no one waited and said nothing, everyone along the way was disgusted and contemptuous, he had been holding back, but now, seeing the old man scolding him like this, he immediately became angry, raised his head fiercely, but just now At this time, a woman’s voice came from a distance.

“Steward Chen, this is my Bai family. How could he be of my Bai family’s blood? How could you, a servant, humiliate you so casually?” Following the words, a long rainbow that was about to fly over here suddenly stopped in the air , revealing the figure of a woman.

The woman’s expression was cold, her whole body was like ice, her cultivation was not ordinary, she had reached the level of foundation establishment, she was frowning at the old man with displeasure.

Bai Xiaochun looked at the woman in mid-air, took a deep breath, and suppressed the anger that had arisen before.

The old man’s complexion changed, with fear in his eyes, he quickly lowered his head and bowed respectfully to the woman in midair.

“I’ve seen Miss Fifth, the old slave made a slip of the tongue, it’s really the patriarch’s order that the son of a concubine is not allowed to step into the inner house without being summoned.”

The woman in mid-air was silent for a moment, looked down at Bai Xiaochun, and sighed softly.

“Anyway, he is also a member of the Bai family, so you must not humiliate him with words.” After speaking, she shook her head, turned into Changhong and continued to leave.

The old man quickly lowered his head and said yes, until the woman left, the old man raised his head and glanced at Bai Xiaochun in disgust.

“Miss Fifth has come forward, so I won’t punish you today. Hurry up and go back to the North District. If the old man sees you entering this place without authorization, he will definitely report to the owner and deal with it according to the family rules.” Turn around and walk away.

Bai Xiaochun felt that he was about to blow up. From the time he entered the Bai family until now, he has been enduring it all the time. He has endured all the way until now. He feels that if this continues, he really can’t continue to pretend to be Bai Hao.

“I don’t know how Bai Hao persisted. What’s the use of staying here with such a family?”

“But even if you don’t like it, it’s not like this. There’s a problem here.”

“Forget it, anyway, I’m not Bai Hao, for the sake of the soul of heaven and man, I will bear it a little longer.” Bai Xiaochun gritted his back molars, suppressed the anger in his heart, turned and headed north, his eyes flashed in the dark, undetectable He glanced at a seven-story tower standing in a large house in the distance.

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