Heavenly King’s Decree

No one can guess the truth of the giant ghost king’s mind. Everything looks like showing the enemy’s weakness and luring the snake out of the hole, but it also looks like some kind of compromise

The more you know the inside story, the stronger this feeling is, and the identity of the giant ghost king as a demigod naturally puts a lot of pressure on the three major families.

This time Mr. Wuchang’s trip, the ancestors of the gods and humans in the three major families were all in shock, but they all put forward their own demands in unison, and some of the demands sounded a little too much.

This is a thought intentionally conveyed by the ancestors of their three major families. Making these demands actually means that they have no intention of rebellion. It is simpler, it seems that there is no need to ask the giant ghost king to order now.

But even the patriarch of the Bai family didn’t expect that just after he made the request, within a day, the giant ghost king issued a royal decree and sent him directly to the magic prison

“Bai Hao betrayed his family, deceived his father and murdered his brother, and used vicious methods to deprive Bai Hao of his status as a prison guard, and sent him to the magic prison, where he was taken into custody as a prisoner.”

This news immediately surprised many people in the giant ghost city. It is true that Bai Xiaochun has caused a lot of troubles during this period and has a great reputation. Now he is actually detained, which immediately caused a sensation.

In Baijiacheng, Mrs. Cai listened

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After talking about this matter, she immediately became ecstatic. Although Bai Xiaochun hadn’t been killed yet, thinking of the cruelty in the legendary prison, Mrs. Cai felt that she was temporarily outraged.

Discussions from the outside world were not transmitted to the prison, but to Bai Xiaochun, he was dumbfounded the moment the order came, especially when he was still meditating in the room the moment before, but the next moment, Ding Qu Sun Peng and all the jailers inside surrounded the place where he was.

The feeling of hell in the sky and the next second made Bai Xiaochun almost cry.

“Is this a misunderstanding?” Bai Xiaochun looked at the familiar jailers around him helplessly, and said pitifully and indignantly.

The jailers in District D have a lot of affection for Bai Xiaochun here, and all of them are hesitant at this moment, looking at Bai Xiaochun with complex and sympathetic eyes, but they dare not violate the imperial edict, at this moment they can only sigh secretly, and clasped fists at Bai Xiaochun one after another.

“Brother Bai Hao, there is nothing we can do.”

“Bai Hao, please feel wronged first, maybe after a while, the prince’s anger will subside, and it will be fine.”

“Bai Hao, don’t worry, you are from my district Ding. Even if you are imprisoned, you will be detained in Ding district. It’s no big deal, it’s just an identity. With us, no one in the Ding district prison will try to make things difficult for you.” The captain of Team Nine spoke loudly.

He was also very uncomfortable. As soon as the words came out, most of the jailers in the D district nodded. They have gained a lot of benefits because of Bai Xiaochun’s interrogation these days. In addition, Bai Xiaochun knows how to be a man and is tactful in handling things. , have a good relationship with each other.

They can’t disobey the imperial decree, but they can use their power to treat Bai Xiaochun kindly in this small area.

“Bai Hao, it’s just a change of clothes. We are here to eat and drink. You are no different from before. Whenever you want to go out for a stroll, just tell us.” Sun Peng, the head of Ding District, also coughed. , and opened his mouth to Bai Xiaochun.

Seeing that the matter was settled, although Bai Xiaochun was depressed and wronged, there was nothing he could do about it. Fortunately, he was very popular in this magic prison. Hearing everyone’s words at this moment, Bai Xiaochun felt warm in his heart. With a long sigh, he reluctantly left the residence, accompanied by everyone Next, go to Ding District Prison.

After entering, the gray-robed prisoners in the prison were also dumbfounded after knowing this, and even many of them were interrogated by Bai XiaochunThe felons in the past were all extremely excited, and there was a feeling that you, Bai Hao, had the same feeling today.

It’s just that this feeling has just appeared. Following the captains of the ten squads in District D, everyone fiercely warned all the prisoners, and even Sun Peng put it on the line that even if Bai Xiaochun wasn’t a jailer, he was still their prisoner in District D. After the whipman made such a gesture, the prisoners in Ding District Prison despaired again.

They felt that Bai Xiaochun might as well not be a prisoner. In the past, they would be nervous when it was Bai Xiaochun’s turn to patrol, but now that Bai Xiaochun was going to be here all year round, they became even more terrified when they thought of the terrible consequences.

The most exaggerated thing is that Bai Xiaochun has not been sealed and cultivated here

This kind of treatment made all the prisoners here feel uneasy and uneasy. After a long while, amidst Bai Xiaochun’s reluctant farewell, the jailer in District D left.

Bai Xiaochun was dejected, found an empty skull cell, walked in by himself, sat cross-legged and let out a long sigh.

“It’s too fast. I was still a prison guard before, and I was still a black whip. The first whip is now a prisoner.”

“Isn’t this playing with me? Giant ghost king, old fellow, you said that since you wanted to keep me at the beginning, why bother to embarrass me now?”

“You are a demigod, the three major families have rebelled, and you will end up killing them. Why bother me? I despise you on behalf of Bai Hao.” The game between the giant ghost king and the three major families.

“I don’t know what the three major families rely on. Damn it, the matter between them and the giant ghost king has nothing to do with me.” Bai Xiaochun scratched his hair, feeling even more depressed, and stared blankly around, Sigh again.

“It’s a good thing these old brothers didn’t seal my cultivation, otherwise, I would be really miserable here.” Bai Xiaochun rejoiced, and when he looked around, he saw an old man sitting cross-legged in the cell next to him .

The old man was expressionless, with a red birthmark on his face, and he was meditating with his eyes closed. Bai Xiaochun took a few glances and recognized that this person was the one introduced by the captain. years of people.

Thinking of this, a feeling of sympathy for each other arises spontaneously in Bai Xiaochun’s heart.

“Fellow Daoist, you also offended the giant ghost king, oh, I’m the same as you.” Bai Xiaochun shouted.

The old man turned a deaf ear to it, as if he hadn’t heard it, he still closed his eyes and ignored it.

“Your cultivation base has been sealed, so stop meditating all the time, it’s useless, come on, let’s chat, that damned giant ghost king, this guy is really worthless.” The more Bai Xiaochun thought about it, the more angry he became, and he shouted again.

It’s just that no matter how Bai Xiaochun opened his mouth, the old man kept his eyes closed. Gradually, Bai Xiaochun also developed a temper.

“Pretend not to hear it, right? What’s the big deal, I didn’t offend you.” Bai Xiaochun was already depressed, seeing the old man ignore him, so he snorted, leaning against the prison wall, thinking of his own tragic experience, sighed When I got up, I infinitely missed my glory as the commander of the Great Wall, and I missed Nihezong even more.

“My Jun Wan, and my little sister, I miss you all.” Bai Xiaochun stretched his face, and he was even more angry with the mortal woman and Chen Hetian in his heart.

But it was useless to be sullen. After a while, Bai Xiaochun could only pull himself together. After sitting down cross-legged, he began to think about what to do next, but he couldn’t find a solution after much deliberation. I tried it before as a jailer, but I couldn’t escape the magic prison.

Not to mention becoming a prisoner now, all this gave Bai Xiaochun a strong sense of crisis, but he couldn’t find a way out.

“The damn giant ghost king and the Bai family are not good things.” Bai Xiaochun gritted his teeth.

“Right now, we can only wait for the three major families to rebel. If they win, they will definitely come to kill me. At that time, I will shatter half of my soul and rush out.” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes were a little sharp.

“If the giant ghost king wins, I should still have a chance to survive. Let the captain help me talk to prison head Sun to see if the warden can remind me of the giant ghost king and let me go.”

Bai Xiaochun rubbed the center of his brows. Of these two possibilities, if the latter is better, if the former is inevitable, a life-and-death catastrophe is inevitable. Thinking of the life-and-death battle, Bai Xiaochun’s heart trembled, but there was a hint of madness in his eyes.

“They forced me to do this.” Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, and after making up his mind, he closed his eyes and meditated, trying to keep himself at the peak at any time, and if there was a problem, he could take action quickly.

Time passed, and half a month passed quickly. In the past half month, although Bai Xiaochun was always prepared, the situation was calm. No one came to trouble him. Even the jailers from District D would laugh and chat with him every day when they came. Fan, sent wine and meat, and took good care of him here.

To Bai Xiaochun, it seemed that he really just changed his residence and changed his clothes. He even tried to mention that he wanted to go for a walk, but he was allowed. All this made Bai Xiaochun feel better.

Not only that, even people from other districts came over from time to time, and respectfully asked Bai Xiaochun to help them with the torture, after all, Bai Xiaochun was the number one black whip in the prison.

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