Too Domineering

“Besides, I didn’t take a good stroll around this giant ghost city.” Thinking of this, Bai Xiaochun stood up, turned into a rainbow and went away. After leaving the prison, he took the jailer’s identity token and left the prison. After the stone tortoise’s left eye flew out, as the light of the identity token spread out, the surrounding black water was also isolated.

Bai Xiaochun went up all the way, and soon he rushed straight out of the water. It was noon at this moment, and the whole giant ghost city was quite lively. There were also many people outside the moat.

The roar of the water attracted the attention of many soul cultivators. After seeing Bai Xiaochun flying out of the water, everyone was stunned, but soon realized Bai Xiaochun’s identity. After all, he could appear inside the moat. usually in the dungeon

“The Man of the Devil”

“Magic Prison”

The magic prison is an extremely terrifying place for the vast majority of soul cultivators in the giant ghost city. At this moment, everyone restrained their voices and quickly looked away.

Even when Bai Xiaochun flew out of the moat, there was a group of guards patrolling in the sky in the distance. In an instant, the guards’ eyes turned to Bai Xiaochun, but they obviously saw Bai Xiaochun’s identity, and they didn’t want to provoke the magic prison. , So pretended not to see and left.

“The people in the magic prison have such status.” Bai Xiaochun was very surprised. Although he had heard many rumors about the magic prison before, but now, as a jailer of the magic prison, he experienced it personally, and the feeling was even stronger.

“In this way, it’s not bad to be a jailer.” Bai Xiaochun coughed dryly, and walked on the streets of Giant Ghost City, while sending a voice transmission to Zhou Yixing, asking him to come to see him, while looking around, looking for shops that could exchange innocent souls.

Zhou Yixing is also in the giant ghost city, but it is a little far away from Bai Xiaochun’s place, and he cannot fly in this giant ghost city, so he is rushing from there at the moment.

While Bai Xiaochun was waiting, he also saw a few shops selling innocent souls while wandering in the street. These shops were large and small, the big ones were very luxurious, and the small ones were also extremely delicate, but when Bai Xiaochun went in to inquire, he was depressed. I found out that the souls in these shops are actually in short supply. Although the shops are open, they only accept and do not sell.

After going to seven or eight houses in a row, it was like this, which made Bai Xiaochun feel strange.

“What’s the matter, these stores that specialize in selling innocent souls have no souls?” Bai Xiaochun became a little anxious, he went out to buy souls, so he went to another street, and after going to seven or eight stores in a row, he still had no souls to buy Shocked, Bai Xiaochun became a little anxious, grabbed a clerk in a relatively large shop, and asked.

“What’s the matter with no soul?”

“Who knows what’s going on, I’m soulless, why are you arresting me, maybe you want to refine me into a soul” The guy stared at Bai Xiaochun.

He has been in Giant Ghost City for many years, and he has already developed a pair of sharp eyes that he thinks he thinks. He can judge the identity of the guests with a glance on weekdays. Looking at Bai Xiaochun now, and hearing his question, he immediately understands that this is an outsider. .

He naturally didn’t care about such an outsider, his eyes were staring at this moment, and just about to continue to scold him, Bai Xiaochun was also irritated by the attitude of the other party, and he also stared, thinking that even the patrolling guards saw him from He flew out of the moat and stayed in the air for a while, as if he didn’t want to provoke him, so he took out the token of the prison guard on his body.

“Do you have the guts to say one more thing?” Bai Xiaochun put the token on the guy’sOn the forehead, he shouted angrily.

The guy was a little impatient, but when he saw Bai Xiaochun took out the identity token of the magic prison, and almost stuck it on his forehead, after carefully identifying it, he immediately gasped, his scalp exploded, and his whole body After shivering for a moment, a smile appeared on his face immediately.

“Forgive me, my lord. Now in the entire giant ghost city, there are not many shops that still have souls, and they have all been bought away.” This guy has been in the giant ghost city all year round, and he knows who he can’t offend. Among them, the jailer of the magic prison is among them.

In fact, it is rumored that it is a place that makes ghosts and gods tremble. According to the legend, the jailers inside are all vicious, especially the whippers inside, which are even more cruel.

“Bought it all away.” Bai Xiaochun was slightly calm, and then frowned.

“Yes, the three major families have been collecting souls on a large scale in the past few years. It is said that they are preparing for the successor of Styx. If you need it urgently, my lord still has some remnants in my shop, not many.” The man, he opened his mouth quickly, thinking that he offended him with his previous words, he groaned inwardly, he clasped his fists at Bai Xiaochun quickly, and retreated to the inner hall, preparing to fetch the remaining souls in the shop, and expel the people from this magic prison as soon as possible.

“It’s too domineering. For the sake of the heir of the Underworld Emperor, you actually bought out all your souls.” Bai Xiaochun was depressed. He didn’t expect that the matter of an heir to the Underworld Emperor, who was originally far away from him, would affect him now.

Thinking that I will need a lot of souls to make fire in the future, but if I can’t buy them in the giant ghost city, then it will be very difficult for me to make fire in the future.

“What should I do? These three major families are too much. When I was in the Bai family, I should have searched more.” Withholding, Zhou Yixing should have gained a lot now, and some of the hundreds of years-old criminals are soul refiners, and most of their wealth is souls.

Just as Bai Xiaochun was pondering over here, the clerk of this shop came out from the back hall, holding a soul pagoda, and quickly walked up to Bai Xiaochun, nodding and bowing, with a smile on his face.

“My lord, there are 100,000 souls in it, that’s all, it’s really not much.”

Bai Xiaochun swept his spiritual sense, and although the number of these souls was far from what he needed, they were still better than nothing, so he reluctantly nodded, and was about to buy them, but at this moment, suddenly, from outside the shop, a A lazy voice.

“My lord wants these souls.” As the voice echoed, two young men walked in from outside the shop. The two were dressed luxuriously, as if they were woven from silk threads spun by some kind of silkworm, and there was a faint glow Connotation, even if you look carefully, it has been refined seven times.

You must know that in the wilderness, although there are more spirit refinements, the success rate is actually the same as in Tongtian World. The more spirit refinements, the greater the chance of failure.

Once it fails, it will be destroyed. It can be said that any magic item that has been refined many times, unless it is particularly unlucky, must have been piled up with countless resources after failing many times.

But these two people have cultivated the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen, but they have this kind of treasure clothes, which are obviously different from ordinary people, and behind them are seven or eight middle-aged soul cultivators. Most of these seven or eight people are also Foundation Establishment, but inside There are two soul cultivators, the eyes contain the essence of light, and they are cultivated to form alchemy

And they seemed to be servants, which made the two young people stand out immediately, obviously either rich or noble.

Bai Xiaochun was also dazzled by the clothes on these two people. At this moment, there was a “hissing” sound of breathing from beside him. When he looked sideways, he saw that the guy next to him changed his face and suddenly appeared With a smile that was even more hospitable to Bai Xiaochun just now, he ran over quickly.

“The young one has met Mr. Chen and Mr. Cai.”

“Cai wants these souls.” One of the young men said lightly, and he didn’t even look at Bai Xiaochun when he came in. Although his tone was flat at the moment, it was very obvious that he was condescending. As he said that, a servant immediately stepped forward behind him, proudly took out a storage bag, and was about to take away the soul tower.

When Bai Xiaochun saw this, he quit immediately.

“Wait a minute, I bought these souls first.” Bai Xiaochun was a little annoyed.

The two young men looked at Bai Xiaochun coldly, even though they saw that Bai Xiaochun was cultivating alchemy, they didn’t care about it, and obviously they didn’t recognize Bai Hao from the Bai family.

“Twice the value of the soul medicine.” That Mr. Cai said lightly, he didn’t pay attention to this place after finishing speaking, and walked out of the shop with a laughing chat with the patriarch of the Chen family beside him, as if to him, this was just a trivial matter.

Bai Xiaochun immediately felt humiliated, especially when he saw the guy on the side peeking at him with a look of watching the excitement, Bai Xiaochun felt that they were bullying too much and couldn’t bear it anymore, so he strode forward, big Roar.

“I pay three times”

Outside the “Ten Times” shop, the direct descendant of the Cai family didn’t turn his head, a sense of wealth and wealth, which was particularly strong when these words came out.

The two of them are the direct descendants of the Chen family and the Cai family among the three major families. This time, they are responsible for continuously buying the souls of all the shops in the giant ghost city. Although the 100,000 souls are not many, the patriarch of their family gave The requirement is to buy as many souls as possible

Bai Xiaochun became angry again, thenThis feeling of being slapped in the face with wealth made him very dissatisfied, and he was about to speak, but at this moment, suddenly, the sound transmission jade slip in Bai Xiaochun’s storage bag vibrated rapidly. With a sweep of Bai Xiaochun’s spiritual sense, Zhou Yixing’s nervous and anxious voice immediately rang out in Bai Xiaochun’s mind.

“I’m on the east side of the teleportation array in Giant Ghost City. Someone wants to kill me and grab those souls that belong to you, master. Help me, master.”

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