Promoted to Whiphand

At this moment, the members of the ninth team outside the cage could not see the picture inside the skull, all they could see was a pitch-black mist, which was so thick that even if they checked it with their spiritual sense, it was still blurry.

“What is Bai Hao doing?”

“Lonely with the felon like this, and covered with fog, could it be that there is some kind of conspiracy?”

“Something’s wrong” Gradually, the jailers whispered to each other, some disdainful, some frowned, even the captain became suspicious, thinking that he might have been a little reckless before.

“I told you before, this person.” Zhao Feng sneered, with his arms crossed in front of his chest, his eyes still had contempt when he looked at the cage, he had just spoken halfway, and he hadn’t finished it yet, but right here Suddenly, there was a crazy roar, which suddenly came out from the prison shrouded in black mist.

The roaring sound shocked everyone’s hearts. The sound came from Laomo Zhou as soon as they heard it. It seemed that they were suppressed to the extreme and could not release it. They could only vent it by roaring.

“What’s going on?” Everyone immediately looked over, their expressions changed, full of surprise, the voice was really weird, they had tortured Zhou Laomo for several days before, although the other party also screamed, but never like this Depressed growl.

But before everyone could react, the roar became more and more intense, and in the end, it was almost connected together, like hysteria, revealing endless madness, and even screaming.

“What did you eat for me”

“Ahhh, damn it,damn it”

“Let me out!” The roar was mixed with the roar, and the tone of the voice was so shrill that everyone outside who heard it began to feel terrified.

The jailers of the ninth team all stared at each other. You must know that Zhou Laomo had never been like this under their torture for the past few days, but right now, the voice seemed to be begging for mercy.

“Bai Hao, what did he do?” Everyone gasped, and the captain was shocked. Zhao Feng’s expression kept changing at the moment, and even the gray-robed prisoners who were not far away were all fierce. He opened his eyes wide, shocked by the old devil’s roar this week.

This roaring and screaming did not last long, and when the shock in everyone’s hearts had not calmed down, it was gradually replaced by a shrill scream. The scream was earth-shattering, and seemed to contain unimaginable torture, and the pain penetrated to the marrow. It was enough to make everyone who heard it terrified.

Even the people in the Ninth Squad, as jailers, heard too many screams, but none of them were like this. The desperation and despair of the voice gave people a strong feeling that life would be worse than death, and they also Hearing that, the hairs stand on end.

“This voice is suppressed to the extreme, but it can’t erupt, which forms the madness”

“Oh my god, how did Bai Hao do it?”

“For Zhou Laomo to make such a sound here, this criminal law is already more than half successful. No one can persist in such depression and inability to explode for too long.”

Everyone was shocked, and the captain’s breath also became short of breath. Zhao Feng’s body trembled slightly. As a whipper, he knew that in the realm of whippers, this kind of depressive but unable to explode can be said to be very powerful. a difficult means.

“Is it impossible for him to be a whip?” Zhao Feng still showed a trace of unwillingness in his eyes. He felt that the old devil Zhou was extraordinary, and he might be able to persevere in this depression.

At this moment, Zhou Laomo’s screams became more and more sharp, with madness and indescribable pain, even the prisoners in the other cages all around were shocked.

“The old devil’s bones were very hard this week, but now it’s like this”

“Who is that little doll who went in just now?”

During the whole process, that is, about half an hour later, Laomo Zhou’s wailing and begging for mercy came from inside the cage.

“I say, I say everything, I tell you the treasure”

“Shut up, your grandpa Bai doesn’t want to know about the treasure”

“Master Bai, I was wrong. I was really wrong. Please let me go.” The dialogue from the prison left everyone outside dumbfounded. They couldn’t believe what they heard. This time, no one talked about it. Their gazes were all concentrated in that cage. They couldn’t imagine what kind of torture the old devil Zhou had endured that day, and he begged for mercy.

However, Bai Hao was so cruel that he ignored it at all. It seemed that Bai Hao’s pleasure was not for the answer, but for enjoying the process of persecution.

This scene made everyone tremble with fear and shudder at the same time, especially Zhou Laomo’s screams, which lasted for half a stick of incense during the begging for mercy, until they gradually weakened and began to dissipate, the fog in the cage also shuddered. Dissipated in the tumbling, Bai Xiaochun’s figure, with his hands behind his back at this moment, his chin raised slightly, his expression indifferent, but his eyes revealed satisfaction, he walked out step by step, and as he walked out, a sense of arrogance began to appear from him.

When he walked out, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone around him, whether it was the jailer, the gray-robed prisoners, or the felons in other cages around him, all of them stared fiercely at this moment.

Bai Xiaochun was dressed as usual, and he looked the same as when he first entered. Soon, these people suddenly turned to look at the cage, and the moment they saw the inside of the cage clearly, they burst into exclamations and burst into voices.

“oh my god”

“He is Old Devil Zhou”

“This Bai Hao, what did he do to the old devil this week?”

Inside the cage, Zhou Laomo’s originally tall body was almost withered at this moment, as if there was an internal fire burning in his body, burning most of his life and soul, and taking away the fire of life.

His whole body was wilted, squatting in a corner, trembling all over his body, and his body was full of scratches, and there were even bones and internal organs in many places.

And obviously, he caught it himself

And his eyes, when looking at Bai Xiaochun’s back at this moment, are full of fear. It is difficult to describe it as fear, as if the Bai Xiaochun in his eyes is the most beautiful person in the world.

Section reading 409

Horrific vicious ghosts, this kind of gaze appeared on Zhou Laomo’s body, which no one could have imagined, let alone seen before. That kind of fear seemed to have become Zhou Laomo’s nightmare, deeply imprinted on him. In my mind, it will only get deeper and deeper as time goes by, and it will never end with my life.

This scene made everyone’s breathing stagnate for a moment. Compared with Bai Xiaochun who walked out swaggeringly, the contrast was too great, and this week the old devil was extremely arrogant half an hour ago, and half an hour later, he ended up like this.

All this made everyone around, whether it was a jailer or a prisoner, look at Bai Xiaochun with solemn expressions, even showing awe.

In the awe of the crowd, Bai Xiaochun walked up to the captain proudly, holding a jade slip in his hand.After being thrown, the jade almost ran to the captain.

“He recruited.” Bai Xiaochun sensed the eyes of the people around him, felt very proud inside, coughed lightly, opened his mouth lightly, put his hands behind his back, raised his chin, and walked into the distance with an unfathomable aura.

The captain of the ninth team was dumbfounded. After taking the jade slip in a daze, when he looked at Bai Xiaochun’s back, he seemed to be looking at a god.

After Zhao Feng also stopped breathing for a while, he took a deep breath and approached the prison cell in a flash. After carefully observing Zhou Laomo who was shivering in the corner, his eyeballs were about to pop out, and his body trembled violently. .

“No trace of criminal law”

“A roar that is suppressed but unable to erupt”

“Obviously he has already been recruited, but he directly refuses, which creates an illusion for the prisoner as if the torture will not stop, and he himself feels as if he is immersed in the punishment and enjoys it.”

“Oh my God, this is the highest level of a whipman. This Bai Hao, he is not a whipper. He is the best whipper. He is a black whip.” Zhao Feng raised his head fiercely, looking at Bai Xiaochun’s back, trembling with excitement. In the middle, his eyes showed fanaticism.

Although he didn’t like Bai Xiaochun before, but the current scene made him overturn his thoughts. As a whip, he admired Bai Xiaochun’s methods to the extreme at this moment, and the fanaticism in his eyes became more intense.

“Brother Bai, wait for me!” Zhao Feng was excited, and went straight to Bai Xiaochun. The other jailers in the ninth team also looked at Bai Xiaochun with reverence. If they can be opened, not only will the reputation of their ninth team increase, there will even be treasures to share, and they will immediately reverse their attitude towards Bai Xiaochun.

Even the captain’s eyes lit up after he took a quick breath. He deeply knew what such a whipman meant to Team Ninth, so he immediately chased after him, surrounded by Bai Xiaochun .

The grey-robed prisoners around, as well as the felons in the cage, looked at Bai Xiaochun surrounded by those jailers, and at Zhou Laomo who was curled up there. don’t mess with that whipper

This kind of whip is almost the nightmare of all prisoners

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