: The Effect of Refining Spirits

There are no rats in Fragrant Cloud Mountain. Unless rats are spirit beasts in this kind of cultivation place, it is impossible for rats to exist. However, there are many ants in the mountain.

These ants are natural things, and they are not annoying in the crevices of some rocks on weekdays, as if they are part of the mountain, so no one cares.

But today, around the Alchemy Pavilion, the disciple guarding there was shocked and stood up abruptly. He found that countless ants appeared on the ground in an instant, and these ants went straight to the Alchemy Pavilion.

“What’s going on here?” The disciple guarding the Alchemy Pavilion gasped, looking at the countless ants, his scalp felt numb.

At the same time, in many rooms in the Alchemy Pavilion, many disciples who were refining alchemy all exclaimed, there was even the sound of bombing alchemy, and more ants roared, even if there were some The formation method, but the alchemy rooms here and there are originally in the mountain, and the ants drilled out along the various gaps.

Go straight in one direction.

This direction is the room where Bai Xiaochun is. At this moment, he picked up the black pill curiously. When he looked surprised, he heard bursts of roaring faintly coming from outside. At the same time, on the floor of the room where he was, suddenly appeared Countless ants.

These ants went crazy and went straight to Bai Xiaochun.

“Xiangyun Mountain is actually still plagued by ants.” Bai Xiaochun jumped up suddenly, feeling goosebumps all over his body, but as he jumped up, some ants also jumped up and went straight to the black pill in Bai Xiaochun’s hand.

Bai Xiaochun’s scalp was numb. Seeing this scene, regardless of whether it was useful or not, he quickly threw the elixir in his hand. Almost at the moment the elixir was thrown, the ants changed direction frantically and rushed straight to the elixir.

When the elixir fell to the ground, countless ants surrounded it in the blink of an eye, and soon formed a big ball. Bai Xiaochun looked pale and astonished after watching this scene.

Soon, the big ball made up of ants collapsed like a collapse, and countless ants disappeared into the gaps. As for the pill, there was nothing left.

In the entire Alchemy Pavilion, not a single ant appeared in an instant. They came and disappeared quickly. Although this incident made those alchemy disciples depressed, there was nothing they could do. The disciples who guarded this place did not see any loss. Although they were curious , but not reported.

After all, only Bai Xiaochun saw the madness of those ants. From the perspective of others, it was just a large number of ants passing by.

Bai Xiaochun had lingering fears in his heart. It seemed that there was no problem with the pill he made just now, but he was too careful. In terms of refining techniques, even if he succeeded, he had to keep improving. He vaguely remembered that it seemed that the last time he refined the pill, It seems to have adjusted the proportion of the collocation.

“Could it be that the nourishing elixir I finally refined is also a great tonic for ants?” Bai Xiaochun scratched his head, feeling that he seemed to be very powerful. Not only could he refine elixirs for humans, but even ants , can also be refined.

When he walked out of the room, Bai Xiaochun felt a little embarrassed when he heard the depressed voices of those alchemy disciples who also came out from other rooms around him, he quickly lowered his head,leave quickly.

A few days later, Bai Xiaochun saw that there was no news about the Alchemy Pavilion, so he came again. After paying the contribution, he chose another room to continue refining medicine.

This time, he started refining longevity incense.

Although incense refining and alchemy are similar, there are also some differences in techniques. After all, one is to eat, and the other is to ignite and inhale, especially when it is finally made into medicine, one is a pill, and the other is a condensed incense block.

With the previous experience, Bai Xiaochun remained cautious and careful when refining the Longevity Incense. In the end, it took two months, ten ingredients, and seven of them were successful.

Only then did he leave satisfied, holding the seven Longevity Incenses in his hands, Bai Xiaochun was in his wooden house, and after three consecutive spirit refinements, the color of the seven Longevity Incenses was already dark purple, although the three spirit patterns on them had faded , but it can still be seen clearly, and obviously, the feeling of this longevity incense is completely different from before.

Bai Xiaochun looked at the Longevity Incense in his hand, thoughtful, at this moment he is not like before, he is ignorant about elixir, as he refines elixir, he gradually understands a lot, knowing that any elixir is refined , most of them contain impurities, these impurities are the part that cannot be absorbed but is difficult to separate out. After swallowing, they will be deposited in the body and gradually turn into so-called poison.

This is also the reason why many elders in the sect are a little hesitant about the disciples swallowing the elixir. Theoretically speaking, a certain amount of elixir will be excreted from the body, but if more elixirs are swallowed, the poison will naturally The more it accumulates gradually, it will hinder future practice.

Therefore, according to the amount of impurities in the elixir, the elixir is divided into six levels.

“Bottom, middle, top, good, excellent, extremely” Bai Xiaochun looked at the Longevity Incense in his hand and murmured, the impurities accounted for more than 90% of it, it was a poisonous pill, it was not good, no one would eat it unless it was absolutely necessary.

If impurities account for about 80%, it is called low-grade, and this kind of elixir has the most, and if impurities account for about 60%, it is called middle-grade. This type of elixir is rare, and only true pharmacists can It can be refined.

As for the impurities with only four layers, they are high-grade, even rarer, while the high-quality products with only 20% impurities, and the high-quality products with only 10% impurities, can only occasionally appear in some large-scale auctions.

And the top-quality elixir without any impurities is only available in rumors.

Bai Xiaochun stared at Longevity Fragrance. He didn’t understand when refining the elixir before, but observing so carefully now, he immediately noticed that the refining of the elixir didn’t directly increase the power like a magic weapon, but changed the quality of the elixir

At this moment, the Longevity Incense in his hand has only 40% impurities, it is actually a good product

This discovery made Bai Xiaochun very excited. After pondering for a while, he went to Ziding Mountain, not to find Fatty Zhang, but to the south bank of Lingxi Sect, the Lingxi Temple that only Ziding Mountain has.

Disciples under the sect can pay contribution points here and let the elders of the Hall of Refining Souls help refine spirits. Although the chance of failure is not small, there are still many disciples who are keen on this.

In this Spiritual Refinement Hall, Bai Xiaochun observed it and asked someone to inquire. When he left, he had confirmed that the elixir refining spirit could indeed achieve the effect of removing impurities.

Returning to Fragrant Cloud Mountain, Bai Xiaochun happily looked at the elixir he had refined, lit one and took a deep breath, and immediately felt a sense of fullness in his body, and the bursts of aroma melted into his whole body, making his whole body It was all warm. If life was a fire, then at this moment, he had the feeling that this fire was added to a small firewood, and it became more vigorous.

So while smelling the incense of longevity, he practiced the art of immortality and longevity. As long as he felt hungry, he took a deep breath, and the feeling would dissipate a lot.

Seven copies of longevity incense supported Bai Xiaochun’s practice of Immortality and Longevity Kung Fu for half a month. After half a month, he could clearly feel that his immortal iron skin was stronger and his body was stronger.

Bai Xiaochun was high-spirited, tidied up his storage bags, and immediately went down the mountain to Fangshi, where he sold the belongings of Chen Fei and the three of them, and bought dozens of materials for refining longevity incense, and refined medicine again.

The success rate of his refining Longevity Incense was also rapidly improved by his continuous caution and carefulness, from 70% to 80% of the patent medicine, and in the end, he managed to keep it above 100%.

It’s just that Bai Xiaochun is still a little dissatisfied, because although his success rate has increased to 100%, the elixir he can refine is only low-grade.

But it is difficult for him to improve in a short period of time, so he can only use spirit refining to remove impurities. During his daily practice, he will take out the longevity incense from time to time and take a deep breath. That feeling makes him feel that the whole world is happy of.

During this practice, his Immortality and Longevity Kungfu increased day by day, and even his cultivation level also improved, gradually approaching the sixth level of Qi Condensation Dzogchen.

As for the fastest-improving Immortal Longevity Kungfu, it is only a little bit short of immortality. Bai Xiaochun’s whole body is so tough

Read Section 30

It was much higher than before, and when the broken time lock was cast, the black color of the two fingers also deepened a little.

But at this time, the efficacy of Longevity Incense gradually diminished, until finally, there was not much effect left, Bai Xiaochun could only sigh, he understood that it was because the same elixir absorbed too much and his body had adapted, so it lost its effect .

If you want to continue practicing, you must change to a better elixir than longevity incense, but the prescription of this type of elixir controlsStrictly speaking, there are no sells in the market, if you want to get it, you can only be promoted to a medicine apprentice, and then go to the sect in exchange for your contribution.

Or go to some bigger markets, but those markets are far away from the Zongmen, Bai Xiaochun thought about it, his eyes showed determination.

“To be promoted as a pharmacist”

He thought that with his experience in refining medicine, combined with his knowledge of plants and trees, it should not be a big problem to be promoted to a medicine apprentice, but to be on the safe side, he bought several other powdered prescriptions in the following days, and refined each of them two or three times. After failing, he gradually gained confidence in his heart, and then he went to the Hall of Pharmacists to apply for promotion.

This kind of promotion assessment will not be opened for only one person, it will only be carried out after the number of people is almost the same. After waiting for another month, Bai Xiaochun was thinking about a problem in refining the elixir on this day, when suddenly the person in the storage bag The identity token vibrated, and when he took it out, an old voice echoed in his mind.

“Tomorrow morning, in front of the Hall of Pharmacists, the examination for the promotion of pharmacists will begin.”

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