I don’t understand

“I can’t believe it, I’m actually so powerful.” Bai Xiaochun was extremely excited. When he stood up, although he was dizzy due to the exhaustion of energy, the excitement was very strong.

“I, Bai Xiaochun, can actually create my own supernatural powers. This is something that the ancestor of the mountain can do. I admire myself so much.” Bai Xiaochun looked up to the sky and laughed. Giving up on the Great WallBai Xiaochun immediately felt that losing himself was the greatest loss of the Starry Sky Dao Sect.

“Hmph, one day, I will make Chen Hetian regret that day’s decision, and Xingkong Daojizong also regret it.” Bai Xiaochun suppressed his excitement, sat down cross-legged, and after recovering, he walked out swaggeringly. Ready to go back to Bai’s house.

The return trip went smoothly, without any accidents, after all, Bai Xiaochun had always left a clone in the north area of ​​the Bai family, so there was nothing suspicious about it.

A few days later, with the cooperation of Li Feng, Zhou Yixing finally bought enough evil soul nails and teleportation symbols. After careful research on those evil soul nails, Bai Xiaochun discovered that they were the use of a soul that he didn’t understand. And the souls that condense the evil soul nails are very special, with extremely strong evil spirits.

Bai Xiaochun thought about these evil soul nails, and felt that if he arranged them now, there would be a risk of people discovering the evil soul nails after a long time, so he decided to wait until he entered the ancestral land before setting them up. This is the safest way.

While waiting, on the one hand, Bai Xiaochun was thinking about refining the thirteen-color fires, and on the other hand, he was practicing his own immortality skill in the house in the northern district.

Time passed, and half a month passed. At dusk, Bai Xiaochun was sitting cross-legged, hitting the last meridians in his body, and when he was about to complete the third layer of the Immortal Longevity Kung Fu, he suddenly looked up Start, look towards the door.

In his spiritual consciousness, he clearly noticed that there were three long rainbows in the distance, coming straight to him. Inside the three long rainbows were three middle-aged men, dressed in black, with the sun and the moon embroidered on their chests.

This kind of attire can only be worn by people in the punishment hall. The approach of the three of them immediately attracted the attention of many people in the northern district. The people in the northern district have a low status, and everyone is very scared at the moment, and there is no sound.

These three people looked haughty and disgusted, they seemed to feel that this place was like a malignant tumor of the Bai family, very dirty, and soon, they arrived outside Bai Xiaochun’s residence.

“Bai Hao, come out.” Outside the residence, one of the three Xingtang clansmen said in a cold voice impatiently.

Inside the house, Bai Xiaochun’s heart skipped a beat.

“Is it impossible to be discovered?” Bai Xiaochun hesitated, his body overlapped for an instant, he didn’t go there himself, but walked out of a clone from his body, and stepped out of the house.

As for his true self, the aura has completely disappeared at this moment, and outsiders can no longer feel it.

Seeing Bai Xiaochun walk out of the house, the three Xingtang clansmen gave him a cold look, and the person who spoke before spoke again.

“Let’s go, the patriarch wants to see you.” The three didn’t say any more, as if they didn’t want to stay here for a long time, they turned around and left. Bai Xiaochun’s eyes flashed, and he followed in silence.

“The patriarch sees me, Bai Hao’s biological father, what’s the matter with me? Take this opportunity to see Bai Hao’s father, and what is his attitude towards Bai Hao?” Feeling a lot more secure, and having settled down in his heart, he followed the three of them straight to the distance.

The three Xingtang clansmen along the way did not speak to Bai Xiaochun, the arrogance and contempt in his bones, Bai Xiaochun could feel it, he sneered in his heart, he was also proud in his heart, there was a kind of arrogance that the other party was a house sparrow and didn’t know his real dragon.

“When I reveal my cultivation, I will scare the three of you to death.” Bai Xiaochun’s thoughts wandered, and soon he followed the three of them to the West District. This place is different from the East District. It is much quieter, and there are few people on weekdays. Most of them are where the female relatives live .

When Bai Xiaochun saw that he had arrived here, he was also surprised in his heart. Feeling puzzled, he gradually arrived at a house in the corner of the west area. This house is not big, and you can see several houses inside, surrounded by a yard, and there are many weeds on the ground. Obviously, it has been uninhabited for a long time, and there is a sense of desolation, which is very obvious.

“Go in, the patriarch is waiting for you inside.” Outside the house, the three Xingtang clansmen spoke indifferently, turned around and left.

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes flickered slightly, and he faintly felt that there was indeed a vague aura in this house. With Bai Xiaochun’s cultivation, he could immediately judge that it was a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

“Meet me here, are you going to kill me?” Bai Xiaochun was startled, but he thought that he was a clone, and if something happened, the deity would be able to deal with it in time, so he went forward and opened the door of the house after thinking about it.

“Bai Hao, as a teacher, I entered such a dangerous place because of you. I want to see what kind of attitude your father has towards you.” The moment Bai Xiaochun entered the house, he saw someone in the yard. A man’s figure was facing away from him. Beside this man, there was a dry well. He seemed to be looking at the dry well.

There are some white strands in this person’s hair. Although he looks middle-aged, he is obviously a little old, and what is revealed on that slender figure at this moment is a sense of chilling.

The entire courtyard seemed very oppressed by the killing, as if a storm was about to come, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes fell on the man’s back, and then turned away to look around. After seeing this, he was stunned.

There are a lot of weeds in the yard, but they can’t cover up some children’s toys scattered around with wood nailed together, including small wooden horses, wooden figures, and a few rattles.

Those toys are very ingenious and delicate, they don’t look like those made by men, but more like toys made by mothers for their children.There were also some children’s clothes that were already broken and were scattered around. All of this made Bai Xiaochun feel an indescribable feeling in his heart for some reason.

Although he is not Bai Hao, his appearance is also a mask, but when he sees these children’s toys, he feels like he has really turned into Bai Hao.

“Could this be the place where Bai Hao grew up?” Bai Xiaochun stood there, staring at these toys, feeling some of Bai Hao’s possible emotions when he saw this situation, feeling sorry for him.

“I heard from Qi’er that you cheated on the family’s list of spirit refining, soul medicine and fire refining.” Just as Bai Xiaochun’s heart was complicated, the figure with his back turned to him spoke slowly.

The voice was cold, without any emotional fluctuations, and the tone was indifferent, as if talking to a stranger, but it had the intention of reprimanding, like a master scolding his servant.

Bai Xiaochun was silent, he didn’t know what to say, he sighed in his heart at this moment.

“Bai Hao, is this your father?”

“This is not the first time for you. It’s fine if you don’t seek to make progress. It’s fine if you steal Qi’er’s research on the fifteen-color fire. Now you have to cheat.” The cold voice was like a cold wind blowing. The patriarch, Bai Hao’s father, turned around with an indifferent and expressionless expression on his face. The aura radiating from his whole body was like ice. When he looked at Bai Xiaochun, he spoke indifferently as if he were looking at a stranger.

With this sentence, Bai Xiaochun understood that before Bai Hao died, he should have revealed his aptitude for refining fire, and wanted to gain his father’s approval, but he was obviously too naive.

The patriarch of the Bai family didn’t give Bai Hao the slightest chance at all. Maybe the patriarch of the Bai family understood everything, but it was still like this

“This incident shames me, and it violates the family law. According to the family rules, your cultivation should be revoked and you should be punished for ten years. Next time, then I will personally take action to clean up the house.” The head of the Bai family already had a murderous intent in his eyes, and his voice was like the wind of midwinter, which made Bai Xiaochun feel cold for Bai Hao.

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Glancing at Bai Xiaochun, the Bai family members seemed a little dissatisfied with Bai Xiaochun’s silence, he frowned, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes, he raised his right hand and pointed to the dry well beside him.

“Your mother died here back then. She was born as a maidservant, and died as a maidservant’s soul. Her destiny is to obey. As a bastard, I hope you can also learn to obey.”

“Do you understand?” The head of the Bai family said indifferently, with his hands behind his back.

“I don’t understand.” Bai Xiaochun raised his head abruptly. After the head of the Bai family pointed at the dry well, the anger in his heart could not be suppressed at this moment.

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