Brother, I am here to save you

It took less than 20 hours for the rebellion in the giant ghost city to happen.

In this short period of time, for the various forces and soul cultivators in the giant ghost city, the changes that have occurred are so great, and the reversal is unimaginable, it is simply appalling.

From the trial of King Jiuyou, the rebellion of the six heavenly princes, the attack by the four great heavenly beings, until the giant ghost king lost and his figure disappeared, this is only the first part. Soon, after discovering that the one who disappeared was actually a doppelganger, the second part ends here Expand.

The whole city searched for the giant ghost king himself, but at this moment, Bai Hao appeared, tied the giant ghost king himself, and appeared in front of everyone. Even after many years, everything after that will still remain in the hearts of everyone.

The three heavenly beings were hit hard, and Bai Hao escaped from the giant ghost city with the giant ghost king

From this moment on, the name Bai Hao became famous in the giant ghost city. It is even conceivable that it would not be long before word of this giant ghost city would spread throughout the wilderness.

But at this moment, in a mountain range more than 100,000 miles away from the giant ghost city, Bai Xiaochun is rushing forward. His face is pale and he does not turn his head. Behind him is an old man with gray hair. This old man seems to be withered and wrinkled. There are many, the breath seems to be absent, and even if you don’t look carefully, you will think it is a dead body.

This old man is the giant ghost king. I don’t know if it is the cause of the soul blood or the decay period of himself. At this moment, he has completely passed out, and even his almost immortal body has weakened. A sharp blade can also penetrate his body and cause his death.

Bai Xiaochun’s aura was very unstable. A few hours ago, after he and the Giant Ghost King were teleported here, the Giant Ghost King fell into a coma, and Bai Xiaochun himself was also severely injured. It was because his injuries had accumulated to a certain extent before, and the soul blood did not For the purpose of healing, although it broadened Bai Xiaochun’s path and allowed him to experience the state of a demigod in a short period of time, but the disappearance after one blow seemed to ignite the injury, making Bai Xiaochun feel weak.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaochun’s body was strong, so he gritted his teeth to prevent himself from going unconscious. He looked at the giant ghost queen complicatedly, and instead of continuing to grab the giant ghost king’s neck, he carried him on his back and moved forward rapidly.

Bai Xiaochun understands that this time the matter is too big, the three big families will never die, and there are six heavenly lords, because Bai Xiaochun used too many teleportation formations before, their speed is not as good as the heavenly man, so Bai Xiaochun didn’t meet them.

But it is conceivable that no matter whether it is the three major families or the six princes, they will definitely try their best to search for him, and they have so many means, Bai Xiaochun can’t hope that he will not be found.

“Fortunately, it won’t take too long. If you persist for a few days, the giant ghost king will be able to recover. But he gave me a drop of soul blood, so I don’t know if it will be affected.” Bai Xiaochun sighed, frowning, if the giant ghost king didn’t give him That’s all for soul blood, and when he had to throw it away, he wouldn’t feel guilty or uneasy, but now, he couldn’t do such a thing.

In Bai Xiaochun’s heart, he has his principles for kindness. Bai Xiaochun’s heart is also touched by the kindness of the giant ghost king.

“That’s all.” Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, carried the giant ghost king on his back, and continued to escape, speeding all the way, galloping past this mountain forest.

It was dusk now, and the night would soon fall. Bai Xiaochun wanted to continue running away, but his injuries were serious, and he couldn’t take it anymore. Moreover, the aura of the giant ghost king was even weaker. Bai Xiaochun couldn’t even feel it many times. There is the giant ghost king’s body, which is slowly freezing.

This made Bai Xiaochun anxious. After digging a cave in a mountain, Bai Xiaochun quickly mobilized the few cultivations in his body, formed a fire, and placed it in front of the giant ghost king.

But the giant ghost king’s complexion was still pale, and the coldness of his whole body remained unchanged.The breath is also weaker.

“You can’t die.” Bai Xiaochun stood up anxiously, slapped the storage bag, took out the healing medicine, and quickly fed it to the Giant Ghost King, but it didn’t work.

“What should I do, what should I do?” Bai Xiaochun wanted to ask the little tortoise, but the little tortoise disappeared again, and angry threats were useless. Bai Xiaochun

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In desperation, looking sadly at the even colder Giant Ghost King, he suddenly slapped his thigh.

“Yes…” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes lit up, he thought of a way to warm up the giant ghost king’s body, but he hesitated for a while.

“Brother Giant Ghost King, I’m here to save you, and I mean it kindly.” Bai Xiaochun spoke quickly, regardless of whether the Giant Ghost King could hear him or not. After speaking, he took out a heat pill from the storage bag and stuffed it into the giant In the mouth of the ghost king.

Bai Xiaochun remembered that every time those prisoners took the estrus pill, they were all hot and sweating all over their bodies. At this moment, they were dead horses as a living horse doctor, and felt that one pill might not be enough, so he endured the pain in his heart, took out a few more pills, and fed them to the giant ghost king. went in.

Soon, the giant ghost king’s whole body shook, and his cold body actually slowly recovered some temperature, and the gloomy breath also fluctuated, as if it had improved.

This scene immediately made Bai Xiaochun heave a sigh of relief, with a proud expression on his face, he felt that he was really a genius, and the medicine he created could not only interrogate, but also save people.

“Geniuses are always lonely, alas.” Bai Xiaochun coughed dryly, feeling relieved, he knew that if this giant ghost king died, he would really be done playing, and everything before was useless.

Now that he calmed down, Bai Xiaochun recalled the scenes in the giant ghost city, palpitations and fear, and sullenly concluded secretly.

“I was impulsive. I shouldn’t have listened to the little turtle’s three heavenly beings. I escaped from their hands.” Bai Xiaochun couldn’t help but took a deep breath. Before in the Giant Ghost City, he had put in everything and worked hard. If there was a slight mistake in it, he would die without a place to bury him.

“I said I won’t take risks anymore, but why did I take risks again?” Bai Xiaochun frowned, he felt that his personality seemed to have changed a little, and he seemed to be a little more courageous.

“This is not a good thing.” Bai Xiaochun was a little worried, looked at the giant ghost queen, then looked up at the bright moon looming in the dark sky outside, and sighed again.

“I hope what the little turtle said is true and the giant ghost king will recover in a few days.” Bai Xiaochun sat there, feeling uneasy and tense. At this moment, the surroundings were quiet, and his tired mind also relaxed with the tranquility, and he couldn’t help it. In my mind, scenes of my aura reaching heaven and man, and demigod emerged.

Gradually, his eyes showed confusion, and that confusion was also mixed with longing.

“Heaven and man used to feel that way, and demigod seems to be able to break through the world.” Bai Xiaochun’s breathing gradually became rapid, and the images and feelings of himself fused into the soul blood, and those feelings, were all branded in his mind. In his heart, rare, in Bai Xiaochun’s mind, at this moment, he became more attached to making himself stronger.

“I want to be a celestial being. I want to be a demigod. I think demigods can live longer.” In Bai Xiaochun’s thoughts of wanting to become stronger, he added the emphasis on Shouyuan, and he immediately became more eager.

Time passed, and before the night passed, Bai Xiaochun took a short rest and realized that the giant ghost king’s body was no longer so cold, so he put him on his back again, rushed out of the cave, and flew further away.

In this way, except for the necessary rest, Bai Xiaochun was moving forward almost all the time. Finally, three days have passed. In these three days, the giant ghost king is still in a coma, and there is no sign of waking up. Here, Bai Xiaochun, the healing time Not much, but fortunately, his physical body is strong, and he has recovered half of his injuries.

But the anxiety in his heart became more and more intense. He knew that as time passed, if the giant ghost king did not wake up again, the three major families might catch up.

Finally, at dusk on the third day, Bai Xiaochun, who was flying, suddenly changed his expression, and the entire sky, at this moment, the clouds and mist rolled, as if there was a sound of opening the sky, roaring in all directions

“Bai Hao” gritted his teeth, and with a voice of endless resentment, following the sound of the opening of the sky, echoing between the heaven and the earth, Bai Xiaochun raised his head suddenly, and immediately saw the three that stood out in the sky at this moment, each with a size of several hundred feet. majestic face

It is the ancestor of the three families

And the one who spoke was the patriarch of the Cai family who had lost his physical body. The murderous intent in his eyes made the lightning come from all directions, especially the lightning, which contained a strong metallic meaning. It is the ultimate in metallicity

The ancestors of the Bai family and the ancestors of the Chen family beside him also had solemn expressions. When they looked at Bai Xiaochun, they seemed to have lost the contempt they once had, but regarded him as an existence that could have the same status as himself and others.

This kind of gaze, if seen by outsiders who don’t understand the situation, must feel inconceivable. You must know that it is a heavenly being, and Bai Xiaochun is just a golden elixir, but this is the respect of the strong that Bai Xiaochun has won with his own strength.

Especially the patriarch of the Bai family, there was a strange light in his eyes, which flashed by.

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