Escape from the Bai Family

The Celestial Ancestor made a move, but was unable to keep Bai Xiaochun. This scene immediately shocked the members of the Bai family. beyond their imagination.

They know that Bai Xiaochun is very strong here, but he is only forming an alchemy. Under the hands of the ancestor of heaven and man, even if he does not appear in real body, it is just a supernatural power, but it is the ancestor of heaven and man after all.

Apparently, they didn’t see the instant confrontation between the three clones of Bai Xiaochun and the big hand under the ancestor’s big hand magic power.

Seeing that Bai Xiaochun’s body was blurring rapidly at this moment, and was about to disappear, in the secret room of the underground palace, the patriarchs of the Bai family’s celestial beings also had gloomy faces, with cold eyes showing, and raised their right hand again, and with the lifting, his body swelled up obviously, At this moment, the body that seemed to be dry had the feeling of returning to normal human flesh and blood.

Especially his right hand, at this moment, emitted bursts of power that seemed to distort space, causing the sky to roar, as if the sky and the earth were about to collapse at this moment, and when it was lifted up, it was about to grab Bai Xiaochun.

But soon, his expression changed suddenly, this grab, no longer grabbed Bai Xiaochun, but grabbed the void sky

Almost at the moment when the patriarch of heaven and man grasped at the void sky, the entire sky was visible to the naked eye at this moment, and it instantly turned crimson red.

That is the twelve-color fire rain

The fire rain came whistling at an extremely fast speed, and immediately the Bai family members were all stunned and exclaimed.

“Rain of Fire”

“It’s Bai Hao, he made the fire rain last time.” Thinking that it was a fire rain of twelve colors, everyone’s expressions changed drastically, especially at this moment when the fire rain came, the high temperature melted stones and flowed gold, make the whole world, At this moment, it is like a melting pot.

The most important thing is that at this moment, the large formation is shattered. Although it is healing quickly, it is obviously not as good as when the rain of fire was able to block it. Obviously, this time, as long as the rain of fire falls, it will immediately follow. Those cracks came to the Bai family

And once it comes

The foundation of the Bai family must have suffered a great loss under the twelve-color fire. Even if the ancestor of the heavenly man made a move at that time, he alone could not save everyone.

Unless, before the rain of fire falls, block it out

This is a choice, whether to keep Bai Xiaochun, or to extinguish the heavenly fire, these two things, for the heavenly beings, any one can be done, but if they are done at the same time, there must be omissions

The choice of the patriarch of the Bai family’s celestial beings was to extinguish the sky fire. With his grasp, at the moment he grabbed it, a huge palm appeared out of thin air in the midair of the Bai family, and the fire rain falling towards the sky, like As if covering the sky, grabbing it fiercely

The palm was getting bigger and bigger in the process of grabbing it. In the blink of an eye, it became indescribably huge. It seemed to be a hundred thousand feet in size. In the roar, the fire cloud that was constantly grabbing towards the sky included Bai Xiaochun in it. Inside.

Apparently, the patriarch of the Bai family, he still has no intention of letting go of Bai Xiaochun.

But Bai Xiaochun is not an ordinary alchemy, he is the foundation of the heavenly way, the golden elixir of the heavenly way, and the three celestial soul clones. His combat power has already surpassed the limit of alchemy.

Even in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, it is enough to fight, and with the increase of his avatar, it is not impossible for the middle stage of Nascent Soul to suppress

The so-called solid accumulation, on the way of Bai Xiaochun’s achievement of Nascent Soul, is constantly highlighted

In the blink of an eye, the moment the big hand that was grabbing the sky touched Bai Xiaochun, Bai Xiaochun’s figure had completely disappeared, disintegrated, and moved out directly under the immortal restraint, leaving the Bai family

The loud noise reverberated, and the fire cloud in the sky was pinched by a big hand, and immediately collapsed and exploded, together with the fire rain, it also dissipated cleanly in the collapse of the fire cloud

In the underground palace, the patriarch of the Bai Family Heavenly Man looked gloomy and ugly, looking at the direction Bai Xiaochun was leaving in the distance, he raised his right foot, as if he wanted to chase after him himself, but after looking down at the seven green candles around him, he still gritted his teeth and endured it. down.

“Seven Lives and Heart Lamp, it’s the last moment, don’t go out easily.” While pondering, the patriarch of the Bai family took a deep breath, sat down cross-legged again, and sent an order to the Bai family outside.

“Hold my divine seal, take this boat, you can find Bai Hao’s trace, and you will capture him within seven days at most.” The divine consciousness of the ancestor of the heaven and man echoed in the voice of every elder in the Bai family at this moment. In the ears, these clan elders all shook their bodies, bowed their heads respectfully, and at the same time, in their minds, there was a seal of divine consciousness silently.

This seal can help them feel Bai Xiaochun’s direction. Although Bai Xiaochun escaped, the ancestor of the Bai family had already left a mark when he made a move. People can feel Bai Xiaochun’s position through his divine seal .

In addition to the divine seal, there are also nine soul boats that penetrate the earth from the underground palace and condense in mid-air. This is the method of the ancestors of heaven and humans.

The head of the Bai clan shook his body. When he raised his head, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his heart was crazy, but he dared not disobey the order of the ancestor. The ancestor said that he must be captured alive, but he had already thought Although it is possible to capture alive, the torture in the process is indispensable. He wants to let Bai Hao’s rebellious son know what it means to be in pain

At this moment, he flicked his sleeves, and after stepping on a soul boat, he raised his right hand and grabbed it in the direction of the Bai family ancestral hall.

“Ancestor, please give me the speed flag, and I will surely capture that rebellious son back.”

“Quite…” Following a deep voice from the underground palace, a ray of purple light roared out from the ancestral hall. It was a small flag, which was grabbed by the head of the Bai family.

“Nizi, no matter how far you teleport, you won’t be able to escape.” The head of the Bai family had a grim look on his face, and he roared away, the first one to fly out, chasing and killing Bai Xiaochun.

Mrs. Cai was trembling in the crowd at this moment, and at the same time, there was an infinite sadness in her heart, but also a strong indescribable resentment.

“Bai Hao, you bastard, I will peel off your skin, feed your meat to dogs, draw out your soul, and torture you forever and ever.”

The upheaval of the Bai family, following Bai Xiaochun’s escape, and the departure of the other two families and the envoys of the Giant Ghost City, cannot be hidden. It is conceivable that it will spread to all the forces within the Giant Ghost City within a short time.

This kind of incident is an unprecedented shame for the Bai family. Although those branch clansmen and clan elders had to go out to hunt and kill Bai Xiaochun under the order of their ancestors, most of them secretly dealt with this matter.

However, the main line of the Bai family is full of murderous intent. Almost all those who can be dispatched are dispatched, and they are constantly scattered, searching for traces of Bai Xiaochun. Once they are found, they will immediately transmit the sound. will go quickly.

Not only did they want to capture Bai Hao within seven days, but they also wanted to keep this matter in the bud before it spread too much.

When the Bai family was chasing and killing Bai Xiaochun, in a deep mountain some distance away from Bai Xiaochun, at this moment nothingness distorted, Bai Xiaochun’s figure quickly condensed,After staggering a few steps, a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth.

“I still underestimated heaven and man.” Bai Xiaochun couldn’t help trembling, his face was pale, he was in the Bai family before, he was stiff, but now there is no one around, only himself, his fear is revealed.

After taking several breaths in a row, Bai Xiaochun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked around when he turned his head. At this moment, recalling the previous scene, he also had lingering fears, and felt that he had saved his life without using his half-conscious soul.

“His grandma, you can’t be so impulsive in the future, it’s too insecure.” Bai Xiaochun shook his head and smiled wryly. When he first went to Bai’s house, he felt that he seemed to be much more courageous than before.

Right now, hurry up and correct your mistakes

“The sky is big and the earth is big, my little life is the biggest!” Bai Xiaochun cried, thinking of how many things he had prepared in order to escape smoothly, such as soul nails, teleportation talismans, death ban, and the fire rain secret method, and even counted the time, But even so, he still escaped from the sky at the very nick of time.

As long as one less is prepared, I am afraid that this time he will have to use the semi-divine soul, and once he uses it, he is not fully sure that he can solve everything.

“Bai Xiaochun, you have to remember the lesson well. If you encounter this kind of thing in the future, you need to prepare more backup methods.” Bai Xiaochun took out the little spiritual liquid left in the storage bag, took a sip, and recovered Xiu Wei took out the jade slips, and at the same time sent voice transmissions to Zhou Yixing and Li Feng, asking them to wait for him in a specific place.

These two people were indirectly involved in Bai Xiaochun’s chaos in the Bai family this time, coupled with their previous performance, although Bai Xiaochun felt that they could be trusted reluctantly, he also kept his mind on it and didn’t plan to really go over.

When he lowered his head at this moment, he glanced at the celestial beings and earth souls in the storage bag, his eyes were burning.

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